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About kaido

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  1. I've spent a fairly large amount of time on several Arma 2 life servers, I was VERY excited when I heard Arma 3 already had a large 'life' development scene. From reading this thread and looking over the features on the Steam group and the videos, I can fully say I am very excited. It seems all of the problems I had with Arma 2 life are being resolved, Such as my progress being removed every 24 hours, and an actual realistic factory/agricultural aspect. I just want to add, thank you for being strict on the police role, I am -SO- tired of watching idiots try to diffuse a situation by running in and shooting everything that moves. All that being said, I am quite excited and I'd appreciate and enjoy it if you would consider me for a testing position, I Roleplay (always had a large interest in police work, and doing the common 'United Nations' role on arma 2 life.), I have a microphone and I am 22 years old. I think I fit your guidelines?