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Everything posted by LykosMactire

  1. LykosMactire

    Sling Loading Feedback

    Well a Chinook can lift jets http://media.defenceindustrydaily.com/images/AIR_CH-47_Dutch_Carrying_F-16_lg.jpg and also a chinook can lift a chinook.... http://www.stripes.com/polopoly_fs/1.144265.1306055707!/image/3786706291.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_804/3786706291.jpg so i say make APC lifting at least possible for only heavylifts like Chinook and Taru and Mohawk Edit: But maybe find a way to lock the main gun so it cant move
  2. LykosMactire

    Arma 2 F117 Nighthawk Mod Port.

    Ask before porting other peoples work, and if the author has gone silent and/or left the community then too bad for us, chances are those source files were deleted,
  3. LykosMactire

    Minihattan Island - A3

    Bracer it has to be something related to a A2 file as when starting up with vanilla and the mod i got an error for "Addon 'CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_powerline' requires addon 'CAStructures_E_Misc'" Edit: It causes a failure to start up with AiA-TP
  4. LykosMactire

    Minihattan Island - A3

    ummm this version is broken requiring AiA_Core.....i singled it down to this mod because i run AiA_TP and still get this error
  5. is anyone elses guy randomly yelling like a cop after this update when pressing "c"
  6. heres an update pic of the remade camo patterns, this mod is currently in lead of the polls on the NB FB page to see what mods we should prioritize,
  7. With NB_ACR and NB_USarmy nearing release, i've decided to post the next mod we will be working on, and a few screens of progress we made while at standstills with the other mods. This mod will feature the following -UK Infantrymen in DPM wood and desert, plus MTP -ArmA II helmet and Vest from BAF -Jackals based off the source files alpion released -Offroads based off the source files alpion releases -AH-1 Apache Longbow -Reskins of the Warrior and AW159 and AW101 Merlin -(not for sure yet) Reskin of Slammer for Armored support -Portion of the BAF arsenal ported over. NEW SCREENS https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/10524262_839371842740930_57458542022284387_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/10403838_839371792740935_6932867882758217442_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t31.0-8/10572120_839371819407599_3918729690938875068_o.jpg the progress you see now maybe as far as we go until we release atleast ACR, but it will be made (NOTE: the reason i used the NATO uniform in this case is that it is actually a modified BAF uniform from arma 2 to match the looks of the Crye Percision)
  8. LykosMactire

    The CSAT Modification Project (Release)

    Those vests look cool and all but would make no sense for 2 reasons -1 that is a vest used by NATO forces, -2 due to geographical location those vests would not fit their orgin as that would burden them climbing up hills with all that gear, they are bulkier that NATO in that aspect
  9. LykosMactire

    ArmA 2 Stryker Pack

    can you fix the wheels at some point so they are not in the ground? also the smoke from the gun muzzles are not placed properly (both MK19 and M2)
  10. if you excuse me i must go to russia to receive my pants which were blown away like breaking benjamin
  11. b-b-but its fun saying stuff out loud xD, thanks R0adi11, good luck with your nogovans
  12. so yall plan on removing the small maps that are really parts of bigger maps (ie. all the parts of sahrani that are for some odd reason in different maps, takistan mountains) as that would reduce mod size and i know noone who has used those yet
  13. will a mod please change this thread name to say NB_BAF instead of NB_UKAF, thanks
  14. a owner of a thread cannot change the title, and if you read my post more carefully i said that was what it originally was going to be named, but shortly after stated otherwise that it would now be NB_BAF
  15. This is a followup mod to Mine and Atins NB_USMC mod This will not have its own campaign but will have a special epilogue mission to the USMC campaign where the USMC is pulling out and the US army steps in for peacekeeping while the marines direct themselves on a rising power in the middle east. The mission will also hint at another "Reinforcements" pack. in which a country we know will be mentioned a lot as "westernized and highly pro-NATO". And will also mention other events in the official arma series storyline (other than arma 3 because thats in the future of this storyline). The mod will feature the following US Army -US Army forces in Scorpion Multicam, M81 Woodland, UCP, and Crye Multicam -Ported A2 helmets retextured in all patterns above -Humvees(Thanks Alpion), M-ATVs, AH-64D(Thanks Alduric), and CH-47 (Alpion again thanks), M1A1s and M1A2 TUSKs, Possible Strykers(need help with those), Bradleys (Need help with too). -no dependancies Screenshot of the uniform (no helmet or vest) http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/577898996599319493/616C2FF696D829559E4E1E289E438F96AE72B2C8/ (227 kB) sorry for bad quality my laptop sucks Screenshot of the 2 Hunter color schemes, Green and tan http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/577898996605215641/A09C9E9F940C8711AFD401AD71D739A953944A34/ (411 kB) WE NOW HAVE A FACEBOOK, you'll see updates there more often https://www.facebook.com/NBModProjects?ref_type=bookmark
  16. LykosMactire

