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Posts posted by ElectroEsper

  1. Still giving me objectives... Odd... Especially if you say it shouldn't happen.

    Edit : Did figure it out somehow...

    Had to use this on top of what you told me.

    RydHQD_SubAll = false;

    RydHQD_SubSynchro = false;

    RydHQE_SubAll = false;

    RydHQE_SubSynchro = false;

    RydHQF_SubAll = false;

    RydHQF_SubSynchro = false;

    RydHQG_SubAll = false;

    RydHQG_SubSynchro = false;

  2. So, to be clear, you can set a player as the leader, and have him being targeted right? But you need to give him objective to not get code error, correct?

    Also, do I need to put friendly units and vehicles into the unit arrays (in the init.sqf) the same as I would put HAL controlled ones? Even if said units/vehicles are players and or to be used by players?

  3. Hi, having an issue here.

    Any time I use more than one LeaderHQ (for exemple now I have leaderHQ,leaderHQB,leaderHQC), no debug show on the map, and the leaders do not send out any kind of missions, nor move any troops.

    I suspect something that would be conflicting in my config, as .RPT shows absolutely no error what so ever.

    However, Big Boss's debug seems to work... At least he shows me all of the leaders's position, their reserve pos (if any) and objectives.

    In any case...

    RydHQ_RHSCheck = true;
    RydHQ_DbgMon = true;
    RydHQ_Rush = false;
    RydHQ_RHQAutoFill = true;
    //First Company
    RydHQ_Debug = true;
    RydHQ_DebugII = true;
    RydHQ_SubAll = false;
    RydHQ_SubZynchro = true;
    RydHQ_Surr = true;
    RydHQ_LRelocating = true;
    RydHQ_MAtt = false;
    RydHQ_CargoFind = 150;
    RydHQ_GetHQInside = false;
    RydHQ_Front = true;
    RydHQ_ChatDebug = true;
    RydHQ_DynForm = true;
    RydHQ_ForceAAO = true;
    RydHQ_SlingDrop = true;
    RydHQ_ReSynchro = true;
    RydHQ_SMed = true;
    RydHQ_SAmmo = true;
    RydHQ_SFuel = true;
    RydHQ_Smoke = true;
    RydHQ_Flee = true;
    RydHQ_NoRec = 1;
    RydHQ_Withdraw = 1;
    //Second Company
    RydHQB_Debug = true;
    RydHQB_DebugII = true;
    RydHQB_SubAll = false;
    RydHQB_SubZynchro = true;
    RydHQB_Surr = true;
    RydHQB_LRelocating = true;
    RydHQB_MAtt = false;
    RydHQB_CargoFind = 150;
    RydHQB_GetHQInside = false;
    RydHQB_Front = true;
    RydHQB_ChatDebug = true;
    RydHQB_DynForm = true;
    RydHQB_ForceAAO = true;
    RydHQB_SlingDrop = true;
    RydHQB_ReSynchro = true;
    RydHQB_SMed = true;
    RydHQB_SAmmo = true;
    RydHQB_SFuel = true;
    RydHQB_Smoke = true;
    RydHQB_Flee = true;
    RydHQB_NoRec = 1;
    RydHQB_Withdraw = 1;
    //Third Company
    RydHQC_Debug = true;
    RydHQC_DebugII = true;
    RydHQC_SubAll = false;
    RydHQC_SubZynchro = true;
    RydHQC_Surr = true;
    RydHQC_LRelocating = true;
    RydHQC_MAtt = false;
    RydHQC_CargoFind = 150;
    RydHQC_GetHQInside = true;
    RydHQC_AirEvac = true;
    RydHQC_Front = true;
    RydHQC_ChatDebug = true;
    RydHQC_DynForm = true;
    RydHQC_ForceAAO = true;
    RydHQC_SlingDrop = true;
    RydHQC_ReSynchro = true;
    RydHQC_SMed = true;
    RydHQC_SAmmo = true;
    RydHQC_SFuel = true;
    RydHQC_Smoke = true;
    RydHQC_Flee = true;
    RydHQC_NoRec = 1;
    RydHQC_Withdraw = 1;
    RydHQC_LZ = true;
    //Battalion HQ
    RydBB_BBOnMap = true;
    RydBBa_HQs = [leaderHQ,leaderHQB,leaderHQC];
    RydBB_Active = true;
    RydBB_Debug = true;
    RydBBa_SimpleDebug = true;
    RydBB_LRelocating = true;
    RydBBb_HQs = [];

    .RPT section of HETMAN.

