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Everything posted by ZertyKchan

  1. With the first parameter, you can enable AI per side.
  2. Be aware that the key selected is applied before the language keymapping. When you press the selected key the following menu opens, the fist icon is to open your tablet, the second is to access the gear menu. To be setup properly, the mission just needs to run 10 seconds on the lobby.
  3. All UI have been rework. When you spawn in, you should see a tablet with a combobox allowing to change the interaction key. No more menu can be opened from the action menu. To open the tablet press the interaction key (default is the select all unit key "²" or "~"). You can buy units if you are connected to the network and if there is at least one factory. You can buy gear (button from the interaction menu) if there is at least one unit around a owned barrack or near a supply cargo crate. The startup is a bit buggy when using MP (due to delays between clients setup and sever setup) that is why it is recommended to run it in a dedicated (you can start one on your own computer using TDAST or FSF arma server)
  4. Thanks, Stratis will follow after some hotfixes. For the other maps, I want to try to make the mission setup as procedural as possible using the locations config. But before that T'll maybe take the time to do at least Chernarus and Takistan from AiA.
  5. Your main problem is that ARMA 3 is not finding the beserver.cfg For references, I am currently using the same system and my configs are: -bepath=/home/arma/server/configs/Server1/profile/battleye in the Arma startup parameters BePath = C:\server\configs\Server1\profile\BattlEye in the BEC config. (Yeah IK it is strange but it works that ways) The real path is all in lower case, the beserver.cfg also in lower case. Hopping it helps
  6. One additional question, you are using the W32 or unix binaries of the server?
  7. For the Rcon problem, it is related to the case sensitivity of the BattlEye/BEServer.cfg file. Try putting everything in lower case.
  8. ZertyKchan

    New Chernarus Perspective?

    I hate surprises, if it is actually Chernarus+ for A3, well more work in persective. I doubt that they will release a snow map without snow camos.
  9. ZertyKchan

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    I am following this thread since the beginning and I still don't have understood some points in it. First what do you expect BIS to do? The ToS of ArmA III can be vague enough to be considered both broken and not. Since it is only BiS choice to enforce it and how, why would they not? One answer to that last question can be answered by the fact that BiS is ultimately a company, which need to generate benefits. Like it or not, that A3L community is large enough to be considered as a customer base by its own. Behind every player of A3L, a game was bought. If BiS do something that endanger that customer base, less revenue will be generated with the release of a DLC or a new game. The same kind of reasoning can be done with the players that are against A3L (for good reason IMO). So in order to maximize the future revenue of the company, the worst thing to do is to take radical actions that could shrink one of the customer base. Now about the modding community, IMO this community is really important to BiS since it generates all the level design that is not done by BIS. The community developers basically answer at minimal costs the needs of its customer base. Since the Arma engine is really simple to apprehend and since that same engine is open enough, a modding community will always emerge even if part of that community is leaving (I started codding SQf on Arma 3 alpha, and I am proud to say that i was not there when OFP was released :) ) So before going all witch hunt, It would be nice to take the time to think of what can be / cannot be / will be done , while raising the common awareness of licencing in arma and about what you can(not) do with an addon that is not your own (And of course behave like adults, while keeping it civil :)) And please excuse my french and my bad English.
  10. ZertyKchan

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    They should all come to play so BE CTI :)
  11. ZertyKchan

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    Fun to see how lewis keeps head up against all A3L devs. You need to give him credits for that.
  12. ZertyKchan

    cant slingload vehicles that are damage 1

    Attachto + rope creation? and feedback voted :)
  13. ZertyKchan

    cant slingload vehicles that are damage 1

    Make a feature request on the feedback tracker, I'll be glad to vote for it :)
  14. ZertyKchan

    cant slingload vehicles that are damage 1

    My suggestion on that matter would be that you can pack the wreak in a container, I do the same thing for tanks and such to be able to lift without affecting the mass of the object. The functions I use:
  15. ZertyKchan

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    Well since we got some BIS PR on that life gate thread why not use it :) So basically (correct me if I am wrong), a mission developer have ownership on all developed scripts and but cannot have it on a reskin of an existing vehicle (where BIS is the owner). Now my question is what about scripts that modify the UI of Arma 3. Who might be proprietary of such a script?
  16. ZertyKchan

