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About besplatan

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  1. I have two soldier units standing somewhere, I want to animate one of them to be talking continuously (until something happens like someone fires on him or whatever). This should be pretty simple, but I can't find it in the wikis - all moves and actions listed are weirdly specific.
  2. How do I fix soldiers who spawn waist deep in rock? I want them to spawn at that exact location, but standing on said rock, not waist deep in it.
  3. Thank you for your suggestions. I used reveal, it's a bit clunky but it works sort of.
  4. I have a base with several groups moving through waypoints. What happens is when an enemy fires on one of the groups, only that group reacts, while those 20 meters away continue on like nothing is happening, even when there's a full-on firefight. I assume there is some way to put separate groups into the same loop so they react realistically.