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10 Good

About peybolman

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  1. Could it be possible for you if it is not a big work to release a version with the HRP function? That would be super tera great.
  2. Hello, About track 6dof support for the fa-18 There is a guy (Feint) who already made a mod for 6DOF support in helis and planes and it is great. I asked him to add the fa-18 to his 6dof moded plane list. He said: "As for adding this to the FA-18 addon, that would add a dependency to this addon which I want to avoid. But if the creators of that aircraft want tips on how to enable this, I'll be happy to supply them." http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168314-Head-Range-Plus-Improved-TrackIR-Movement It would be great to have 6dof added to both of your mods, the fa18 and the future su-35.
  3. Great mod dude!!! BTW, Could you add this fantastic 6DOF to the FA-18 mod? I mean adding it to your 6dof list.
  4. Hello, About track ir axis availability, Is it possible to add side and up/down in-cockpit movement like in some of the helis? We already have pitch, yaw, roll and Z (for zooming) axis available with trackir in planes, but X and Y axis are the ones would be great to be working. In any case, great mod. BTW Where can we download the development builds?