    Confused about Taru functionality

    Something like that? :) #define pods ["Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_ammo_F","Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_bench_F","Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_box_F"] #define taru "O_Heli_Transport_04_F" #define offset [0,-1,-1] #define min_length 1 #define max_speed 0.25 #define target_length 0.75 private ["_target_mass","_target_masscenter","_pod","_pod_mass","_pod_masscenter","_mass_ratio","_new_masscenter","_new_mass"]; _target=_this; if (typeof _target != taru || isNull (getSlingLoad _target) || !((typeof (getSlingLoad _target)) in pods) || count (attachedObjects _target) >0) exitwith {false}; _pod=getSlingLoad _target; _target_mass=getmass _target; _target_masscenter=getcenterofmass _target; _pod_mass=getmass _pod; _pod_masscenter=getcenterofmass _pod; _mass_ratio=_pod_mass /(_pod_mass+_target_mass); _new_mass=_pod_mass+_target_mass; _new_masscenter=[]; {ropeUnwind [_x,max_speed,target_length];true}count (ropes _target); waitUntil {!alive _pod ||!alive _target ||(ropelength (ropes _target select 0))<min_length}; if (!alive _pod || !alive _target) exitwith {false}; _pod attachto [_target,offset]; {ropeDestroy _x;true} count (ropes _target); _target enableRopeAttach false; _pod enableRopeAttach false; for "_i" from 0 to 2 do { _new_masscenter set [_i,(_target_masscenter select _i)+((_pod_masscenter select _i)+ (offset select _i)- (_target_masscenter select _i))*_mass_ratio]; }; _target setCenterOfMass [_new_masscenter,0]; _target setmass _new_mass; true Its a bit of a code fart rigth now, still need to add some stuff and do the detach part.
  17. ZertyKchan

    Confused about Taru functionality

    C'mon ! You WONT prevent me to recode it from scratch :) And also, that confirm the fact that MCC deserves more players
  18. ZertyKchan

    Confused about Taru functionality

    I am kind of working on a solution for that. Basically you just need to attach a script to a TARU pod or the TARU itself that once slingloaded will reduce the rope length and then properly attach the pod onto the Taru while removing the ropes. And do not worry, the community will always have a solution for you someday :)
  19. ZertyKchan

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    Welcome in the LifeGate.
  20. ZertyKchan

    DLC Helicopters off limits to modders?

    Yeah I know, but I am sure there are some hidden files not stored/used inside the config somewhere :)
  21. ZertyKchan

    DLC Helicopters off limits to modders?

    Would it be possible to also have a list of the ppa files inside of the EBO? I am looking for specific icons (side view of pods and containers) but I dont even know if they exists, since we dont have any access. So, to keep it simple, would it be possible to have access to the files list inside those EPO without getting access to the actual data?
  22. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    You can download my stock version from my website www.jammywarfare.eu A new version should be out a bit after the DLC release.
  23. Hello, I have been trying unsuccessfully to hook on the GPS minimap to use the DrawIcon function on it using the following code : 0 spawn { disableSerialization; _map2=controlNull; while {isNull _map2} do { _map2=findDisplay 133 displayctrl 101; hint format ["%1", _map2] ; sleep 1; }; hint format ["%1", _map2] ; _map2 ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", "_this call MAP_DrawItems;"]; }; This code is unsuccesfull in grabbing either the control or the display associated even when the GPS is openned and the dialog present in the uinamespace "IGUI_Displays" variable but works with the default map. Would someone with some experience in this type of code kindly help me resolve this issue? Thanks in advance.
  24. ZertyKchan

    What is BECTI?

    Yes. Because that is the only payment most scripters are geting for the hours they spend developping the missions /scripts / addons. The more you credit every person that contributed by their ideas and code, the better it is for the community. And you did not imply that most of the features were already present in the missions, and semantically "we" is different than "someone". So, from my POV, the video is nice, but just add the full credits in the video description. It costs you basically nothing and it shows that you are part of the community. Cheers.