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About irishwarrior

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  1. irishwarrior

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    Thanks, I showed my brother who use to play ARMA 3 and said to him its a new ARMA 3 DLC pack, he then said wow that's awesome and he said yeah ARMA 3 use to look crap (as in its all the same desert)
  2. irishwarrior

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    Hi, Is it possible for the ARMA 3 dev's to make more textures?. ARMA 3 Textures suggestions: - Green Moss - Green Terrain, Streams , Fallen logs, Make it feel like your in a green forest. - If your by the sea side, then make the beach texture's more of a sandy color. ------- If that does still not float the ARMA 3's dev's boat, what about making a DLC that is based on green landscape. green forests, open green terrain,etc.. focus more on the textures and the whole feeling... or what about snow?. and if there's snow, then make the map / island/etc feel like your up in Norway country side or something. or lets say New Zealand landscape or France, give more of a feeling by doing the color,textures,atmosphere, etc... the whole feeling.. so what about adding some new islands or maps that are green based..