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Everything posted by LykosMactire

  1. LykosMactire


    well maybe add an option for "all buildings" just in case, it would keep the integrety of what y'all currently have, and also add the ability where if people wanted, to basically have loot spawn in any structure
  2. LykosMactire


    In regards to the looting module, most other zombie survival based mods run off a script or something of the sorts to place loot at positions in the building regardless of map. even some missions that dont require mods host a system like this (Dynamic Zombie Sandbox). Do you think it would be possible to update the looting module's script to work like this that way no matter what map you play on or what structures you use, loot can spawn there?
  3. LykosMactire

    Halo 3 Marine and Bravo-Kilos

    Amazing... my favorite version of the armor
  4. LykosMactire

    [WIP] Terrain "X-Cam-Taunus"

    the only issue i have is how it would run regardless of your build. The object count must be rediculous. but amazing still
  5. LykosMactire

    Halo 3 Marine and Bravo-Kilos

    Looks amazing, and in regards to the brute animations, honestly i think the vanilla animations would do them justice anyways because if you see how the brute patrol walks in the video below( H3: ODST trailer) its pretty much human movements. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WroxHMo6B_k
  6. LykosMactire

    Real Light V5 - ReShade Preset

    Ever since a graphical driver update on my nvidia card, it wont work anymore, the launcher takes a long time to load and the game never even starts, resulting in me having to use task manager
  7. LykosMactire

    Halo 3 Marine and Bravo-Kilos

    well its either prototype or the mona lisa
  8. LykosMactire

    Halo 3 Marine and Bravo-Kilos

    Amaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing, do you plan on adding a rolled up sleeves variant? edit: We can finally recreate Halo Legends Prototype's beginning!
  9. LykosMactire

    [WIP] Terrain "X-Cam-Taunus"

    I can picture it now, German and American forces holding off the russian army in a Stereotypical Cold-War esque battle
  10. LykosMactire

    Why was ARMA 3 set in the future?

    in the topic of ArmA III as we already know it. Everything in the game exists in modern time (Except the MX and the Stealtier NATO vehicles that are not the ghosthawk, also the flying fish "Kajman") The CSAT helmet not many know is the same thing as the helmet from ArmA II's MVD, just with a bunch of tech built in, if you look hard enough you can see the similarities.
  11. LykosMactire

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Isla Abramia for A3

    *Drops a bit of Eyecandy enhanced with Sweetfx/reallight* http://imgur.com/gallery/XwwAY/new
  12. Its also the same top (but mirrored) as the AAF
  13. Questions and answers thread is where this belongs , but i reccomend VCOM
  14. AlivE takes time and more than 1 module to make it do remotely close to what ACM did. A perfect combination i knew of for Singleplayer boredom or Multiplayer freetime with your friends was using ACM and SECOPS that pretty much made 2 modules do pretty much what alive did Also i love the BAF uniforms
  15. None that reproduce near as well as the ACM did, the ACM did it perfectly (Minus the ability to choose what factions spawned), It was a legitimate never ending war that you never knew what was around the corner.
  16. LykosMactire

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    As far as i know it should work with any mod, (Minus Ryanzombies), I run the addon version and these mods i know work when it comes to units/vehicles OPTRE (First contact included) RHS CUP Lieghts OPFOR PG Services Massis mods So i dont know why FFAA wouldnt work if it doenst, But it would most likely work i believe
  17. ok, i just have a lot of friends that like the Ambient Combat module and were sad that it didnt make it to arma III
  18. Do y'all plan on bringing modules like the ACM back (Maybe add a drop down menu or a line to put what factions we want to spawn in)?
  19. LykosMactire

    Dynamic Combat Generator

    do you plan on making it so its placeable modules?
  20. LykosMactire

    ArmA III new walking animations?

    i think it was MOCAP that caused my walking animation to revert to the original
  21. LykosMactire

    ArmA III new walking animations?

    Nevermind i found the issue, a mod was conflicting with it
  22. LykosMactire

    ArmA III new walking animations?

    When 3DEN released i still have the one handed animation running for some reason (as in i still walk like PRE-3DEN)
  23. LykosMactire

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    when i activate this for some reason any AI i place with a waypoint just walk in circles
  24. LykosMactire

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I've had similar issues with Zeus Spawned AI in SP. they would not go to any waypoint i set, i believe it has something to do with a cap on entities or something
  25. A3_Legacy is a series of mods based on bringing ArmA II factions to ArmA III's time frame, Like Takistani army after recently joining CSAT, Marines, CDF, and more. There will be reskins and added content into this mod series. and will require no other mods, it has yet to be decided if we are going to release all factions as one mod or separate Factions: USMC _B ACR _B US ARMY _B CDF _B BAF _B TNA _O SLA _O RACS _I KSK _B ION _I RUSSIA _O UNITED NATIONS _I Screenshots So far: USMC (Reboot of NB_USMC 2035)