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Posts posted by alky_lee

  1. 2 hours ago, neofit said:





    AI is a sham! In every one of those self-driving cars, there is a little human who does the actual driving!


    No that's just hydraulic fluid from the power steering. (But have you noticed the wheels never actually steer?)

  2. Vidda has provided me with my shortest ever Pilgrimage mission. It was bound to happen one day. Quickly found an abandoned vehicle. The body was at the first chapel. Drove back to the start. Complete in 10 mins 55 secs.


    My tips for playing Vidda.

    Turn hidden camps down to 75% at the start

    Leave the quad bike at the start and walk instead.

    Do not try and fire from behind rocks. The map is still in Alpha and the fire geometry of the rocks needs more work.













    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  3. Pvt Partz has provided a port to the newly released terrain by @bludclouds which has been added to the first post.


    Welcome to Vidda


    And now for something a little different for you Pilgrimage fans. Vidda, or what has also been to referred to as, a place somewhere in Norway, is a unique challenge for Pilgrimage players. It is much more open with some areas being very hard to find cover, forcing players to really weigh your attack options, or more importantly, your escape options! Plus, as veteran Pilgrims, you should also realize that there are far fewer realistic places to have (churches) holy places. With that in mind I tried to be a bit creative and have made other situations (areas) to reflect a place of reverence. See spoiler below.


    The author has stated that he will be updating often and without warning so I'll do my best to keep pace, if need be. Hope you enjoy it.

  4. 9 hours ago, neofit said:

    Not sure how to fix this though. Not flag this church as a possible body spawn target? Move the church? :)


    There aren't actually many churches on the Australia map so I had to add most of them manually. I thought a prison chapel was a good idea, but admit that I didn't consider vehicle access.  I will resolve it one way or another.


    EDIT: A plot of land was available in Willcania, so they have built a church there and the one in the prison is no longer required.

  5. 3 hours ago, RommelBr said:

    Implemented NinjaRider600 modified/updated version of HETMAN (HAL 1.23.3 [NR6]) into War Stories. Now it will benefits from HAL - NR6 features, notably the revamped task system and the contents in the Radio chat, its much more battlefield immersive.

    *also implemented [NR6] zbe cache


    Just tried your Fallujah port since it was updated. Unfortunately it will not load because of a zero divisor error.




    10:49:44 Error in expression <

    if (RydHQ_RHQAutoFill) then
    [] call RYD_PresentRHQ
    10:49:44   Error position: <RYD_PresentRHQ
    10:49:45   Error Undefined variable in expression: ryd_presentrhq
    10:49:45 Error in expression <);
    foreach _cluster;

    _center = [_midX/(count _cluster),_midY/(count _cluster)>
    10:49:45   Error position: </(count _cluster),_midY/(count _cluster)>
    10:49:45   Error Zero divisor



    Also tried your Emita City port. Mission loads, but there are no enemies. Team leader also keeps telling the team to move to random grids, most of which are off the map.




    11:02:25 Error in expression <

    if (RydHQ_RHQAutoFill) then
    [] call RYD_PresentRHQ
    11:02:25   Error position: <RYD_PresentRHQ
    11:02:25   Error Undefined variable in expression: ryd_presentrhq



    • Like 2

  6. 6 hours ago, tkullander said:

    I certainly wouldn't complain about that! How complex is the porting? Since you mention you are no scripter, I presume it's mostly about putting markers / triggers in good geographical locations?


    The porting isn't too complex. The first part is adjusting triggers to the size of the map, finding stronghold and airfield positions, them starting positions and putting them in a file. I have done this already for Duala. The next part is a bit more tricky ... finding the holy places and possible checkpoint locations. Duala doesn't have many churches so I will have to be inventive and add some churches/chapels as I did with Australia. I have a script for finding checkpoint positions. Duala is smaller than Altis, so the intel area will need to be reduced that checks off churches so that large swathes of the map aren't checked off in one go. After that it just needs all references to Altis/Greece to be replaced. Military buildings may need to be added to military camps for realistic loot settings. After that, it should be good for testing.


    7 hours ago, tkullander said:

    My point is that other dynamic missions make it possible to select what factions should be used


    The mission was written for Altis so other selections were unnecessary and factions from mods would be randomly selected automatically. It's only since we've started porting to a wide variety of maps that these anomalies occur.

  7. 7 hours ago, tkullander said:

    Was there any thoughts on porting this to Duala? I could imagine it would be very immersive if paired with the Duala units, and perhaps the African factions for CUP.


    It should be possible to port it to Duala. I may have a go at it and see if I can get it right this time.


    7 hours ago, tkullander said:

    Also, a question related to units.. Is it possible to somehow "narrow down" what factions will be used? For instance, if I play on Dingor and have CUP Units loaded among my mods, I will have Chernarussian rebels dressed for cold environments showing up which kind of breaks the immersion.


    The mission was originally created for use without mods although it will also use mods if they are loaded for a bit of variety. Excluding default factions can be done but I don't know how to do it as I am not a scripter myself. I just try to avoid having too many mods loaded and just load my selected mod. The selected mod then gets used quite a bit but you can still end up with Tanoans/Greeks running around barefoot in T shirts and shorts in a snowy Chernarus. I tend to avoid CUP units as a result.

  8. 8 hours ago, pvt. partz said:

    Cambodia SP has been sent to Alky Lee.


    The first post has been updated


    8 hours ago, pvt. partz said:

    Also, a shout out to him for taking the time to manage this thread. Much appreciated!


    Thanks. It's been more work than I envisaged, but that is all good. Lots of choices where to go.

  9. Ready for a challenge? Want to traverse the wide open spaces of Western Australia? Now's your chance. I've just uploaded a port of the mission set in Australia.




    The map is very large and only available from Armaholic so may take some time to download, but I think it is worth it. It has many varied types of terrain, from deserts to mountains. Please note: the western area of the map is sparsely unpopulated with large empty spaces, so use of a vehicle is strongly advised. Also, the chances of finding extra boats are limited due to the size of the map (40km x 40km although land area is not much bigger than Altis)













    • Like 1

  10. 1 hour ago, fragmentpruts said:

    Playing the major-stiffy Malden version now.  Had a great time so far!!  Thanks. But I think the body is lost somewhere inside a rock or something.  I'm at a churche where the stomper was but there is no sign of the body and the game does not save and does not put a cross over the churche!   Is there a way to cheat and get the body back? 


    Sometimes the body may get glitched into a rock, and even underneath the church floor. Even after destroying the church I still couldn't retrieve the body. Using the camera from the debug console you may be able to check in/under the church and nearby rocks to find the body and teleport the player to the body to load it into the vehicle and then teleport the player back outside. 






  11. My version of the Malden mission has been updated with new starting locations. The boat should now be closer, but if it lands on your head let me know so that I can adjust the position.  I've also added something extra to some northern parts of the island. A mine detector may be useful although probably not essential.


    Malden by Alky Lee


    First post has been updated.

    • Thanks 1

  12. 10 hours ago, major-stiffy said:


    This is the distance the churches have to be apart in order to get a save. Malden has a cluster of churches in La Trinite and they appear to be closer than 50m. I assume Alky that was why you wondered why one church wasn't saved in La Trinite.


    The reason it wasn't saved was because the body was there. I just failed to notice it, and instead went further north to check the chapel next to an airfield where a Tigris moved into an excellent defensive position behind some rocks. I got a bit impatient in Lolisse and just steamed in against some infantry without realising there was a roadblock behind me, with a static MG and Iftit HMG laying into me.. I could have saved a few hours if I'd realised.

  13. 1 hour ago, fragmentpruts said:

    Superb,  I'll try it out soon!


    @alky_lee,  a quick test mission?  In 9 hours :-)    ... and only 4 reverts.  Thumbs up!



    Don't believe the 4 reverts. It was definitely a lot more than that I'm sure. I was surrounded by two truckloads of infantry reinforcements, recon patrols and infantry from a stronghold. I had an impressive list of kills and still I was surrounded, and with only 1 round left in my pistol. They were shooting me through walls and everything, and again when I got into the stronghold into a cargo tower. I am currently working on a further update that re-works the initial landing areas, so at least the boat is near to the shore. I might also add one or two surprises at the same time.


    10 minutes ago, pvt. partz said:

    .5 ?


    What are you trying to do? What is too close to what?

  14. 5 hours ago, fragmentpruts said:

    Ok, I like Malden but will have a look at those other small islands then!


    Major Stiffy has provided an updated mission with reduced intel area, and I have edited (not tested) mine similarly. Updated links are in the first post.
