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Posts posted by masterantony

  1. You are making your own Fallujah map?  What buildings are you going to be using?  Hopefully ones with house positions included (so spawned AI can also be spawned in houses)


    Sure, i think to use default buildings of Bohemia and Jbad Buildings, but i also lokking for 1 3D Artist to create real Hospital , house ext ext of Falluja with Photo by Google Maps ...

    All houses will be with interior.

    I need of one good people that do a detailed mask image for texture.

    The image of default i dont like , also because around the river there are cltivated fields, ground, green, there isn't desert, beyond this, as seen in the map there are two types of deserts , a more sandy, one more rocky.

  2. Hello guys.

    Current Falluja Map is not compatible with ARMA 3, yes you can play on this , but prestation are very bad, 70 % of house are not explorable and graphic is really bad, all this because Falluja has been developed on Arma 1 initially, and after porting on Arma 2 .

    With many MODS have problem and also script, example CQB of ALIVE, all script that spawn enemies in house ext ext ......

    For this i decided to develop Falluja for Arma 3 with actual Tools .

    I started the work from 2 days .

    I looking for collaborators for this project.


    I would like to do a project OPEN SOURCE.

    I have to think it over.


    Progress :

    HeightMap Completedhttp://gyazo.com/61ba531c6ce7fb5f74f50d3f3fe2e0f6

    Satellitar Imagehttp://gyazo.com/08e1d6936ccd932f2dc2bdf4925af880

    Mask Image : http://gyazo.com/37a1b031114067b0e0be097ab3870abf  ( In WORK ) .

    Map Texture ( Ready ) 

    Sound Character when touch Terrain 

    Road on Map

    Creation of Base

    Falluja City 


    EDIT 15.54  04/08/2015 :

    I created reposity on GitHub.


  3. Hello guys.

    I have problem with fastrope script.

    Work all but the problem is that does not stick to the rope, down in the air.

