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About lightford

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  1. lightford

    US Insurgency ALiVE

    OK. This has not created any issues with other missions said to require AiA TP versus AiA SA. But I will it a shot. Thank you.
  2. lightford

    US Insurgency ALiVE

    Hi there. I am trying to run this mission on my dedi server and am getting a couple errors when launching the server... Addon 'ClassMappingToCUP' requires addon 'CUP_Creatures_People_Military_DummyInfantrySet' and a CfgWeapons related item. Oh, I should mention, I am only loading the mods you have listed as required, with one except: AiA SA Lite versus AiATP. The server will not launch. Any ideas???
  3. Just an FYI for those downloading via PwSix - see the instructions at the beginning of this thread to help with this but here's a summary of what worked for me. PwSix currently only loads the main (~1.4GB) folder. You also need to download the smaller file from Mega (LTLauncher folder combined with an LT smaller folder) then merge the smaller and larger LT folders together. Next, place the LT and LTLauncher folders (notice: these are NOT @LT and @LTLauncher folders - don't name them that) along with a copy of the @CBA folder in the main ARMA3 directory folder. Finally, within the LTLauncher folder, double-click the LTLauncher.exe file to bring this mod to life! Hope this helps. BTW, I have no idea how to use food/water/etc... Ha!
  4. Dear ALiVE team. Immensely enjoyed another mission (using your mod as the main enemy generator) this past weekend with my fireteam. Reviewing my gameplay vids, one of my teammates noticed an issue with CAS radio chatter giving wrong grid references. For instance, I click on Altis at 207088 and that ref is comm'd to the heli. The heli replied with something like "...will provide support at 208072..." which is actually the ref for our base. The pilot always reported our base grid ref rather than where we called them to. Is this a bug?
  5. Quick question about a "malfunction" with the Military Intelligence module... This module provides intel via crossroads "chatter" when I build and preview missions in editor. However, when I run the same missions on my dedicated box I get no intel. Any thoughts on why???
  6. MSO PDB Gurus - I really could use some help getting PDB going on my server. I get the "filenotfound" error and have tried all the fixes I could find for this in the forums to no avail. Thanks for the help!