Thank you for your response.
Sadly, that isrnt my problem. I wish it was. My problem is that while in the mission I cannot change anything usng drag and drop or right clicking in the inventory menu after commanding them to open inventory at a crate. I know how to change loadouts before the mission by scripting or tools like the loadout editor.
Say I start the mission with a full squad. The first thing I want to do before we head out is distribute ammo for my mmg so that we dont run out. I cannot do this because I cannot get him to drop the mags.
Then, about 2 hours in I have 4 ai left and we are low on rounds. We find an enemy hideout and I order my ai to the crate in order to rearm them. I cannot do this.
Say we are out in the middle of nowhere and now I get the task to take out a tower on a beach. I would trheb want to distribute ammo, repurpose troops, and get moving to a shoreline. Once there we would want to call in a resupply with diving gear. Then we grab the gear and hop in the water for a short swim. I cannot do this.
This was entirely possible in arma 2, with the exception of uniforms.
I am at my witts end. Thank you for your help.