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Everything posted by digitalgeo

  1. digitalgeo

    Official Zeus servers from Bohemia Interactive

    Parameters are broken. You set it for Mod to not be able to edit anything, but they still get full rights! Fixed (I think)
  2. digitalgeo

    Official Zeus servers from Bohemia Interactive

    Ok, this is frustrating. It seems like the 1.64 update has downgraded the Zeus experiance. First of all, we can't place down many structures and pre-made structures anymore. Plus, when we remote controll an enemy unit and kill a player, it will show up as me doing friendly fire. Also, co-operation has gone out of the window since dynamic groups was introduced. It's making group making awkward because team leaders are begging other people to join you. Players are just going to whatever group they please even if their asked to stay, so groups are not balanced and it becomes a clusterfuck. I liked it better when Zeus set players into to a group without giving them an option. This new system is not promoting cooperation. Dynamic groups works fine
  3. digitalgeo

    Official Zeus servers from Bohemia Interactive

    I also reported the missing objects issue in Zeus menu during dev branch. Entire categories are missing: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120145 Was it ignored by accident?
  4. digitalgeo

    Official Zeus servers from Bohemia Interactive

    Hi, I reported a similar issue while the update was in dev branch and I read it was fixed. Any reason why its been undone? I read the post fix here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/140837-development-branch-changelog/page-44
  5. digitalgeo

    Official Zeus servers from Bohemia Interactive

    Update 1.64 All praise Bohemia I hate dynamic groups, its unexpectedly its ruined co-operation :/ It works fine
  6. digitalgeo

    Arma 3 vs High end laptop

    Hi, I play Arma 3 on a laptop, so I'd like to share my insight. I can easily achieve 40 fps with my specs. My laptop is a Clevo W230SD: CPU - i7 4910mq GPU - 960m 2GB RAM - 8GB Screen size - 13.3 inches Although my GPU is worse than yours, my CPU is much better. It can do a max of 3.9Ghz but, due to thermal throttling, I limit it to 2.7 Ghz for stable frames. So even though I lowered my Ghz and cannot overclock, I still get reasonable frames. In towns like Kavala, I get 30-40 fps. In the countryside, I get 40-60 fps. I am happy with 40 fps, and that's what I get all the time. Even better, I don't run on the lowest settings so Arma 3 looks fantastic. So you do not necessarily need to overclock, or get the highest end cpu.
  7. digitalgeo

    Official Zeus servers from Bohemia Interactive

    I agree with Type with not enabling Group Module in Zeus. I have been on many public sessions over the past year. More often than not, sessions where players cooperate with Zeus to organise their groups leads to organised gameplay which almost rival private milsim groups. Actually, public Zeus sessions are the only places where I find milsim gameplay on PUBLIC servers with complete strangers who've known each other for less than an hour. When the Group Management Module is introduced (via friendly hackers), it has surprisingly lead to greater disorganization and players are less willing to cooperate. I've seen this a number of times over the month. For some reason, there is greater cooperation when players are NOT given free will to choose their own groups, and solely rely on Zeus to group them. This accidental social experiment is leading to unexpected cooperation from complete strangers. I ask any curious dev to try out a few sessions on official Zeus servers. I am confident they'll find at least one organised session with groups. Group management works fine
  8. This issue has been around since the APEX update on Stratis and Altis. When the Game Master places a structure or wreck from Tanoa, non-apex owners are kicked a few moments after and non-apex owners who join mid-game are unable to join, as they are also kicked instantly for missing apex content. When a non-apex player is kicked, a system message appears describing they're missing apex content. This issue is consistent across all Official Zeus Servers. Placing down APEX vehicles and AI does not cause this issue. I believe this is unfair for all players, regardless of whether they own apex. It's unfair for the Game Master, as they are unaware that placing apex structures will kick players. It's also difficult for them to avoid placing apex structures, as you can't distinguish between vanilla and apex structures in the CREATE tab since they are mixed together. For example, under the Wrecks there are vanilla as well as apex wrecks and you can't tell the difference. It's unfair for non-apex owners , as they joined a vanilla session in the first place. So they shouldn't be so severely punished with a kick. It's also unfair for Apex owners. I own Apex. I hate it when our driver, or worse, our glorious leader gets kicked while we're doing an escape mission. Game Masters on Official Servers have tried to avoid this by making players aware, but it still happens frequently in all my zeus scenarios . It would be nice to have a system similar to virtual arsenal, where apex content indicated with a symbol.
  9. This issue has been around for a few months. As Game Master, you can place down CAS modules to spawn jets for air support. However in almost every case, placing one module spawns a dozen jets at the same time in the same airspace, causing a huge explosion followed by a rain of flaming jet wrecks. This happens in almost every session now in Official Zeus Servers. Game Masters have resorted to avoiding the module all together. This issue is consistent on all Official Zeus Servers, and the only case where it has not happened was when only 3 players were on the server. Expected Placing a CAS module will spawn in a jet to provide a scripted gun run. Outcome Placing a CAS module will spawn in a dozen jets in the same airspace, causing a clusterfuck of explosions and raining wrecks I ask the developers to investigate
  10. digitalgeo

