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About PHAL13

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  1. took me 14 hours, but I found it. no reply's tho :(
  2. I've found the template and have textured it to my spec's. my issue now is trying to find the model it goes on... unlike blufor it was easy using "B_Soldier_base_F" but I have no idea what to use for the range master as it falls under common and in the editor I can't find any civ/indi/blufor that uses the polo shirt and long pants or "poloshirtpants_co"
  3. Hi guys, hoping this is the right place to be posting? I've been attempting to re-texture a few units and would like to give the rangemaster uniform a crack, problem is (either im blind or its not there!) I can't find the template for the rangemaster and a few other uniforms. I've looked around in the characters_f folder but cant seem to find it... anyone know where it can be found? Thanks in advance PHAL
  4. Current config for hollowman! am getting an error concerning \A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor _diver.p3d not found
  5. yeah it does the same thing if I'm only using "this adduniform "emt_uniform";"
  6. awesome so that worked great, problem now is that once i've packed the pbo and loaded it in game, I cant get it on the character... i've been playing around with the initialization commands, should it be looking like this? pbo log file aaaaand my guys invisible! http://iforce.co.nz/i/4vtvnywo.lxw.jpg (262 kB) *confused*
  7. Hi guys, I'm new to re-texturing and have tried to get my new re-textures to work in game, but for the life of me I can not. I get an error when trying to pack the pbo "Error in config p:\myprojects\emtclothing\config.cpp" My config looks something like this Where am I going wrong?! Thanks in advance PHAL