    16:29:27 "Big Boss A awakes (time: 23.022)"
    16:29:29 "Morale A (OTHER): 0 - losses: 0 percent (0)"
    16:29:35 "Morale B (GENIUS): 0 - losses: 0 percent (0)"
    16:29:41 "Morale C (DILATORY): 0 - losses: 0 percent (0)"
    16:29:41 "Big Boss studies the map."
    16:29:41 "Big Boss A is looking for strategic objectives."
    16:29:41 "Big Boss A is analyzing forces..."
    16:29:41 "Big Boss A is checking own forces placement..."
    16:29:41 "Big Boss A orients the flanks."
    16:29:41 "Big Boss A assigns front sections to divisions."
    16:29:41 "Assignment of Big Boss A : Left: [] Right: [O Foxtrot 1-2] Front: [O Alpha 4-1] Reserve: [O Charlie 2-3]"
    16:29:41 "Big Boss A issues orders."
    16:29:41 "Side: A - Losses: 0 Number: 14 Value: 0 enValue: 0 enFactor: 0 lossFactor: 0"
    16:29:42 "For Big Boss A cycle is completed: 1 (mission time: 36.104)"
    16:29:42 "Big Boss A will now take a moment to ash his cigar."
    16:29:52 "Morale B (GENIUS): 0 - losses: 0 percent (0)"
    16:29:54 "Morale A (OTHER): 0 - losses: 0 percent (0)"
    16:30:01 "Morale B (GENIUS): 0 - losses: 0 percent (0)"
    16:30:05 "Morale A (OTHER): 0 - losses: 0 percent (0)"
    16:30:07 "Morale C (DILATORY): 0 - losses: 0 percent (0)"
    16:30:10 "Morale B (GENIUS): 0 - losses: 0 percent (0)"
    16:30:16 "Morale A (OTHER): 0 - losses: 0 percent (0)"

    Just to be sure, I made the test without additionnal leaders, and with only one No issues.

    Hope you can help me :)

  4. Ok, now I made the whole script work properly, however there is a small problem with it.

    Because of its nature the script run non-stop, creating monstruous RPT in a few seconds. So I would like to use WaitUntil the very line following

    while {alive _mortarcrew} do

    and make it "stop waiting" when x number of player enter the mortar range.

    Now here I'm kind-of at a lost as to what to do.

    I tried this:

    waitUntil { {(isPlayer _x) && (_x in list _mortarRange)} count playableUnits >0 };

    Do not work...

    Hope you can help me again!

    Thanks in advance.

    Edit: Figured it out, had to write it this way...

    waitUntil ({ {(isPlayer _x) && (_x in list _mortarRange)} count playableUnits >0 });

  5. Ok, I made changes base on your answers and ended up with this.

    15:24:57 Error in expression <t (floor random count _targets);  
    if (_unit in list _mortarzone && (_unit dist>
    15:24:57   Error position: <_unit in list _mortarzone && (_unit dist>
    15:24:57   Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit
    15:24:57 File C:\Users\William\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Esper%20[AM%201]\missions\co45_rock_n_arrow_500.pja305\scripts\mortar_upgraded.sqf, line 39

    Updated code:

    if (isServer) then {
    _mortartype = "Sh_82mm_AMOS";
    _time = _this select 0;
    _mortarcrew = _this select 1;
    _mortarpit = _this select 2;
    _mortarCenter = _this select 3;
    //List of targets
    //Run in loop until crew is dead or no player in range.
    while {alive _mortarcrew} do 
         //Select a random target
    	 _targets = [];  
            _mortarPos = getmarkerpos _mortarCenter; 
                   if (isPlayer _x) then { 
                           if (_x distance _mortarPos > 20) then { 
                                   if (_x distance _mortarPos < 750) then {       //replace 750 by whatever maxRange you like 
                                       _targets pushBack _x;  
           } foreach playableUnits;  
           _unit =  _targets select (floor random count _targets);  
    	                 if (_unit in list _mortarzone && (_unit distance _mortarcrew) >= 20) then {   //<------ Line 39
    	                         //Find the unit's location
                                    _mortarLoc = (getPos _unit);
                                    _mortarLocX = ((getPos _unit) select 0);
                                    _mortarLocY = ((getPos _unit) select 1);
                                    _mortarLocZ = ((getPos _unit) select 2);
    							 _mortar = _mortartype createVehicle [_mortarLocX + random 150 - random 150, _mortarLocY + random 150 - random 150, _mortarLocZ + 30];
    						     _mortar setVelocity [0,0,-10];
    							 if ((_mortar distance _mortarcrew) <= 75) then {
    							         deleteVehicle _mortar;
    							 sleep 1;
    							 sleep _time + random _time - random _time;
    					 }else {
    					 sleep 1;

