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Posts posted by martinezfg11

  1. AR_Rappel_All_Cargo_Now = {
    	params ["_vehicle"];
    	if(!local _vehicle) exitWith { [_this,"AR_Rappel_All_Cargo_Now",_vehicle] call AR_RemoteExec };
    	private _cargoCrew = (fullCrew _vehicle) select {(_x select 1 == "cargo" || _x select 4) && alive player};
    	private _rappelUnits = _cargoCrew apply {_x select 0};
      private _unitsOutsideVehicle = [];
      while { count _unitsOutsideVehicle != count _rappelUnits } do { 	
          [_x, _vehicle] call AR_Rappel_From_Heli;					
          sleep 1;
        } forEach (_rappelUnits-_unitsOutsideVehicle);
          if!(_x in _vehicle) then {
            _unitsOutsideVehicle pushBack _x;
        } forEach (_rappelUnits-_unitsOutsideVehicle);
        sleep 2;
    AR_Rappel_Cargo_From_Heli_Action_Check = {
    	params ["_player"];
      private _vehicle = vehicle _player;
      if(_vehicle == _player) exitWith {false}; 
      if(driver _vehicle != _player) exitWith {false}; 
    	private _cargoCrew = (fullCrew _vehicle) select {(_x select 1 == "cargo" || _x select 4) && alive player};
    	private _rappelUnits = _cargoCrew apply {_x select 0};
    	_canRappelOne = false;
        if([_x, _vehicle] call AR_Rappel_From_Heli_Action_Check) exitWith {
          _canRappelOne = true;
      } forEach _rappelUnits;
    if(!isDedicated) then {
    	[] spawn {
    		while {true} do {
    			if(!isNull player && isPlayer player) then {
    				if!(player getVariable ["AR_Rappel_Cargo_Loaded",false] ) then {
              player addAction ["Rappel All Cargo", { 
                [vehicle player] call AR_Rappel_All_Cargo_Now;
              }, nil, 0, false, true, "", "[player] call AR_Rappel_Cargo_From_Heli_Action_Check"];
              player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {
                player setVariable ["AR_Rappel_Cargo_Loaded",false];
    					player setVariable ["AR_Rappel_Cargo_Loaded",true];
    			sleep 5;
    On 2/22/2018 at 6:43 PM, LeClair said:

    Hey guys!

    Has any one else implemented this code or tested it for Duda? I have tried to use it in SP, Local host and dedicated box environments, and haven't been able to get the scroll wheel option to show up, and I am not sure if I am just missing something or doing something wrong, as I see a few people liked the post.


    Seems like there were a few errors in @duda123 post. I did a quick and dirty fix just to get rid of the exceptions. It works in SP, however because I made these changes without knowing what I'm doing I could be introducing other problems. I'll see if I can properly fix it later. 



  2. 52 minutes ago, dragon01 said:

    I suppose with two modelers on the team it can be manageable

    Would you believe if I said the hardest and longest part is not modelling but actually configuring the aircraft for the game? If it was modelling alone, the Valor would have been out the door months ago. Either way, progress is continuing at a steady rate.

  3. 10 hours ago, mankyle said:

    it's easy to spot they are tiled

    I've had this issue when adding large scratches to tiles textures. Very easy to see the same scratch over and over again. Perhaps scaling your UV's so the tiled textures aren't so obvious from island to island. Would be nice to see your modelling progress too!!
