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Everything posted by Belbo

  1. Take a look at the "Visual" section of the current changelog: https://dev.arma3.com/post/spotrep-00085
  2. Belbo

    1.90 update - Troubleshooting

    If disabling all mods doesn't solve the problem, your troubleshoot has found an early end: It's not a mod issue. In that case complaining about disabling/enabling mods is kind of useless to begin with - especially if it's about the amount of time it would take. Your specific kind of experience is on the other hand not the only problem occuring since 1.90 - some of these are not related to mods, some seem to be. Additionally every reasonable server admin has a mirrored server test environment on his local computer to check this stuff in a matter of minutes. The test branches are made for that as well - so that you can check beforehand if you have to put some extra hours in before an update - and give constructive feedback to the developers if something breaks. It's not that you don't have a right to your views - it's just that they're at best self-explanatory and at worst self-contradictory. So, to get on the constructive side: A possible cause for the problems are mods. What kind of changes have to be made to fix a mod that creates connection issues?
  3. Belbo

    1.90 update - Troubleshooting

    Enabling and disabling mods is the only way to actually troubleshoot a problem. This can't be put on the developers - because they're mods, delivered as is. The question is: What can we do (provided, we have the ability to update a mod or its bisign files) if we encounter a mod that causes one of these problems?
  4. The bobcat takes just as much damage from mines as from every other damage source. In its current state you can remove more mines before being completely destroyed when driving an MBT. The plow shield has no function besides cosmetic. But fret not, that's why I've made this little script a while ago: https://github.com/Pergor/ADV_Mods/blob/master/adv_bobcat/functions/fn_bobcat.sqf With this you not only have an action to move the plow, but also the incoming damage is reduced while the plow is down - and additionally you can flatten craters and trenches from ace and grad_trenches.
  5. Belbo


    Update 1.5.6: https://github.com/Pergor/ADV_Medical/releases/download/1.5.6/@adv_aceCPR.zip ADDED: spanish translation (thanks to corp-0!)
  6. Belbo

    ADV - ACE Splint

    Did not got around to it lately. But here it is: Update 1.1.6: https://github.com/Pergor/ADV_Medical/releases/download/1.1.6/@adv_aceSplint.zip FIXED: check limb feature wouldn't be applied correctly ADDED: spanish and polish translation ADDED: setting for the patient's condition in order to be splinted
  7. Or: Just release a socom campaign, with great fuss about it finally being no longer "private". And have it be some shitty mission without any actual content. That way you can always divert the naggers to that and tell them that MrSocomDude is an idiot for assuming you had a private mission in the first place.
  8. In what kind of relationship did you guys stand before any of that? I suppose this guy didn't just look through a lot of usernames and just took yours randomly, did he?
  9. If you still can comment on his workshop mission (found it btw, wasn't that hard), you could do that. I, as a general rule, don't make any kind of support or communication with users over steam. Friendship requests and messages by anyone who isn't at least a friend of a friend are generally and always denied. That at least solves the problem for steam. But other than that there's hardly anything you can do.
  10. Belbo

    ADV - ACE Splint

    Has been fixed already and will be included in the next update.
  11. Belbo

    SPMG as grenade launcher?

    If you watch very carefully, you notice that he doesn't use the SPMG.
  12. ace_medical_AIDamageThreshold = 1; ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold = 1; Most of the "can you set xyz to abc" can be answered by looking at the ace settings.
  13. Set ace_hearing_unconsciousnessVolume to 0. Won't help much with tfar or acre though.
  14. Belbo

    DUI - Squad Radar

    CBA was NEVER a clientside mod. You theoretically 'can' run it clientside only, just as you can run RHS cllientside only. It just wouldn't make any sense.
  15. Belbo

    ADV - ACE Splint

    There seems to be no drawback to making that a setting. I actually found an error with the limb analysis feature by this way. :)
  16. Belbo

    ADV - ACE Splint

    Regarding to your CPR problem: Just because a patient is stable doesn't mean, he'll come out of unconsciousness because of CPR. You have to make sure that the patient has a pulse over 30 (by applying CPR and administering epinephrine), a blood pressure of roughly above 80 to 40 and isn't in pain (by administering morphine)'. If these conditions are met, the patient will wake up. In regards to ADV - ACE Splint, you'll have to post your ADV - ACE Splint settings here, so I can help you. And please specify what you mean by "does not rest on the patient's limb". They're not supposed to be shown in the medical menu (or at least they don't right now), they solely have to fix a 'broken' limb.
  17. I'm really fine with the changes thus far. Something that I always crave is the twitch I get when a bullet hits close to me or passes me by, so the sonic cracks have to be really pronounced and punchy if it should please me. That's something that early versions of SoS did great, but slowly gave up. With the new version of JSRS this is finally back, so you really get the feel of panic when shots are being fired round or at you. Artillery shells or rather explosions are another thing that I'd really like to be as boosted as possible. But overall so far I'm very pleased with the latest update!
  18. Belbo


    Nice to see you're back! :) I will definitely give this a try.
  19. Belbo


    Updated to version 1.5.5: https://github.com/Pergor/ADV_Medical/releases/download/1.5.5/adv_aceCPR.zip FIXED: Duplication of aedstation-actions. FIXED: RPT spam from checkPulse-action. ADDED: Polish translation. (Thanks to veteran29!)
  20. Wow... CUP just got roundabout 1000% more sexy with this update.
  21. ppg_yourHelis = []; { private _name = str _x; if ( _name select [0,3] == "heli" ) then { ppg_yourHelis pushBack _x; }; nil; } count vehicles; Now ppg_yourHelis contains [hel1, heli2, heli3, heli4] And with this you can select one of these: private _oneHeli = selectRandom ppg_yourHelis;
  22. Belbo


    That's the way we use them right now. ace_medical_medicClass > 0 can use the AED, but only ace_medical_medicClass == 2 carry one. That works quite well, because the ace_medical_medicClass == 1 can use the AED on the ace_medical_medicClass == 2, just in case.
  23. Belbo

    Random weapon

    If that is a question, you could use this: private _weapon = selectRandom ["classname1","classname2","classnameN"]; [_this,_weapon,8] call bis_fnc_addWeapon; (adds 8 magazines for the randomly selected weapon _weapon)
  24. Belbo


    Nope. Thus far you need just ace_medical_medicClass > 0. I haven't made a setting for the AED because it's just an AED - every git should be able to use those.