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About nomercy

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  1. Load bans dont seem to bring up the ban list for us thru the rcon tool,but its still writing it too the bans.txt file on our server. just to clarify is it the GeoIP thats been disabled thats causing this?
  2. We all have been using beta for our wasteland server - we have connection issues - sometimes when it does connect ,player list shows up after 2 minutes & then disapears,Its not working properly at all.We cant even use it.These are coming from 5 of my admins and myself. So we all downloaded and it works absolutely perfect.The problem lies is when the tool keeps updating itself to v0.9.9.7 beta and then issues start again.We have to keep deleting the beta version and unzip v0.9.9.6 to start using that.
  3. Hi, I own a A3 wasteland dedicated server. How do i print server messages ingame automatically(NOT MOTD) Also,How do make it permanently daylight ? many thanks.
  4. nomercy

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    Hi samatra - we emailed you last week for asking permission to host you`re wasteland mod. Im Not sure if you have recieved it or not,as we havent had a response yet since last week. Our Community is called nomercykillers. If you like us to send you more info again we can do that or i can perhaps PM you. Many thanks.