    Official Zeus servers from Bohemia Interactive

    Thanks Dwarden, your fix is greatly appreciated. You've saved us a lot of hassle. I will look out if certain groups abuse this.
  11. digitalgeo

    Official Zeus servers from Bohemia Interactive

    Hi, there's still an issue with the official Zeus servers after update 1.60 I thought this might sort itself out but its been months and vote admin is still broken! So I'm posting this in hope for a fix. Voting admin is still disabled on all of your Zeus servers. Vote admin ONLY works in the lobby, when the mission is going to start and people still have to pick their roles. Vote admin is disabled at any other point during the mission duration, always saying "Voting admin is disabled on this server". I thought allowing us to vote an admin is common sense, because we want to be able to change the map and faction we play on and we want to change the parameters to allow mod full rights. I play Zeus regularly, and we players have resorted to restarting the mission over and over again to get to the lobby stage, just to vote for an admin. Sometimes, we do so many restarts that players just leave. The default Zeus map and parameters is horrible and I never see player use it because its too restrictive. It's frustrating because if we don't vote an admin before the lobby time's out, we have to restart the mission again and even up to three times. This is done on ALL your servers to the point where it's now a a standard procedure us Zeus players. And it's been going on for months! It's ridiculous, it's annoying, and most of all time consuming. I posted this issue months ago. Kick also had the same problem, and Dwarden fixed that. I am grateful. But he didn't fix admin, which I asked him too do to. It's located here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/191160-disaster-at-official-servers-after-160/?hl=zeus I can't believe I have to make another post about this! For the love of God, PLEASE allow #vote admin during mission duration and not just in lobby, or at the VERY LEAST, save ME from frustration and give me an explanation to why vote admin is only allowed in the lobby before a mission starts.
  12. digitalgeo

    Flares in Apex

    I can't find the acknowledgement for a fix. Is it on twitter, feedback tracker or some other social media? Thanks!
  13. The new revive system is now in effect, and having tried it I love it. One of the new aspects is the shorter bleed out time where the downed player has even less time to get revived. This is great because imo the shorter time gives a sense of urgency and makes the player's wounds feel more authentic. The devs are considering lengthening the bleed out time, but I think it should stay the same. What do you guys think?
  14. digitalgeo

    Official Zeus servers from Bohemia Interactive

    Hi Devs, I see that your working on "Master Tanoa" Zeus for the new map and I can't wait to try it out. Could you tell us how many Official Zeus scenarios we'll get our hands on? Love your work
  15. There is, BIS announced recently :D
  16. It is unfair when a full official server switches from a 32 player End game to a 20 player End Game mission during round change, as players have to fight over slots. In a full server, 32 players should not have to fight over 20 slots, as it forces the other 12 unslotted players to leave. As a result when the server changes to a 32 player game again, the server is not full. It can be suggested that one official server should host all the 32 player End Games, while the other official server hosts all the 20 player End games. This way max player counts are consistent, people don't fight over slots during mission change, and servers remain full longer. Play on Official BIS End Game server and wait for when mission ends. When it switches to a new mission, theres a chance a 32 player mission changes to a 20 player mission. If the server is full, and it changes from a 32 to 20 player mission, 12 players are left out.
  17. digitalgeo

