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Everything posted by digfig

  1. digfig

    (Co30) Evolution-A3

    Not 100% sure what you mean by script errors despite my 1000's of hours of arma played i have very limited editing knowledge and most of what i know or display i just looked up and figured out. If its the pop ups during the mission then no i did not have any. I also forgot one thing this happened on the older maps and we have not gotten far enough on the new v1.0 to know if it still happens but after the third or forth city when you kill npc they just vanish instantly. were normal they fall over and become corpses for X amount of time.
  2. digfig

    (Co30) Evolution-A3

    I know this is a little behind and I did not have a chance to read all the new posts today but here is a small right up and response to your v1.0 and your steam msg. Ignore any part others have posted or that you have already fixed. Yes we tried it and cleared out the first 2 cities. Before the map started to fall apart, first the re-spawn on the MHQ worked but it stopped functioning as an MHQ and was just another vehicle. Second the script for the re-spawn does not remove the old wreck so if it gets blown up in the base it spawns in the wreck and blows up and you end up with a pile of them witch start to blow up other vehicles and take down buildings. This spawn mess is very typical in maps like this over time and I’m not sure how to fix it. Also the pickup trucks at base had this same issue and we ended up with 50ish wrecks in a pile that flew all over the base when new ones spawned. After that every single chopper re-spawn stopped working and every tank/armored vehicle re-spawn stopped working. Also when I placed a mash on the spawn selector screen the names would swap. My mash would be called a location and the HQ’s name would change to digfig’s mash. I know this is a lot and we did not test to see if it happened again or if it was just that one map that’s broken. I do want to say despite all this we have a blast playing your map and we really do love your evo maps. We have seen a lot of people come and go trying to make one due to the countless endless errors and bugs that come with such a complicated map in Arma. As long as you’re willing to put in the work we will be here to help please keep up the good work and don’t give in.
  3. digfig

    (Co30) Evolution-A3

    that is correct.
  4. digfig

    (Co30) Evolution-A3

    The fix worked for my server but a few new things popped up. When you deploy a re-spawned MHQ you can't teleport to it from the base and it no longer has the MHQ map tag. Also i can't seem to lock on to anything with the missiles from the jet.
  5. digfig

    (Co30) Evolution-A3

    Found something else if you kill enemies well in tanks or other vehicles you get negative points instead of positive points.
  6. digfig

    (Co30) Evolution-A3

    That seems to have fixed it. It re-spawns and can be deployed when it does. Thank you again, on the steam work shop page for this map there was an older post saying you were looking for someone to fund/host a server for you to manage. I should be able to if you want to send me a PM if you still need it.
  7. digfig

    (Co30) Evolution-A3

    Yes the MHQ re-spawns once but does not have the options to deploy it acts like just a normal transport Hermtt. Yes other vehicles re-spawn more then once but when they re-spawn all there systems are red and need repairs in the base.
  8. digfig

    (Co30) Evolution-A3

    I added those to lines and repacked the mission. The MHQ re-spawns but only once and when it does re-spawn it no longer acts like a MHQ. There is no option to deploy it. Thanks again for the fast reply Arma is never easy thats for sure.
  9. digfig

    (Co30) Evolution-A3

    Thanks for the quick reply. I have done some testing as we still cannot get the mobile HQ to re-spawn. I have tried re-downloading the Release Candidate 9 .pbo (https://github.com/Kolmain/Evolution-A3/releases/tag/RC9). The server has no add-ons or mods running on it. It seems like everything else on the map re-spawns correctly except the hermtt transport when the mobile HQ re-spawn is off and the Mobile HQ hermtt when it is enabled. Any ideas on how to fix this?
  10. digfig

    (Co30) Evolution-A3

    I was wondering if anyone knows the respwan timer when the MHQ blows up. It does not seem to be re spawning on our server.
  11. I was wondering how to go about changing the expert difficulty toggles as stated in this change log. I have a few people that really like to and want to play your mod but they prefer to play in 3ed person most of the time and when flying. I had thought it was because the mission was locked to expert mode however changing this to regular or any other difficulty at the mission select screen does not seem to change 3ed person being locked.
  12. I was also wondering the same thing as we only play the COOP versions. Would be nice to see some love.
  13. Very nice thank you for the response keep up the amzing work have had a lot of fun so far on your map with some friends.
  14. This is a noobish question but what would i save this file as and would i just put it in an @Name_here Folder?
  15. Quick question is there a way to turn off grass in the co-op vs of this map?
  16. I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I added VAS to a map but the box I have added the script to keeps de-spwaning after 5-10min on the server. Does any one know how to stop them from de-spawing?
  17. I was wondering if there is a option window for this map to set view distance and grass on/off I cant find it in game online for the co-op map
  18. digfig


    We have been playing your mission for some time now and love it. Just posting a few bugs we would love to see fixed if at all possible. The revive is not reliable when joining other peoples squads meaning you lose the ability to revive. A major thing is when drones re-spawn they are no longer controllable making them all 1 time use. The virtual ammo box options on vehicles also does not carry over if they re-spawn. As of 1.4 we have found that after some time players get the drag/place options on objects at base and side mission objectives. When you use this command the object shoots about 1000 feet in the air and can’t be lowered as Q and Z make it rise. You have done a very good job and just wanted to let you know your work is appreciated. Keep up the good work and I hope some of these things help.
  19. digfig

    MP COOP GITS EVOLUTION - main thread

    Well let me be the first to start saying good things about the game. Been playing Arma since it was released with a close group of friends we have logged too many hours playing EVO maps since they started popping up all those years ago. That being said I have been checking your thread about 10 times a day in anticipation for a release (we love EVO). When we first started playing Arma 3 the FPS was basically unplayable so we have waited to release to really mess with things. But with very minor tweaks witch any Arma player should be able to do (god knows getting Arma/Arma 2 mods to work is a lot harder) simply add -cpuCount=8 -maxMem=4096 (those #’s are for my rig) to the game shortcut. Then in game set your visibility sliders to 3000/1000/50 and on any rig we have tested be it $900 new egg special to $2800 stream tastic rig Arma 3 should run 40-55 fps. My standards could be off a little but running a steady 50 fps in Arma is very playable. We have been loving Arma 3 with 237 hours played so far. In short we look forward to your map and will wait as long as we have to. You do amazing work eggbeast and, even though many of us lurk in the shadows following your progress you do have a loyal following. Your maps make Arma 3 for a lot of players and we hope you keep up the amazing work thank you for the 1000’s of hours of gaming enjoyment and countless WTF Arma moments.