    I'm kind-of at the same state I was.

    Any clue on why it does that?

    Edit: Did some progress, was not testing in a MP environment so the game disliked it much. Now I'm on for more debuging, will ask if more help is needed. Thanks people :)

  6. Hi,

    So here is my problem.

    I'm trying to make a script that will simulate a mortar attack into a certain zone (that much actually work), and to do that will create an explosion at a random distance from a randomly selected player.

    Now the problem is that I can't seem to find a way to reliably make it happen.

    if (isServer) then {
    _mortartype = "Sh_82mm_AMOS";
    _time = _this select 0;
    _mortarcrew = _this select 1;
    _mortarpit = _this select 2;
    _mortarzone = _this select 3;
    //List of targets
    //Run in loop until crew is dead.
    while {alive _mortarcrew} do 
            //Select a random target
    	 _target = [{_x in list _mortarzone} count playableUnits];
    	 _unit =  _target select floor random count _target;
                                    //If the target is inside the "range" of the mortar and further away or equal to 20 meters, mortar "shoots".
    	                 if (_unit in list _mortarzone && (_unit distance _mortarcrew) >= 20) then {
                                    //Find the unit's location
                                    _mortarLoc = (getPos _unit);
                                    _mortarLocX = ((getPos _unit) select 0);
                                    _mortarLocY = ((getPos _unit) select 1);
                                    _mortarLocZ = ((getPos _unit) select 2);
                                    _mortar = _mortartype createVehicle [_mortarLocX + random 150 - random 150, _mortarLocY + random 150 - random 150, _mortarLocZ + 30];
    			_mortar setVelocity [0,0,-10];
                                                                    //If the mortar shell is under 75 meters of the mortar, it is deleted to protect the mortar crew from FF.
                                                                    if ((_mortar distance _mortarcrew) <= 75) then {
    							         deleteVehicle _mortar;
    							 sleep 1;
    							 sleep _time + random _time - random _time;
    					 }else {
    					 sleep 0.01;

    Now the part that causes the problem is this one:

           _target = [{_x in list _mortarzone} count playableUnits];
    	 _unit =  _target select floor random count _target;

    I also tried using this without better results...

    _target = [];
     if ((isPlayer _x) && (_x in list _mortarzone) then {
       _target pushBack _x;
    } foreach playableUnits;
    _unit =  _target select floor random count _target

    Let me explain what I'm trying to do.

    Simply said:

    -I want to randomly select a player (that will then be _unit)

    -But I want the script to only use players that are in the radius of a certain trigger (_mortarzone) for the randomization.

    -Since its in a loop, the player selection will "refresh" then redo the "lottery" draw.

    Now I went around and searched many thread on many forums and so far none have solved my issue.

    I hope you can help me!

    Have a good day.

  7. Hi,

    I know this is an old thread, but it is exactly what I need answer on.

    I tried the above codes, but it just doesn't work. Tried both version (using playerSide or True) and also tried with "if (isServer) then". Is it suppose to be in a script, or in a trigger?

    Here is the 4 variants I tried, none working:

    if (isServer) then {
    [[Girna_radio, "GIRNA_INI"], {(_this select 0) sideRadio (_this select 1);}, true, false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

    if (isServer) then {
    [[Tempest_radio, "TEMPEST_INI"], {(_this select 0) sideRadio (_this select 1);}, playerSide, false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

    [[Airstation_radio, "AIRSTATION_INI"], {(_this select 0) sideRadio (_this select 1);}, true, false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

    [[Maxwell_radio, "MAXWELL_INI"], {(_this select 0) sideRadio (_this select 1);}, playerSide, false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

    All of 'hem are called with nul=[] execVM "scripts\something.sqf", all having their own .sqf file. Also, the description.ext is writen without any errors and as it should (with sounds in class CfgRadio), and all of them working (in SP)when only using:

    unit sideRadio "Radiomsg"

    Hope you can help me.