    Disaster at OFFICIAL servers after 1.60

    The fix is a huge relief, thanks Dwarden :D Could you help the official end game servers as well? The vote problem extends there too. I haven't tested, but has vote admin been changed? I too share the pain of writing missions that are hack proof. It's difficult! 1) Would you consider another layer of protection at least? eg. scripted anti hack? For example, from the hackers I've observed, they need a key press, an addAction or a radio message added to themselves to initiate a hack, and it is possible to run a script to detect extra assigned keys and remove unwanted actions and radio missions. It may not protect all hacks, but at least it protects from some hacks (mass vehicle spawning in my case). 2) Would you consider avoiding remoteExec for future official missions? It's also completely possible to create a MP mission without using remoteExec. IMO the most destructive hacks use remoteExec (& BIS_fnc_MP), so disabling it all together would limit the hacker. Why not disable remoteExec and use the publicVariables and addPublicVariableEventHandler instead? They can do the same job as remoteExec and can be extremely selective in which commands can be global when correctly set up. Again it won't prevent all hacks, but it'll limit the hacker and buy the good guys more time. (It's worked in some occasions in my case eg. nuke hacks). Thanks Edit: Grammer
  18. Hi Demo multiplayer is not working Is there a web server browser or a steam browser? I'm testing a dedicated server performance on Arma 2 before I buy
  19. digitalgeo

    Next DLC poll what would you want it to be??

    This is far reaching, but I dream of seeing update which would bring all the RHS: Escalation into Official game. RHS won the MANW contest. In the MANW live stream, BIS praised it for being high quality and high quantity. Many of its weapons and vehicles had close attention to detail. Moreover its not unusual for games to make good mods official content. Lets take a look at "Mount and Warband" for example. The community built a mod called "Mount and Musket" which converted the medieval warfare into musket warfare. The mod was so successful that the game developers officially added it into the game. They worked with the modders to polish it up, and in 2012 they released officially BIS pls :3
  20. digitalgeo

    Marksman DLC - Thank You

    Heard this song for the first time and found it heart warming. It was posted in 2009, but I felt the need to bump it up again, for Marksman DLC and bipods ;)
  21. Competitive Football has come to Arma 3! Get ready for intense action as your team to scores goals to win....(Drum roll) :yay::yay:The Altis Cup!:yay: As a bonus, you can throw objects (tables, chairs, portable toilers...) at at your enemy by pressing letter O. Prepare for a vehicle moshipit, flying cars and silly ragdolls. This is possibly the most polished* and most realistic* football simulation in Arma 3, so Enjoy! Features: - Polished Football Arena - State of the art football physics!* - Throw random crap at your opponents! (Press O) - Pacifist friendly* - Fun alternative to guns - JIP compatible Video uploaded by bakerofbake. Video Higlights: - 4:50 (Tactical catapult) - 1:08 (ATV Super powers) - 1:23 (Out of bounds!) Watch the whole video for the best laughs! Download Subscribe to it here from the Official Steam Workshop, to download. Or just search "football" in Arma 3 Workshop and subscribe to it from there. *sarcasm
  22. digitalgeo

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Just needed to show some appreciation a mist all the complaining ^^
  23. digitalgeo

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    The new sounds are marvlous! I hope BIS is getting enough praise for these changes
  24. digitalgeo

    BIS Endgame server with 3rd person off?

    I made a request for this some time ago :D Vote here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=23269 Edit Just read the post from neokika. Thanks BIS ^^ I guess that ticket should be resolved