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Everything posted by pulstar

  1. Thanks. Very useful script. Btw, is it only limited to sides? I don't want to spawn mixed groups from various factions. How to separate them? Or maybe I should just edit a new file to each faction?
  2. pulstar

    [wip]rok armed forces 2035

    I know this is a long shot, but do you plan on doing K2 í‘í‘œ or K21 NIFV for future updates/[/color]
  3. pulstar

    East Static Weapons Pack

    Author is on fire! Is Tunguska, T90 and BMP3 included in the Arma 2 samples? Would be neat to round up the Russian hardware porting :)
  4. pulstar

    C-130J Port Release

    Both reference similar assets, so a conflict arises. There's nothing to be done except properly porting it to Arma 3.
  5. Okay then, is it possible to modify this script to spawn squads/sections?
  6. MBT's and IFV's would be most welcome Vilas :)
  7. pulstar

    ASR AI 3

    Vehicular AI in Arma was never that good to begin with. Suicidal helos is another thing that always bothered me. Maybe someday they'll do an armour simulation akin to ToH, with proper battlefields (ranges of kilometers for modern MBT engagements) and tactical engagements. M1TP2 had a simplistic interface and even barren landscapes, but even in that game formations played a huge role, and ambushes could even kill your platoon.. Not to mention rushing in against reinforced heavy armour could spell your doom.
  8. pulstar

    Challenger 2 Pack (WIP)

    Yea, but they're not as powerful as their real life counterparts :P I did have a good experience with addons in A2 however.. If you stand close to a firing cannon the blowback could literally knock you back lol
  9. Getting PhysX right should be the priority imho. Having the tanks flip over the smallest of rocks really turned me off from vehicle combat in A2.
  10. pulstar

    Challenger 2 Pack (WIP)

    I hope the cannon is animated! ;) If there's something Arma's MBT's lack it's the kickback of firing their main cannons.
  11. could this be turned into a PBO? Having to copy the files to each map for quick play can be tiresome.
  12. pulstar

    no rag doll for mortar crews

    In Arma 5
  13. pulstar

    WR5 M14 pack

    possible to create permanent ammobox?
  14. pulstar

    East Static Weapons Pack

    I noticed a few times that the stupid AI driver tends to rear-end another T72, which leads to it almost flipping over. This only happens with collisions since the tanks drive fine over rocks and obstacles.
  15. Surrender is back? I take it thanks to GL5 :P
  16. pulstar

    East Static Weapons Pack

    must say, you're pretty good at this PhysX enigma!
  17. pulstar

    Real Armor Mod

    Does this promising mod now make Bakerman's Armor Improvement System obsolete?
  18. Because the forum doesn't allow rendering images > 100kb
  19. pulstar

    A-164 Trim/Y-Axis Broken

    Unlike the mod version though as AI it provided killer CAS :)
  20. pulstar

    Boeing C-17 ArmA 3 Mod

    haha I did a 360 in the air with this. Also nobody on Opfor seems to bother targetting it? Nice addition but needs some fixing.
  21. pulstar

    [WIP] F-22 Raptor A3

    I don't think there's even a flight sim that supports stealth technology proper.
  22. pulstar

    Georgian RRF-NATO v 1.0

    could you perhaps provide a retextured T72 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgian_Land_Forces#Armoured_vehicles Really the Mk is overused in mods.
  23. This is what happens when porting without applying PhysX parameters to the vehicles.
  24. pulstar

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Anyone else gets occasional fog? Even though I don't use weather addons/scripts?
  25. Tis a big mod.. Any list of included vehicles?