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Everything posted by LykosMactire

  1. LykosMactire

    Project injury reaction

    Is it possible to make it so that if you dont have a FAK you can use the one on the unit thats down if they have one? And if you dont, the ability to stabilize them until a medic gets to them
  2. LykosMactire

    Project injury reaction

    I can second this, ive seen it quite often. AI wont do anything after loosing their gun or rolling back over and just sit there like this unable to be interacted with
  3. LykosMactire

    Project: "Battle of Fallujah" Map

    Take your time man, Its just good to hear there is at least some breath in this beautiful project. If you ever need moral support or troubleshooting support the community is very supportive!
  4. LykosMactire

    Lykos Mods OPFOR pack (LM_OPFOR)

    Yea, my goal was as little dependencies as possible. While still adding in content that made the faction unique. Im waiting on a friend who is porting some vehicles for me but i have no ETA on when a vehicle update will drop
  5. LM OPFOR Screenshots::: LM_OPFOR is a pack based on the goal of creating the "generic" OPFOR guys that you would be able to tell from their appearance were the "Bad Guys". the primary faction of the mod, NEMESIS company is the only faction as of the moment. And has a backstory to go along with them. NEMESIS company started out as a european private security firm known as Charon Serives back in the 1990s. During the early 2000's they moved their headquarters from Greece to Africa originally with the intent to give the pirates and warlords they had been fighting the proverbial "Middle finger". However it didnt take long before the money began to seep in and they became corrupt. Vanishing off the face of the earth in 2013. By 2018 they had expanded and taken over all of the warlords, cartels, and pirates in the region which led to the "Scar sunday Massacare" In which a UN team from france responding to severe flooding in the region were ambushed and killed by a force dubbing themselves NEMESIS company. A US citizen whom is in protective custody had stumbled upon the bodies and found a still functioning dashcam off a destroyed civilian vehicle the UN forces were inspecting. NATO forces continue to monitor them as of 2035, in which their influence has spread to eastern europe, the middle east, and south america. !!! At the moment this mod is only infantry and groups and gear, no vehicles yet !!! Credits @Bohemia Interactive- ArmA 3, ArnA 2 resource models @Avery/Nightmare515-Assistance and texture help @Mr Skellington-Gas mask @Zenger-Uniforms @A3 Hub Discord-Support @TheEvanCat - Comedic Relief while modding (aka help) @CG ARTStudio - M92 Helmet model and texture base Download link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1700243807 For more information and to find other projects in the work, along with projects from many other modders in the A3 community check the A3 Hub discord (Not the A3 Official discord) : https://discord.gg/dyXnZ8u Known Bugs:
  6. LykosMactire

    Lykos Mods OPFOR pack (LM_OPFOR)

    A hotfix was just pushed for the helmets RVMat issues. had paths from another folder in the model for some reason
  7. LykosMactire

    OPX - American Building Pack

    He said they arnt released, as in the mod is not out yet. @opteryx , Looks great!
  8. Will these props be included in the map or just as editor placed objects? as i'm inclined to believe people may want to use the map for other things outside the story. Or use the props on missions in other maps
  9. LykosMactire

    Project: "Battle of Fallujah" Map

    Has the development of RSO buildings pack by Spookygnu (or stopping of i think it was) affected the development of this project?
  10. Its dependent of your view of "enemies cant use it", theres more to the ArmA 3 combat than player vs AI. and even then static ai would still work. He also iirc said he was working on pathing for some areas for AI so technically AI should be able to walk around with it during combat and such. An underground terrain is actually a pretty big deal if you have been in the community long enough
  11. LykosMactire

    Project injury reaction

    I havnt noticed it since, could just be a rare bug or just a glitch on my end
  12. LykosMactire

    Project injury reaction

    What i've seen in my tests so far is strange AI behavior. Such as an AI who was dragging another one start healing them just to suddenly start rolling to the left with the body still attached to him for a good 10 seconds before he suddenly glitched back into the healing animation and finished reviving
  13. LykosMactire

    Project injury reaction

    I feel the place this mod will shine the most is AI vs AI combat or Warlords
  14. LykosMactire

    Project injury reaction

    I think it should depend on the injury, hand injury he should drop it and come back for it. any other have it get slung on his back so he can just pull it back out
  15. LykosMactire

    Project injury reaction

    Okay as the reason i ask is because it could end up disorienting to some players suddenly falling down and/or having their gun fly out of their hand. While some may appreciate it it can potentially be very annoying to those who just want their AI to be more realistic. Another question is will the AI pick back up their guns?
  16. LykosMactire

    Project injury reaction

    Will the player's use whenever that is added be optional?
  17. LykosMactire

    Tactical Panda Helmet

    Minecraft: Adds pandas in next update ArmA III modding community: Hold my beer
  18. LykosMactire

    Nassau 1715

    you "need" to add a weapon that is a jar as an easter egg to Pirates of the Caribbean (joking)
  19. As seen in the LM channels in the A3 HUB discord WHAT IS LM_OPFOR? LM_OPFOR is a work in progress mod built around the theme of introducing OPFOR factions that give you the vibe looking at them that they are the enemy. Taking inspiration from COD MW2's Shadow Company and Russian Armed Forces. And will contain 3 factions, The Charon Organization, A generic western insurgent/criminal faction known as the Red Band, and a middle eastern themed insurgent faction yet to be named. The Charon Organization has 3 Sub-Factions and some lore behind them. This mod was started as my first project with my new computer after a electrical incident took out my old desktop WIP pics (Charon Organization) This mod at most would require only CBA to work Credits: @A3Hub discord for the support and feedback @MrSkellington for his CBRN defense units source @Avery/Nightmare515 for the assistance @AlexF1 for the uniform model @Bohemia Interactive for the ArmA II samples
  20. LykosMactire

    LM_OPFOR, A Generic OPFOR faction pack

    Some new pics showing different mix-matches of the NEMESIS company's uniform
  21. LykosMactire

    LM_OPFOR, A Generic OPFOR faction pack

    Yes, at most it would require CBA, and thats only if i decide to add some weapons instead of using ones in the base game
  22. I agree. All that i know is its going to be a living hell doing CQB in this map with your suppression mod on
  23. LykosMactire

    RSO Buildings pack

    I would suggest maybe entrusting someone as a contributor for you mod and have them dedicated to flagging any reuploads so you can keep developing while a trusted individual handles the issue and (if persists) brings it up to BI on the A3 discord or forums
  24. Screw pathfinding, even standing still AI would be enough for me in this beautiful mess. Is there any news on the specs and map size? along with key points of interest
  25. DOWNLOAD: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1587285171 LM_CSAT Is the sister mod to TEC_CSAT by TheEvanCat LM_CSAT contains the Chinese and Korean branches of the Canton Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty (CSAT). This is the ALPHA Build of the mod so expect some bugs and slight optimization issues. NOTICE: I suck at using a translator so sorry if any of the names seem wrong in their translations NOTICE #2: There is no key yet Credits: @BI for ArmA II samples and ArmA In general @Theevancat for the constant help @Avery/Nightmare515 for constant help @AlexF1 for the uniform model @The A3 HUB discord (Not to be confused with the official A3 discord) for the constant support Known Bugs To Do