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About Vortex6700

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  1. That's what I thought, but it is not working for me.
  2. Sorry to bring up a month old post, but where did you put this code, Janez?
  3. Vortex6700

    AI Inventory in Multiplayer

    http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=18554 Ticket submitted through feedback tracker.
  4. Vortex6700

    AI Inventory in Multiplayer

    Thank you for your response. Sadly, that isrnt my problem. I wish it was. My problem is that while in the mission I cannot change anything usng drag and drop or right clicking in the inventory menu after commanding them to open inventory at a crate. I know how to change loadouts before the mission by scripting or tools like the loadout editor. Say I start the mission with a full squad. The first thing I want to do before we head out is distribute ammo for my mmg so that we dont run out. I cannot do this because I cannot get him to drop the mags. Then, about 2 hours in I have 4 ai left and we are low on rounds. We find an enemy hideout and I order my ai to the crate in order to rearm them. I cannot do this. Say we are out in the middle of nowhere and now I get the task to take out a tower on a beach. I would trheb want to distribute ammo, repurpose troops, and get moving to a shoreline. Once there we would want to call in a resupply with diving gear. Then we grab the gear and hop in the water for a short swim. I cannot do this. This was entirely possible in arma 2, with the exception of uniforms. I am at my witts end. Thank you for your help.
  5. Hello all, I have searched every phrase and keyword I could to come up with this, but to no avail. I am unable to edit my squad AI inventory in Multiplayer mode. I have tried the following to get it to work. I am able to get my AI Squad Mate to go to the box (or mag or vehicle or bag or body), but I am unable to click on or move anything. I have tried: 1. Dedicated Server 2. Local Host 3. every lower rank for squadmates from every rank 4. every higher rank for squadmates 5. With Mods 6. Without Mods 7. Vas, Sakumods, ww AI Menu 8. Every type of unit in game (Except Civs) 9. Dev Branch 10. Spawn and group MCC 11. Signing in as Admin 12. Every Map 13. Fresh Install 14. Spawn and group from Zeus *Note: I was the host in every situation.