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Everything posted by bullhorn

  1. Oh boy oh boy oh boy. We held a 3h test with 3.0.1 a week ago, we now know what we need to test so we'll try to repeat it during the weekend and then report our results. Thanks, guys!
  2. I'm in the process of that, as well as learning a programming language but I think the skills required to make a system work are a bit beyond my current level. As far as I understand, he'd have to replace whatever system he's using currently with Microsoft's DirectX XAudio2 if he wants to get good results. Don't get me wrong, we love TFAR and we want it to improve, but how can you motivate a project that pretty much had no competition for a couple of years? ...by creating competition, I guess?... Maybe it's just me, huh?
  3. Greetings everyone, Our community's main focus right now is making a switch to ACE3 and ACRE2. We've been testing ACRE2 since around January and we feel that it's finally ready for deployment. The official switch to both mods should happen sometime next week, if all goes well. On our latest community meeting we decided on a game-play change: Fire-teams now have only 1 AR, instead of 2, which in turn means Squads only have 2 ARs, instead of 4. Looking at the previous numbers, with 4 ARs in a squad, each of them carrying seven 100Rnd belts and an AAR carrying two more, we ended up having 3600 rounds total! That was an insane amount of firepower, especially in PvP. Now the 2nd AR is replaced by a Rifleman, creating an interesting distinction in each fire-team - One buddy-team has a lot of firepower, the other buddy-team is a lot more agile. It might sound minor but now leaders are much quicker to react to situations, always knowing how to move, which element should provide a base of fire and which should bound or fire & maneuver. I wanted to share a couple of very (seriously) old videos. I would like these to be here as a reminder of how we played when we just started as a community. In the future, I'll also share newer videos to create contrast, as well as content from our community's branches, including but not limited to mission makers, graphic/web designers, etc.
  4. bullhorn

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    From a short conversation with Nou, this is going to be changed when he gets around to it.
  5. I'm as obnoxious as I'm blunt. I do however try to soften things up to not hurt people's feelings but it isn't always possible. So far we don't know anything about the progress of this mod and all we see are very minor fixes to keep the mod working with vanilla Arma 3 updates. We can't just sit and grind water, it's time to get things moving, whether Nkey is with us or not.
  6. How goes your progress on direct speech improvements? Our community, as well as a number others I was in touch with recently made the switch to your competitor.
  7. bullhorn

    ASR AI 3

    Sweet release, man. I'll test this during the weekend.
  8. Getting reports from a new player who just bought the game: TFAR unmutes EVERYONE, including hundreds of spammers/kids he had muted on an entirely different server.
  9. bullhorn

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    If all goes well, I'll create and release a video explaining all the basic functionality of ACRE2 (without focus on advanced radio features or settings), specifically focusing on QoL and how to seamlessly transit from TFAR to ACRE2. It took our community close to 4 months of mucking about until we felt comfortable switching so you won't have to go through the same thing. It is going to be rather basic but it'll bust most myths claiming ACRE2 is difficult to use or is not user friendly.
  10. bullhorn

    What is wrong with bohemia developers

    4/10 hate mail, would not read again.
  11. bullhorn

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Agreed. Gunshots, explosions and vehicles are so loud so I'm forced to lower my game volume to 25-40% but then ambient and other sounds are lost.
  12. bullhorn

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    These sounds are just audio files, they can be changed (manually) to whatever you like.
  13. bullhorn


    You can see everyone's ping from the Map -> Players list
  14. Yeah, I reported it a month ago http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=24024
  15. I was expecting the weird unzoom-while-holding-Ctrl to be fixed in 1.46 but it seems like it's still present...
  16. bullhorn

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    The only mistake was not re-uploading the promo video before it was set to Private. :p
  17. bullhorn

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    The dumbest are usually the loudest. It's a shame they have enough influence on your decisions. Thanks for years of effort, you'll be missed.
  18. bullhorn

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    Choo choo get on the hype train!
  19. bullhorn

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yes, it is indeed a problem with the RHS compatibility ACE extension. They don't (can't and probably won't) create compatibility extensions for each of the ~2500 or so mods on Armaholic that have a possibility to potentially break. The current extension was created as an example and of course it broke after an update.
  20. Disabled all mods? ACE3 won't work without the latest version of CBA.
  21. bullhorn

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Nah, don't bother. ACE3's official stance on the subject is this: Basically, RHS has to make itself compatible with ACE3 or you have to decide which mod you rather not use.
  22. bullhorn

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Those ACE3 and ACRE2 fixes are welcome. Thanks guys!
  23. bullhorn

    ASR AI 3

    ASR AI3 and DAC have absolutely no conflicts with each other.
  24. In RC6 binding right Ctrl + anything would automatically bind R.Ctrl+L.Ctrl, which was a bug that was fixed. Unfortunately this fix broke something else: binding Ctrl alone as a key is no longer possible... Any thoughts?
  25. bullhorn

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Because digital audio doesn't work like the physical sound waves you hear in real life. You can't just keep stacking audio samples one on top of the other without clipping/distorting prematurely.