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Everything posted by LykosMactire

  1. LykosMactire

    Arma 3 Aegis

    I'd say make them a BLUFOR faction. As Greece is a part of NATO and in ArmA III lore despite Altis/Stratis being based on Limnos/Agios Estratios the location is different. Plus even if its supposed to be a Greek island chances are that with how the already Set A3 lore is The islands could have left Greece after WW2 with possible eastern (CSAT possibly) motives hence their rude behavior towards towards NATO forces. If you were to go off the state of the world in the armaverse Greece probably would try to get RAS (Republic of Altis and Stratis) either as a puppet or as part of them again
  2. LykosMactire

    LM UNited Rebirth

    Nah, i was pointing out the guy towards the center. Expanding on the faction some i introduce the UN Guard Corps. Usually found in areas of political unrest guarding anything from government officials, Elections, meetings, intel sources, and more. Due to their specialization they do not use standard role naming protocalls. The following known units are as follows: Bodyguard: Standard guard unit armed with MX black rifle with holosight. Defender: Support gunner armed with LIM-85 (M249). Sharpshooter: Marksman armed with a Mk-1 EMR. Also aside from the new group. Due to technical complications i am now restricted to vanilla+dlc weapons. Hence why the UN standard forces are still armed with vanilla weapons instead of the ported weapons i was talking about
  3. LykosMactire

    LM UNited Rebirth

    Somewhere across the vast gulf of time and space, the mod gets a pulse. Can you spot whats new?
  4. LykosMactire

    Uniform Resolutions

    Its what i personally use. its not really noticeable here but heres a screen from my old UN 2035 mod i have considered starting to work on again
  5. LykosMactire

    Uniform Resolutions

    ArmA III Questions and Answers subthread
  6. LykosMactire

    Uniform Resolutions

    wrong forum, but i personally go 4096x4096
  7. LykosMactire

    Vortorsk Terrain

    @Developers. The issue with the shadows being visible through models is because the texture file has to be _CO or _CA at the end. and the model has to be hard coded to have the texture to have CO or CA
  8. LykosMactire

    Nord, Arctic circle map II

    Its fine just for future reference. From looks his jungle map has released so we MAY see something soon
  9. LykosMactire

    Nord, Arctic circle map II

    Rules of BI forums is dont ask for update, he will likely continue once hes done with his jungle map
  10. LykosMactire

    Vortorsk Terrain

    Is there any chance we will see a non post-apocalyptic version? I used to play Taviana a lot in ArmA 2 but once DayZ origins took over if i wanted a more up to date version with terrain improvements and such we were stuck with a post apocalyptic wasteland and had to play the Origins mod just to get the map. And this map would be great for classic Soviet Vs. NATO battles like in the early days of arma
  11. LykosMactire

    Rismarck's Static Animations

    He stated in the WIP thread pre-release he wont add any political based poses
  12. LykosMactire

    [WIP] Sullen Skies

    Would there be a way to just enable it on all maps? or is that impossible
  13. LykosMactire

    Nord, Arctic circle map II

    @bludski Have you considered adding the Malden buildings to Nord after Malden's release? heres a screen of a majority of the reskins or new structures added in dev build and coming on the 22nd
  14. LykosMactire

    Optical Camouflage material research

    Whitefame whom helps the optre team a bit has figured it out aswell and his results are near exact of kiorys
  15. LykosMactire

    Faces of War [WW2]

    British Paratroopers in Eastern Europe after their team regrouped, heading to the Rally point for the rest of the paras.
  16. LykosMactire

    Gauss Rifle showcase

    I know that this sounds kinda blunt but its a logical question. If you had the rights to it, then gave the rights to him... Why would he need to ask? I mean basically its his at that point, not whoever's community that is hording it. Unless A Taviana (RIP Taviana) was pulled and the rights were given to the community (in that case Dayz origins) as a whole instead of a single modder
  17. LykosMactire

    Vortorsk Terrain

    You can try contacting Icebreakr
  18. LykosMactire


    "CBRN Units from the CTRG, NATO, And AAF remnants search for survivors after outbreak of the White Plague circa 2040" - Ravage mod
  19. LykosMactire

    Vortorsk Terrain

    You should add more islands as you go along(like Icebreaker did with Panthera, adding more islands), make it not only like, but bigger than taviana
  20. Is there plans to open up more of the buildings?
  21. LykosMactire

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    Thats because the engines are completely different
  22. Ah yea i forgot he was helping RSO. plus i was half asleep
  23. Why do a lot of these buildings look like RSO buildings pack structures?