    Have a nice day.

  8. Hi.

    I wondered, is the opposite team (when only ai are in it) actually tries to capture the island?

    Just asking cause I never saw it happened, or markers on the map do not update.

  9. Hi,

    No I don't use Linux for the server.

    So I run a test with a friend that had trouble, still has trouble. He used CBA, without any change.

    Here is a few things we noticed in his case.

    -He don't see any map marker linked to CTI (No town markers, no base markers, no ally markers, etc)

    -No "Option" in his scroll wheel menu.

    -Other players don't see his squad marker on the map either.

    -He spawn on the same position as his unit's in-editor one.

    -When he died he do not respawn at base,he do not see the spawn choice and spawn at his in-editor position.

    That's pretty much all we noticed.

    Hope this is of help.

  10. Hi,

    are you using a dedicated server ?


    Does this happen with other missions too ?


    Only crCTI Public Proman and crCTI KB - Kastenbier Edition

    Can you send your server rpt ?


    http://www.mediafire.com/download/92tahm2l9g1ywmn/arma3server_2015-03-26_22-01-33.rpt -- AgentJaded [AM 2] was JIP.

    http://www.mediafire.com/download/ye5p5s702b2o9h1/arma3server_2015-03-26_21-35-15.rpt -- Barcic [AM 1] was JIP.

    http://www.mediafire.com/download/raqio1a1gcap23x/arma3server_2015-03-25_21-38-34.rpt -- torky [AM 1DI] and AlanMcMillen (AM 1) were JIP.

    Are you using any mods ?

    Not on the server,

    I use JSRS and Blastcore client side.

    I hope this will be of help.

  11. Hi,

    I have a problem here,

    People that JIP will do one of those:

    -Spawn/Respawn on the in-editor unit placement, not at the base like the non-JIP players.

    -Not display on map or in the unit list in the "Option" scroll-wheel menu.

    -See the loading screen for infinity and beyond.

    So basically, if we want to play without any problem, we need to start the game with everyone in.

    Is there anything I should be aware for server settings?

    Or is the cause something else?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

  12. Hi,

    having a bit of trouble with the Ambush part.

    Context: I placed a group of infantry near a road on the edge of a forest and used this line for the SL:

    nul = [this, "para_ambush", "AMBUSH2", "AMBUSHDIR:",SOUTHEAST, "AMBUSHDIST:",25] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf";

    Now, first of all not 100% if I wrote it correctly (the ini line); please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Secondly, I always have at least one "wanna-be" prone on the road instead of hiding( as in, prone directly on or by the ambush marker). This part, not sure if something to do with the map (one of the All in Arma Terrain pack), or just from a mistake(s) in the line.

    Thanks for any help :)

  13. Ok, while faffing around I managed to make the random respawn, using a method I found somewhere else on the forum.

    createCenter east;
    _position = [(getMarkerPos "north_zone" select 0) + ((random 200)+(random -200)), (getMarkerPos "north_zone" select 1) + ((random 200)+(random -200)), 0];  
    _grp = [_position,EAST,["«lots of random unit»"],[1,10],5,["markername","COMBAT","COLUMN"]] call UPSMON_CreateGroup;

    Now, I still can't use the respawn, even with the edit.

    Here's the line I use (kind-of the continuation of the previous lines of script):

    _grp [this,"north_zone","RANDOM","RESPAWN:",10] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf";

    All it says is "1 exiting mainloop", and nothing happens. :(

    Edit1 : Found a way to combine SHK Pos, UPSMON and a repeating trigger to make it work. That should do.

  14. I got the same problem, however the problem comes from the minimum distance, I would like it to be much more low. About 100m or so...

    Making a mission "Black Hawk Down"-ish and want them to respawn even if close to ennemy troops.

    Also, when using "call UPSMON_CreateGroup", how do I make them spawn at random places in the zone? Still haven't figured it out even with the info pdf.
