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Everything posted by TittErS

  1. Thank you vengeance1 for the report. The bug is fixed. You can the download anew
  2. Or: building1 setdir (getdir this);
  3. You can look into "Splendid Config Viewer" in sub-class "UserActions" of building Exemple with the side right Airport Altis : "configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "Land_Airport_right_F" >> "UserActions" OpenDoor_1 condition = "((this animationPhase 'Door_1_rot') < 0.5) && ((this getVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1',0]) != 1)"; displayName = "Ouvrir portes"; displayNameDefault = "<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\open_door_ca.paa' size='2.5' />"; onlyForPlayer = 0; position = "Door_1_trigger"; priority = 0.4; radius = 1.5; statement = "([this, 'Door_1_rot', 'Door_Handle_1_rot_1', 'Door_Handle_1_rot_2'] execVM "\A3\Structures_F\scripts\Door_open.sqf")"; Here you have all informations of action used, the name, icon, Priority of action, the condiftion, .... In statement you can see the animation name "Door_1_rot" and the script used. Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\Addons\structures_f.pbo Door_open.sqf // Open a door with an animated doorhandle. // _this select 0 object pointer // _this select 1 door animation // _this select 2 doorhandle up->down animation // _this select 3 doorhandle down->up animation (_this select 0) animate [(_this select 1), 1]; (_this select 0) animate [(_this select 2), 1]; (_this select 0) animate [(_this select 3), 1];
  4. Hello, Door Standard: "door_X_rot" Door Automatic: (Exemple: Airport Altis) "door_XA_move" //Side Left "door_XB_move" //Side Right
  5. Hello, All informations can be found in : "configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> XXXXXXXX " >> "transportMaxBackPacks" "transportMaxMagazines" "transportMaxWeapons" "transportSoldier" <= Capacity Cargo (not include Driver et Turret)
  6. Hi, sorry i have forgot to mention the file name ^^ No worries and your script has a future of Arma
  7. Hello look my precedent Post for the spawn center problem. the bug is caused for the variable "_r" Correction : add "_r" in Private for : Correction spawn infrantery file : \EOS\SpawnUnits\Spawn_Infantry.sqf private ["_r","_side","_type","_unitType","_grp", ........ Correction spawn vehicle file : \EOS\Functions\EOS_Fill_Cargo.sqf private ["_r","_cargo","_emptySeats","_vehicle", ............. Correction other bug : Group size vehicle: ligne 110 : _cGroup=[_pos,_bSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_LightVeh; replace by : ligne 110 : _cGroup=[_pos,_cSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_LightVeh; Group size armoured ligne 124 : _dGroup=[_pos,_bSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_Armour; replace by : ligne 124 : _dGroup=[_pos,_dSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_Armour; Group size mortar ligne 136 : _eGroup=[_pos,_bSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_spawnStatic; replace by : ligne 136 : _eGroup=[_pos,_eSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_spawnStatic;
  8. Hello. New bug ^^ Spawn 3 group. 1 group : randon spawn in the marker ... it's OK 2 and 3 group : spawn center marker .... it's NO OK :/ The bug is caused by the variable _r in the file EOS\SpawnUnits\Spawn_Infantry.sqf Explication : Create Marker rectangle 100x100 file EOS\EOS\EOS_Core.sqf ... ligne 16 : _r = _mkrX * 0.8; <<------ here _r return 80 ... ... test ligne 73 or 96 : hint format["_r = %1", _r]; <<------ here _r return 80 ligne 74 or 97 : _bGroup=[_pos,_bSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_spawnPatrol; test ligne 75 or 98 : hint format["_r = %1", _r]; <<------ here _r return _r of the function EOS_spawnPatrol file \EOS\SpawnUnits\Spawn_Infantry.sqf ... ligne 13 : _r = floor(random _d); Correction : file \EOS\SpawnUnits\Spawn_Infantry.sqf add _r in Private private ["_r", "_side","_type","_unitType","_grp","_unit","_pool","_n","_grpMax","_grpMin","_grpSize","_debug","_pos","_faction"]; With this correction the shk_patrol.sqf works correctly :)
  9. Hello. Thank you for the script. Bug : House Patrol no spawn. Correction : file EOS\EOS\EOS_Core.sqf ligne 74 : _aGroup=[_pos,_bSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_spawnPatrol; replace by : _aGroup=[_pos,_aSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_spawnPatrol;