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About SpectorSHC

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  1. SpectorSHC

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Thanks. He had the wrong bit type...
  2. SpectorSHC

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    To clarify, he does have other plugins. Its just that Task force plugin is not showing up. We moved the TS client from x86 just in case, still nothing. Everyone Else Can get it to work just fine, its just him for some strange reason. It is Windows 7 Ultimate. Maybe that might have soemthing to do about it? also, what do you mean provide path to Dll? All other plugins (including ones that come with TS) are there for him.
  3. SpectorSHC

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    We have one very special member does not get the plugin option no matter what he tries. His TS is up to date. He did drag and drop the files into plugins (His TS folder is found in x86, not Standard Program Files, though it should not matter) He has restarted his TS, he does not have any extra folders where his plugins go, and all the radio items are there as far as well know. He is running Windows 7 ultimate. He has launched TS in administrator. The mod is showing up, he has the items, but TS side does not work. Any Ideas?
  4. Quick question. IF a server has CBA, can vanilla clients connect to it? Thanks ahead of time
  5. SpectorSHC

    =BTC= Revive

    Well I'm glad this forum is still being supported! can't Say much about most others. I do have a question though. I want to make it so a First Aid kit can only heal people (like in vanilla game) but I want the MEDIC KIT to be the item needed to revive. IS there anything I can change to make this possible? Thanks ahead of time!
  6. SpectorSHC

    Roadside IED Script

    Is there anyone left monitoring this mod? And is there any possible way to make the explosion more damaging? Slammers and Marshall's laugh at these IEDs, or atleaste be able to damage/kill passengers/driver gunners and commanders. what I'm asking is, is there anyway to make these more dangerous? Thanks in advance