    #define MAX_SPEED_ROPES_AVAIL 30
    #define STR_TOSS_ROPES "Toss Ropes"
    #define STR_FAST_ROPE "Fast Rope"
    #define STR_CUT_ROPES "Cut Ropes"
    if (isdedicated) exitwith {};
    waituntil {player == player};
    zlt_rope_ropes = [];
    zlt_mutexAction = false;
    zlt_rope_helis = ["O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F", "O_Heli_Light_02_F", "B_Heli_Transport_01_F", "B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F", "RHS_UH60M", "RHS_UH60M_d", "CAF_CH146_F_D", "CAF_CH146_SF", "B_Heli_Transport_03_F", "B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_F", "CFB_Helo_Chinook", "I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F", "CFB_Helo_Griffon_Unarmed", "O_Heli_Attack_02_F", "O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F", "I_Heli_Transport_02_F", "B_Heli_Light_01_F"];
    zlt_rope_helidata = 
    ["O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F", "O_Heli_Light_02_F"],
    ["B_Heli_Transport_01_F", "B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F", "RHS_UH60M", "RHS_UH60M_d", "CAF_CH146_F_D", "CAF_CH146_SF"],
    ["B_Heli_Transport_03_F", "B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_F", "CFB_Helo_Chinook"],
    ["I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F", "CFB_Helo_Griffon_Unarmed"],
    ["O_Heli_Attack_02_F", "O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F"],
    zlt_fnc_tossropes = {
    private ["_heli","_ropes","_oropes","_rope"];
    _heli = _this;
    _ropes = [];
    _oropes = _heli getvariable ["zlt_ropes",[]];
    if (count _oropes != 0 ) exitWith {};
    random 0.3;
    if ((typeof _heli) in (_x select 0)) exitwith {
    _ropes = _ropes + [_x select 1];
    if ( count (_x select 2) !=0 ) then { 
    _ropes = _ropes + [_x select 2];
    _i = _i +1;
    } foreach zlt_rope_helidata;
    sleep random 0.3;
    if ( count (_heli getvariable ["zlt_ropes",[]]) != 0 ) exitwith { zlt_mutexAction = false; };
    _heli animateDoor ['door_R', 1];
    _heli animateDoor ['door_L', 1];
    _rope = ropeCreate [vehicle player, "slingload0", (getPosATL player select 2) + 3, (getPosATL player select 2) + 3, true];
    _oropes = _oropes + [_rope];
    } foreach _ropes;
    _heli setvariable ["zlt_ropes",_oropes,true];
    	_heli spawn {
    	private ["_heli","_ropes"];
    	_heli = _this;
    	while {alive _heli AND count (_heli getVariable ["zlt_ropes", []]) != 0 AND abs (speed _heli) < MAX_SPEED_ROPES_AVAIL } do {
    		sleep 0.3;
    	_ropes = (_heli getVariable ["zlt_ropes", []]);
    	{ropeDestroy _x} forEach _ropes;
    	_heli setVariable ["zlt_ropes", [], true];
    zlt_fnc_ropes_cond = {
    _veh = vehicle player;
    _flag = (_veh != player) and {(not zlt_mutexAction)} and {count (_veh getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]) == 0} and { (typeof _veh) in zlt_rope_helis } and {alive player and alive _veh and (abs (speed _veh) < MAX_SPEED_ROPES_AVAIL ) };
    zlt_fnc_fastropeaiunits = {
    private ["_heli","_grunits"];
    diag_log ["zlt_fnc_fastropeaiunits", _this];
    _heli = _this select 0;
    _grunits = _this select 1;
    dostop (driver _heli );
    (driver _heli) setBehaviour "Careless"; 
    (driver _heli) setCombatMode "Blue"; 
    _heli spawn zlt_fnc_tossropes;
    [_heli, _grunits] spawn {
    private ["_units","_heli"];
    sleep random 0.5;
    _units = _this select 1;
    _heli = (_this select 0);
    _units = _units - [player];
    _units = _units - [driver _heli];
    {if (!alive _x or isplayer _x or vehicle _x != _heli) then {_units = _units - [_x];}; } foreach _units;
    { sleep (0.5 + random 0.7); _x spawn zlt_fnc_fastropeUnit; } foreach _units;
    waituntil {sleep 0.5; { (getpos _x select 2) < 1 } count _units == count _units; };
    sleep 10;
    (driver _heli) doFollow (leader group (driver _heli ));
    (driver _heli) setBehaviour "Aware"; 
    (driver _heli) setCombatMode "White"; 
    _heli call zlt_fnc_cutropes;
    zlt_fnc_fastrope = {
    diag_log ["fastrope", _this];
    zlt_mutexAction = true;
    sleep random 0.3;
    if (player == leader group player) then {
    [vehicle player, units group player] call zlt_fnc_fastropeaiunits;
    player call zlt_fnc_fastropeUnit;
    zlt_mutexAction = false;
    zlt_fnc_fastropeUnit = {
    _veh = vehicle player;
    _ropes = (_veh getVariable ["zlt_ropes", []]);
    if (count _ropes == 0) exitWith {};
    player action ["Eject",vehicle player];
    sleep 0.5;
    player leaveVehicle _veh;
       moveOut player;
    player allowDamage false;
    _ropePos = ropeEndPosition (_ropes select 0) select 0;
    player setPosATL [(getPosATL _veh select 0),(getPosATL _veh select 1),(getPosATL _veh select 2) -0.5];
    player switchMove "LadderRifleStatic";
    While {Alive player && (((getPos player) select 2) > 1)} do 
    	player switchMove "LadderRifleStatic";
    player setVelocity [0,0,0];
    player playMove "LadderRifleDownOff";
    player allowDamage true;
    zlt_fnc_cutropes = {
    _veh = _this;
    _ropes = (_veh getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]);
    {ropeDestroy _x} foreach _ropes;
    _veh setvariable ["zlt_ropes", [], true];
    _veh animateDoor ['door_R', 0];
    _veh animateDoor ['door_L', 0];
    zlt_fnc_removeropes = {
    (vehicle player) call zlt_fnc_cutropes;
    zlt_fnc_createropes = {
    zlt_mutexAction = true;
    (vehicle player) call zlt_fnc_tossropes;
    zlt_mutexAction = false;
    player createDiarySubject [sTR_SCRIPTS_NAME,STR_SCRIPTS_NAME];
    player createDiaryRecord [sTR_SCRIPTS_NAME,[sTR_SCRIPT_NAME, STR_HELP]];
    player addAction["<t color='#ffff00'>"+STR_TOSS_ROPES+"</t>", zlt_fnc_createropes, [], -1, false, false, '','[] call zlt_fnc_ropes_cond'];
    player addAction["<t color='#ff0000'>"+STR_CUT_ROPES+"</t>", zlt_fnc_removeropes, [], -1, false, false, '','not zlt_mutexAction and count ((vehicle player) getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]) != 0'];
    player addAction["<t color='#00ff00'>"+STR_FAST_ROPE+"</t>", zlt_fnc_fastrope, [], 15, false, false, '','not zlt_mutexAction and count ((vehicle player) getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]) != 0 and player != driver vehicle player'];
    player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {
    player addAction["<t color='#ffff00'>"+STR_TOSS_ROPES+"</t>", zlt_fnc_createropes, [], -1, false, false, '','[] call zlt_fnc_ropes_cond'];
    player addAction["<t color='#ff0000'>"+STR_CUT_ROPES+"</t>", zlt_fnc_removeropes, [], -1, false, false, '','not zlt_mutexAction and count ((vehicle player) getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]) != 0'];
    player addAction["<t color='#00ff00'>"+STR_FAST_ROPE+"</t>", zlt_fnc_fastrope, [], 15, false, false, '','not zlt_mutexAction and count ((vehicle player) getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]) != 0 and player != driver vehicle player'];

  4. Hi,

    How about I steal the mission and start saying that is my version? Would be that nice? NO IT WOULD F*** NOT.

    Stop messing around.

    My Features over the version of Martial.

    Do you Understand? Or you are so stupid?

    Yes is my version .

    I was breaking my balls. SHIT.

    This community of Arma 3 is full of fucking kids.

    For this many have left this crap , like XEON.

    Seems to me that his mission "Domination" is on Arma 3 with many NAME DIFFERENT , Invade and Annex and other.

    But nothing breaking balls. Why?

    So shut up.

    Stupid Hater.