    NB_USARMY Project

    it'll be fixed, those are old screens
  17. that was just the name when i posted, its NB_BAF,
  18. its part of the NB goal that caused us to do this mod along with most of our others, One of our goals is to bring a new look on some ArmA factions (CDF, RACS, Takistan), and also bring a alternative to some mods with other factions (NB_USMC as an alternative to massi, US army alternative to Alexvestin)
  19. Hey vote for our new line up of how we are going to prioritize mods, so we can actually release something without jumping around https://epoll.me/vote/ACRdO2ylMA8/which-mods-do-you-want-us-to-prioritize-to-release-first
  20. this is the new thread for the NB Army of the Czech republic mod, heres the planned stuff into the mod Infantry- -Woodland (VZ.95 Woodland) -Desert (Vz.95 Desert) -Winter (Sweater with Vz.95 Wood pants) -501 Skss. Woodland -501 Skss. Desert Vehicles- -PANDUR II (Gorgon) -Dingo -T810 (Currently Kamaz reskin) -L39 -Mil MI-35. Weapons- -SA.58 -Vz.58 -Cz.805 -Cz.75 -Mk-48 -SVD -Cz.750 -M4A3 -M60E4 Heres screens from the most recent build (the vests were accidently forgotten to be updated to the new texture and NATO vest along with helmet RVmats) https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/q83/s720x720/10468076_834195339925247_4670664076254948000_n.jpg https://scontent-b-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t1.0-9/q81/s720x720/10525928_834195343258580_4309200732662032647_n.jpg https://scontent-b-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/t1.0-9/q87/s720x720/10527833_834195369925244_6355685189730166240_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/q85/s720x720/10524605_834195376591910_8632331620375547895_n.jpg
  21. LykosMactire

    NB_ACR (Army of the Czech Republic)

    we have decided to keep working on this, and also Hey vote for our new line up of how we are going to prioritize mods, so we can actually release something without jumping around https://epoll.me/vote/ACRdO2ylMA8/which-mods-do-you-want-us-to-prioritize-to-release-first
  22. LykosMactire

    NB_USARMY Project

    Hey vote for our new line up of how we are going to prioritize mods, so we can actually release something without jumping around https://epoll.me/vote/ACRdO2ylMA8/which-mods-do-you-want-us-to-prioritize-to-release-first
  23. LykosMactire

    N-B U.S.M.C Project

    Hey vote for our new line up of how we are going to prioritize mods, so we can actually release something without jumping around https://epoll.me/vote/ACRdO2ylMA8/which-mods-do-you-want-us-to-prioritize-to-release-first
  24. Officially Chernarussian Military 2020; Background: Following the US success in stopping the russian invasion of Chernarus in 2009, Chernarus had a lot of time restructuring their military, main goal was driving themselves away from their russian past military wise as their pride of having russian gear went sour due to recent events in Ukraine, like chernarus, a former satellite. The government of Chernarus soon actually sold off most of their old tech to buy and also produce their new gear, but now in the midst of CSAT begining their incline to power, the Chernarussian government is now dealing with Pro-CSAT commies calling themselves CSRM FACTIONS: BLUFOR CHNG (Chernarrusian National Guard) CHAF (Chernarussian Armed Forces) OPFOR CRSM (Chernarussian Red Star Movement)