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Everything posted by LykosMactire

  1. LykosMactire

    I.V. S - Faction Marines

    i'd like to ask you to not steal from my mod's logo. UNited Rebirth. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/191840-lm-united-rebirth/ Edit: however i would like to wish you luck on your project
  2. LykosMactire

    Rappelling from Structures WIP

    Will this be MP compatible?
  3. LykosMactire


    do you plan on allowing support for JBAD buildings to spawn loot?
  4. LykosMactire


    Since ACE is not recommended to be used with this, do you plan on adding a Medical System to it based on something like the DayZ mod Medical System? (Although from my gameplay the basic System ACE med System works fine on players and Zombies)
  5. LykosMactire

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    i run with an i5-4690 with ultra on, 3500 view distance, average around 26 during heavy combat with all settings on in kavala, usual is 35
  6. LykosMactire


    love it! the look of it is amazing
  7. LykosMactire

    LM UNited Rebirth

    Thanks, Im currently working on loadouts and such for the units Thats what i thought when i did a side by side of vanilla loadout with all the same models. A simple camo goes a long way Boots yes, vests no.
  8. LykosMactire

    LM UNited Rebirth

    upon release it will be on workshop and mediafire for the 2 initial mirrors
  9. LykosMactire

    LM UNited Rebirth

    thanks, i'd like to give credit to the creator of 3den enhanced because all those screenshots were from the 3d editor xD
  10. LykosMactire

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    In this image its in georgetown, the elevated positions have an error where buildings and units start to derender through the fences, and around the news stand (G-REF:058102)
  11. LykosMactire


    Ok. maybe make a module so its either timed despawn or instant despawn of loot Good.... gooooood.
  12. LykosMactire


    2 questions Will it be possible to disable the delete on respawn function? for those people that want a chance of reclaiming their loot on their missions? Will bandits be affected by this loot spawn method aswell, so we are more likely to see bandits with AKS-74s and such over MX and AK-12s and SPARs?
  13. LykosMactire

    LM UNited Rebirth

    thanks. Most of the textures are make in 4096x4096 resolution for the uniforms, vehicles, and vests, sadly due to a limitation i could only get 2048x2048 to work on the helmets
  14. LykosMactire


    I actually like it, adds that layer of realism, if an infected individual ripped open your leg you would probably be limping, it would make it interesting though to make it so that you have a random chance to limp from zombies. Where it requires you to basically search or have others search for First Aid Kit. WOuld add a whole new point of realism
  15. LykosMactire


    Limping disabled? limping works for me when i play with no issue. Zombies dont limp which im fine with. but bandits do
  16. LykosMactire


    I like the sound of that, and also the Caliber thing shouldnt be impossible as mrSanchez headgore bases itself off of caliber to decapitate. I wouldnt doubt that its possible to make it so some weapons spawn more simply because they are lower caliber, or if possible more common
  17. LykosMactire

    Halo 3 Marine and Bravo-Kilos

    YES my god that is amazing work, puts 343 and bungie to shame in my opinion
  18. LykosMactire


    if there isnt already, do you plan on adding(if you havnt already) a priority system for what kind of weapon spawns? (ie. You are more likely to kind the new AKS-74U than an AK-12?, or a PM 9mm over a P07 9mm)
  19. LykosMactire


    @haleks, Do you plan on incorperating the APEX weapons as spawnable loot now that theres the APEX preview branch with all the loot and such? or wait until it releases
  20. LykosMactire


    how did you get the loot to spawn in the Tanoa buildings?
  21. LykosMactire


    Actually the Steam Workshop version was updated just recently (May 16th). I think the BI forum version of it was discontinued due to an issue with a vehicle in the mod
  22. LykosMactire


    Haleks, do you think you can add support for Leights OPFOR? it has many uniforms,vests,vehicles, and helmets that would be nice to see in ravage missions
  23. LykosMactire


    Honestly in my opinion i would like to see this Boat patrols (assault boats, since FFV is a thing) Return of unarmed vehicle patrols (50 cal MGs would be hard to find during the apocalypse) Removal of anything in the 50 cal range for bandit patrols (yes, i mean you ASP-1 Kir) Truck patrols (the Civ commercial trucks filled with bandits) Weapon pool (so we can personally pick what weapons can spawn, along with what the bandits will spawn with #Kar98kgalore) destroyed aircraft at airfields. Also i know this is most likely planned, but incorperation of Apex Weapons, gear, vehicles, and buildings
  24. LykosMactire

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    This is the waterline bug... it has returned.... (at blue pearl) edit: another bug with the shipyard
  25. LykosMactire


    i have been playing on Tanoa in dev build and i must say it works VERY well with mods like this. Now if only the loot would spawn in the new tanoan buildings ;)