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Everything posted by LykosMactire

  1. LykosMactire

    [WIP] The_Swamp

    can we expect some overgrowth in buildings like at the shooting range in esseker?
  2. Back when i was making my 2035 USMC mod (which is currently in limbo due to loosign a large chunk of the source) i did a reskin for the abrams to suit my M1A3 fictional style. but i have templates made and i could probably redo the Abrams for y'all. heres the old picture Edit: Heres a screenshot of a side by side of a reskin i just made and the basic CUP abrams (Using SetobjectTexture)
  3. LykosMactire


    Its already been stated many times on this post that is not possible with Ryan Zombies
  4. LykosMactire

    Arma 3 Science Fiction Map

    With no proper Star wars mods in development other than a lightsaber or Xwing mod. I dont really thing star wars themes would be the way to go. As Imperial Assault is too lacking in assets to really provide anything and it would also cause issues for anyone else using other si-fi themed mods like Optre, as every mission someone would be an idiot and point out "Why the hell is there a star destroyer on the horizon"
  5. i hope the AI can pathfind it well x3
  6. LykosMactire

    Project: "Battle of Fallujah" Map

    you can probably find it in the ArmA II/OA I samples released on armaholic http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23736 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23737
  7. is it possible to run this SP side without a website? just to do personal viewings and tests.
  8. LykosMactire

    Arma 3 Science Fiction Map

    My only issue with this map is the floating buildings, Kinda would prefer placing the floating buildings where we wanted in a mission. Especially if people wanted say a more natural feel and a "fresh discovery" vibe. or a horror vibe
  9. LykosMactire

    LM UNited Rebirth

    Currently UN Enforcer Class Troops use the HK, The current status of the mod is on standby as i am dealing with Real Life issues atm, and also having issues getting the subclasses and groups to work
  10. LykosMactire


    Do you plan on adding Project Opfor Compat? As they have plenty of gear that would work well with this (depending on what region you set the gear pool to)
  11. LykosMactire

    Project OPFOR

    Do you plan on keeping the UN in the CDF camo?
  12. LykosMactire

    Mogadishu Map v2

    My suggestion so far and only complaint is the ambient sounds. Really kills the mood if your in an op and hear unreal gunfire in the distance.
  13. LykosMactire


    respawn only works in multiplayer instances (LAN and Internet gameplay)
  14. LykosMactire

    Community Texture Templates.

    Apex assets currently have not released for reskins
  15. LykosMactire

    [WIP] Los Santos map

    Well i saw one that claimed he was using models from a Microsoft game a few days back didnt see anyone mention this once, he admitted and even linked the ELUA. Then again it currently is under investigation. But the moderator that locked it said he does not understand the situation with the MS ELUA. But i do get where your coming from. I re-read the Rules from microsoft, (http://www.xbox.com/en-us/developers/rules) And They Do not mention mods at all (if they do they are very vague). I digress from my earlier message
  16. LykosMactire

    [WIP] Los Santos map

    Its also dependant on the ELUA of the owners of the model, Example: Microsoft (usually) allows use of their models and such as long as they are not being used under the claim of beign supported by microsoft and people cannot pay to use the models
  17. LykosMactire


    i get where your going on all those points, Also do you plan on making it possible to place traders down like in a safezone or something of the sorts?
  18. LykosMactire


    do you think its possible to add these functionalities and fixes? A drop down box in modules for zombie health (so mission makers can decide how much a threat zombies are without having to add or subtract infected) less armed offroads spawning for bandits (M2 would be hard to come by) make traders less rip offs... (sold an AKM for 21... to find he offers AKMs for 60 something banknotes)
  19. LykosMactire


    So i was stalking a group of 5 Raiders, and i started engaging them from 200~ Meters out, no buildings nearby or anything, suddenly ~20 zombies spawned right on top of them and did my job for me
  20. LykosMactire

    LM UNited Rebirth

    they will be BLUFOR, as in this storyline the UN is taking a page from America's book when they reorganized, along with all CSAT countries disbanding from the UN(takistan, Iran, China, ect.). And in regards to the weapon, i may actually make a "armaverse" port of a weapon for the UN, as even though the poll showed favoritism to the F2000 i have heard from people i came across that in reality its not a very reliable weapon. And yes, the LIM-85 aka M249 is the basic LMG for the Generic UN branch. and ATM the temporary LMG for the Chernarussian UN forces.
  21. LykosMactire

    Gauss Rifle showcase

    If only OPTRE had that kind of Gauss beam on their hogs
  22. LykosMactire

    LM UNited Rebirth

    UN forces on Lingor chatting up with the locals
  23. LykosMactire

    CH-46 Knight

    looks like a frigate from CUP
  24. LykosMactire

    [WIP] Terrain "X-Cam-Taunus"

    For in game testing to find a good color balance for the map i would like to suggest the recolor mod, youd have to be in game though. The mod allows you to (in game, not editor) adjust your RGB spectrum and other things to change the look of the game, which for map devs like y'all may make it easier to find a good lighting scheme
  25. I made a video with this mod, just to show it off a bit (with a couple other mods on at the same time)