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About gnomie

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  1. Hi there again, after doing some missions with 3 other friends we decided to do some more missions. But there are so much of them. So I just want to ask whether anyone knows some good missions? Specifically to use new arma 3 features we are searching something like: - submarine missions - diving missions - tank missions - missions where you jump off an airplane I found armaholic but there are quite endless missions and you can't order or search for missions. Any help and tips would be much appreciated.
  2. Thanks for your answer... but... these missions are the ones from Boehmia I think. How do I edit them? And: have I to do this on the server? Is there any tutorial on how to open and edit a mission file?
  3. Hi all, I'm new to arma 3 (have played dayz with arma2+oa but not arma itself) and like it. I played with a friend and now we have some questions. We only play escape missions as we say we should firstly train a bit before playing with a clan. Some questions: - if I use marksman, i don't have any range finder nor a good sniper. But a sniper should be able to watchout isn't it? Is there any possibility to alter the loadout of a specific class? - are there any missions were we need to sneak in with the submarine? There are only some missions available but no one knows about quality of user generated missions. - Is it possible to get the marksman the squadleader or the squadleader use a sniper? As no one of us want to use a normal rifle and the KI squad leader is a joke... - Is it possible to do the tank missions with ai or will they mess up? And one gameplay question as we failed yesterday in the evening some times: We are 2 humans and have the other's of the squad as ai. Now we walk along a road and see a vehicle. And now? If we engage him other KI will leave and we are dead as soon as they see us. No time to shoot. :( Thanks in advance for answers.