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Everything posted by kalthramis

  1. kalthramis

    Forced joining

    Heya, so after getting frustrated with this I did a complete reinstall of Arma 3, and this bug has gone away. It could have been the result of some weird conflicts with Arma 3 and the Arma 3 beta, which I was in. If you're still having this bug, try a fresh install and it should hopefully be gone.
  2. kalthramis

    Making a new vehicle?

    Alright, thanks guys. I'll give these comments a whack and get back to you on whether or not it worked.
  3. Heya. First up, thanks for your time for reading this. So I want to make a new vehicle for Arma 3 - I already have the models and everything, but when it comes to implimenting the model, I don't have any idea what to do. I've done plenty of research, don't get me wrong - I have Oxygen 2, I've exported the model correctly, ect. But when it comes to setting up the 'AddOns,' writing a 'config file,' and so on? I'm hopelessly lost. At the moment, all I'm looking to do is swap out the current jet model with a different one, and I'm utterly stumped. I can't find any reliable or up-to-date information on how to do this. Anyone have any pointers, or links to tutorials that aren't out of date and hopelessly terrible? Please and thanks, Kal