So, I've been trying to edit this mission for my own personal use, but I can't seem to make it work. All I want to do is make an A-2 Darter available for request, like you would a quad bike or other vehicle (because the darter is classified as a vehicle if I'm reading info correctly). I download the non PBO file set, put it into the editor, open up the requestvehicle.sqf, add in the new line of script, open up the editor, export to single player, and.... nothing. No change at all. I've tried to do this for several hours. If there's something simple I'm missing could someone please point it out? Or direct me to a good place to go to learn more about adding just this one vehicle request?
Update 1 hour later: So, I figured out you have to open up the request.sqf also and add in another line under the related request type, and I can now spawn a Darter UAV, however, it's not spawning under autonomous )however you spell it) and I cannot connect to it via a uav terminal. Tried picking it up and unpacking it, no luck. Any further help on this? I tried spawning it via unit request but it wont spawn from that, my guess is because it's a vehicle.
Update 2: So, after messing about in the editor with multiple missions, I decided to just go ahead and play DUWS, well, turns out, that if you go to backpacks, there's a UAV bag.... Guess what it does... Unpacks into a Darter. :Facepalm: