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Everything posted by alky_lee

  1. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    What I didn't say was that my only available direction to escape from the Stomper was towards an enemy position with static weapons. I know this because I was killed by a static GMG. I didn't record my escape from the Stomper but I didn't expect to survive, but it couldn't engage me because I was lying in a ditch and it was too close to me. I did record my encounter with the Stomper which is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z79BDbB7Ks I went back there this morning and the Stomper was gone, so I went and got the body and took it back to the boat. I completed the mission this time in around 2.5 hours. I can now download the latest version to have a go at that.
  2. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I could have used being able to hack the stomper on my 1.8c mission I started last week. My first enemy contact was the mad Stomper. I had to use both my SMG mags to try and disable it. I managed to take out two tyres and get away from it. I then found the body but didn't have a vehicle. Luckily I had found a couple of HVT jobs and they both have vehicles, so I have now liberated one of them for my personal use. Meanwhile the Stomper is still active, judging by the increasing number of body myarkers near to it's last position. All this is within a few hundred metres of the boat. With the reputation system, do you get any credit for healing injured civilians? I've found quite a few so far in this mission.
  3. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Alex is quite happy to take on jobs and kill people for money. For a sequel, how about a warlord wants to get his hands on the mad Stomper to use it for his own ends, and is willing to pay Alex big money to get it for him. Alex needs to find the terminal in order to control it. Once he has the terminal, he then has to find the Stomper and a vehicle to transport it in, which would need to be a truck or a large transport chopper that could only be found at an airfield/stronghold. He then has to deliver it safely to the warlords stronghold to receive his cash. The terminal could be found in a certain type of building, whose location is shown on a map/laptop, that could be found at a solar station or research building. Obviously Altis would have the same political climate as exists in the first mission. I did have an idea for my own mission where the player spawns unarmed at a semi-random location, and has to assemble a team to go and Kill the top man on Altis. He would have a range of randomly spawned friends/neighbours available to recruit who in the first instance will provide access to a vehicle and a weapons cache elsewhere on Altis. He could then travel with his team to collect from the caches. When the team is assembled and armed, they then make their way to the place where the top man is, in order to kill him. The player has to enter the building alone to deal with the HVT. While he is in the building some of his team turn renegade and all kinds of weird stuff goes on. When he comes out of the building into a whole new world. Mission complete. In this case the random loot wouldn't be required, as weapons would be from the caches which can be improved on from encounters on the way. I could certainly see a use for the rest of the Pilgrimage engine in this mission. Just a couple of my thoughts.
  4. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Press ESC and then SAVE You may have to change your difficulty settings for Arma to allow unlimited saves, otherwise you may find you can only save once, which is not much use for a mission that could take several hours. They can be changed by pressing ESC --> CONFIGURE --> GAME --> DIFFICULTY and then enable unlimited saves
  5. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I stayed in Chalkeia overnight and did a complete sweep of the town in the dark with nothing. I did a methodical sweep of the town again at first light and still nothing, and still no mark on the church. There was another chapel to the west which hadn't received a mark either, which I hadn't stopped at because a UGV was steaming down the road at me at the time and which then chased me for miles. When I got there again, Phil's body was lying on the beach. I had driven right past it before, although I was obviously distracted at the time. It probably didn't mark the church and autosave at the time because it wasn't safe. I did notice on the way back that enemies continue to attack the vehicle with the body in it, even if you get out. Also the Stomper gets shown as a friendly kill, even if it was nothing like friendly when I killed it. This was an epic mission for me taking over 10 hrs, dying 36 times and going from the south coast to the west coast to the north coast and very nearly to the east coast. If you look at the map (https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/108396495895212158241/photos?pid=6013222289762756722&oid=108396495895212158241), you can see it would have been a relatively short journey by boat although I probably couldn't get close enough to the body, with the boat, to load it. More than a couple of times I found myself as the meat in the middle of an ambient combat sandwich, which accounted for a large number of my deaths, especially trying to take on a Marid and squad of armoured infantry. If I had succeeded, I would then have had to deal with an unknown number of AAF infantry who were wandering into town for their bit of AC. I even died a few times in my hiding spot, upstairs in a house lying prone, but the AC going on just downstairs was awesome. I can see how some might be tempted to turn off AC, but I would recommend that you try it a few times with your missions but no higher than medium, and probably best on a low setting, as it can be quite hairy if you do get caught in the middle. I think the quest for the body is the thing that keeps this mission together, and it is an integral part that you go into towns to look for loot and intel with the higher risk of meeting enemy groups in town. I only have some markers for loot set rather than for all loot boxes. It helps to avoid having too many markers in towns and sometimes you find loot/intel when you are not expecting it. Whilst some players only want loot in camps and strongholds, that would completely change the nature of the mission for some players. I love just wandering round the countryside trying to find the body, popping into towns occasionally and taking on a few enemies when I feel like it, or have to in order to get out of a sticky situation.
  6. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    The first time I played with AC on low, the only AC I noticed was in Kavala after about 4-5 hrs. On medium settings I encountered quite a bit of AC and got caught in the middle of it twice, including coming face to face with armoured infantry in a Marid. I also encountered 4 Kumas coming down a valley I was moving up to avoid being seen. On high AC settings I encountered two lots of AC before I got to any buildings. Like everything with this mission, it's just random and leads to a random experience. For an example, here is a mission I started yesterday with AC settings on low. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z79BDbB7Ks
  7. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Obviously a case of mistaken identity. I don't know whose body I found, but it was very strange. Perhaps Phil killed him before he was killed as well. I have markers on for all bodies and clean them up manually, so if killed by ambient combat the body should have had a marker, but didn't. I clean up bodies as I leave an area. I will have a good look around the town in the daylight to see if Phil's body is around. Latest intel is to move West. I have started a new mission using 1.8c. With ambient combat on low, there was no lag at all on mission start. With 1.79c and ambient combat on medium, that was when I had the no sound and severe lag problem. The only problems I have now are a UGV and static GMG and I haven't even got to a single church,
  8. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I found this body in Chalkeia, near to the church which I think is Phil the Greek. Can't see any injuries, and I thought he might just have been sunbathing, but no markers appearing or autosave at the church and no option to load him into the vehicle. Body disappears if you move away, and isn't a result of ambient combat. Screencaptures on the link. https://plus.google.com/108396495895212158241/posts/7D2TnPGvVqe I don't know what went wrong but looks like the script only partly executed.
  9. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    The other workaround for a stuck boat is to gently nudge it free with the vehicle that you transport the body in
  10. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I had to start a new mission because my savegames disappeared on the Steam subscribed version. I was given loads of intel, loads of chapels crossed off. I thought I was heading to the right chapel, but no he wasn't there. Now one intel says head south and another says go north east. I've cleared all the chapels to the south and just come from the north east through some very hostile territory. Still, I have an assassination mission to do if I haven't lost my savegames again.
  11. alky_lee

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I remember the opening doors back in the Alpha/Beta. It took ages to get the right door to open, and the addaction list had so many open door commands it wasn't really useful. But it was really cool when the right door did open. Perhaps they've come up with a new way of opening doors, eg by opening the door that your crosshair is on and that you're actually looking at, rather than getting smacked in the back of the head by a door opening/closing behind you. Gun ports always remind me of Dads Army in Corporal Jones' lorry. Just don't fix bayonets. Hmmm ... there's another idea.
  12. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I have a box of bandanas to swap for your nightstalker. I have no problem with finding a stack of magazines, especially if I have a gun that they will fit. If not I keep them, as you don't get much ammunition from dead bodies and I may need to change weapons at some stage. I don't have mods enabled in game. I use a shortcut to enable mods and use different shortcuts for different things. Pilgrimage has it's own shortcut on the desktop. It helps to avoid conflicts and errors when all your mods are enabled at once. I launch All in Arma using their batch file. I have found when engaging a squad that I kill seven guys and then the team leader is way behind the rest of them. He is so far away from them that I wouldn't notice him if he didn't try to GP me.
  13. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I think a limited amount of refuelling needs to be kept when the vehicle is repaired/inspected. There are large parts of Altis without fuel stations and you could find yourself stranded. This would be a potential mission breaker if the body is on board. Most garages are on the main road between Kavala and the airport with some in the larger towns. I have just started a new mission with AC on high just to see how it goes. There is lots of AC going on. Probably too much, as there are too many bodies to scavenge from and I haven't got a vehicle yet to put it in. Before you've finished, there are another stack of bodies nearby within a couple of hundred metres. I already have AT, a choice of LMGs and various rifles. Ready for a big battle now.
  14. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I have completed my first pilgrimage and find this to be a wonderful mission with a wide range of things to deal with. Likes Starting with very little Finding loot and intel as I go along Being surprised by the enemy Having to make use of what is available Loot boxes containing a variety of weapons/ammo/equipment in houses and other locations Restricted space for carrying loot Ability to repair vehicles Hitch hiking Many other things Dislikes I had to turn off music as I couldn't hear if the helicopter had gone away Ambient combat on low and being spawned in a sparsely populated area equals no ambient combat until I got to Kavala Not much else so far All in all I love this mission.
  15. alky_lee

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I think that shooting from vehicles may be fairly limited. I don't think it would be possible from inside a Hunter, Ifrit or other enclosed vehicle. However I would like it to be available from the skids of a helicopter, back of a truck/offroad and from inside the offroad with no doors as a minimum. Until there is an improvement in the grenade throwing system, I think throwing grenades from vehicles should remain disabled. It would be very difficult to run away from a bad frag in a vehicle.
  16. BIS keep changing the damage values for the explosives, so that what works OK one time, might not work after a game update. They have reduced some values with the 1.18 update. I like it when an IED disables a vehicle but doesn't destroy it, so that the crew has to dismount. However finding the right explosive means a bit of work. I tried out some IEDs on a Hunter when the main game was released in Sept 2013 and put a video on Youtube The video goes on to cover car bombs as well.
  17. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I had interrogated them, but didn't seem right to kill them when they surrendered. I will free them in future, but only as long as they don't get rearmed and come after me again.
  18. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Apart from take all their gear, what else do you do with surrendered enemy?
  19. I would try using the attachto command to attach the module to the vehicle. There are parameters that can be set to position the position.
  20. I use the same as Goodnight, just copy the code repeatedly separated each time by a semi colon in the ON ACT field of the trigger. Remember to name your IEDs and include 1 set of code for each IED you want to explode. Any problems, have aook on my youtube channel for my car bomb and IED tutorial
  21. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Or perhaps it was because first time I spawned near an airfield, and this time I've spawned in the middle of nowhere. No houses, no towns and no chapels within 3km. I have met two civilians and had a report of a 5-8 man patrol, but I went the other way because I didn't fancy my chances with no cover and just an SMG.
  22. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Downloaded and installed 1.78 this morning. There was none of the lag that I had with 1.77. Straight into the mission with good FPS . FPS has also increased from 45 to over 50FPS. And my machine is nothing special. I am sure rhis all down to the new version and nothing to do with yesterday's update to 1.18 on the stable branch. Good job.
  23. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    For a mission like this, you have to enable unlimited saves. This morning I checked a chapel just as a Strider showed up. When the autosave kicked in I was running for cover with bullets whizzing past my ears. I wouldn't like to load in that situation. I now have quandary - do I finish the official campaign first or just continue with this great mission?
  24. I tried this out in Beyond Recognition today and I only lost 1 AI on the first objective and still had 2 AI left at the end of the mission so this seems to work to a certain extent.
  25. alky_lee

    Mission will not preview...?

    I am trying to think of the simplest thing here ... do you have a playable unit in the mission? In the past I have used a different unit to check on things and then deleted that unit leaving no playable unit in the mission. Whilst the option to preview disappears you can still hit continue in haste and then wonder why the mission won't load.