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Everything posted by alky_lee

  1. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I managed to finish my latest mission in time for Christmas, but the Stomper wasn't going to let me take the body without a fight. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7034905/Not%20without%20a%20fight.jpg (271 kB) And not before an Oh F@#k moment on the way back to the boat. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7034905/Oh%20f%40%40%40%21.jpg (164 kB) Merry Christmas everyone.
  2. That is a problem with 9mm ammunition at the moment. It richochets all over the place. Check out the pistols and SMG sections in this video when they are fired inside a building.
  3. I was hoping that the answer was yes. That means I have a problem. I will try verifying my game cache and a re-install of TPW mods and try it on it's own just in case another mod is conflicting, but there isn't anything running that should conflict with it. EDIT: Verified the game cache and 1 file had to be re-downloaded.
  4. I am having the opposite problem. I have TPW Fall turned off for the player but on for AI. Since the last Arma update (1.36) I've had a couple of occasions when I have been shot and fallen to the floor and I thought I was dead. After a while I realise that I am still alive. Have BIS introduced their own version of TPW fall into vanilla?
  5. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I've cleared out a lot of older missions and some I had put in for testing purposes. It still doesn't stop that awful feeling you get when you haven't saved for ages and the game crashes. When you reload you find yourself halfway through clearing the last stronghold and you find the minefield that you didn't find the first time (or which I walked through without getting blown up). At least I found the officer this time, even if he did get me. Is anyone else having problems with Rangefinders/binoculars/etc disappearing when you try to equip yourself with them?
  6. alky_lee

    disable tyre damage

    put this in the vehicle's init. It will stop all damage but will not protect the occupants. this allowdamage false
  7. alky_lee

    [SP] HETMAN: War Stories

    In my of my first mission, at 2:16 a map symbol turns from blue to purple. A civilian car had been reported as enemy before that. I suspect that this is behind the get in/get out behaviour of vehicles. An enemy is reported, they get out. There is no enemy, they get back in. Then rinse and repeat.
  8. alky_lee

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I don't know about IRL, they wouldn't give us guided AT rockets to play with, just the point and shoot variety, and then only rarely. I like the fact that the AI will engage tanks with AT at that distance. That is as it should be I think. It's the taks v infantry I struggle with. I've tried hitting a couple of infantry with HE rounds at 1800m and they took a lot of killing. A lot of the nearby buildings died very quickly though. I think I must need to practice more.
  9. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    A faulty description.ext would only affect the mission it was written for, so shouldn't affect Pilgrimage. It could be time to clear out some junk, but the again I have a surprisingly difficult Pilgrimage mission to finish.
  10. alky_lee

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I have noticed for a while that you can no longer use a tank to attack infantry if they are armed with AT, especially if you are relying on an AI crew in the gunner & commander positions. The infantry will disable the tank before they get taken out. They will also engage from 1.5 - 2km away once they become aware of the tank. That's why we need tank rounds that damage/kill the infantry, otherwise the tank will not survive to get in range to engage with it's machine guns effectively
  11. If you know how many enemies are put down in the town you can create a trigger to cover the town and count how many enemy are left within the trigger area, so that if they are killed or run away they won't be counted. There's nothing worse than checking every building in a town to find that the last man has run away and is hiding outside the town. The following code will trigger when less than 4 enemy remain within the trigger area. Activation by OPFOR Present CONDITION ({alive _x && side _x == east} count thisList) < 4; Just sync the trigger to a "set task state module" to changed the task's status to succeeded.
  12. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I didn't play any other mission other than Pilgrimage. In fact I think the only other missions I have run since the start of the month have been my own missions which don't include that command at all. So it remains a mystery.
  13. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I've started a new 1.87C mission with the new Speed of Sound mod. On checking my RPT log I found this lurking in there. 10:24:01 File description.ext, line 17: '.onLoadName': Missing ';' at the end of line I am assuming the description.ext file referred to is for Pilgrimage,
  14. alky_lee

    Speed Of Sound Pure

    I am getting an error with this mod. This is from my RPT log. 10:06:16 Warning Message: Cannot open object bmp.p3d 10:06:16 Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Helicopter/Turrets/MainTurret/: Turret body mainTurret not found while initializing the model bmp.p3d 10:06:16 Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Helicopter/Turrets/MainTurret/: Turret gun mainGun not found while initializing the model bmp.p3d I thought it was to do with a BMP but it looks like it's to do with a helicopter config.
  15. I don't know which mod you were using but in Pilgrimage it is the gravedigger script. If you are doing your own missions you could try http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27588
  16. alky_lee

    [SP] HETMAN: War Stories

    I have had the same bug, but not on HWS. My RPT log identified it as a PhysX.dll crash. Feedback Tracker Ticket http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=19229
  17. The lag I was experiencing was a total slowdown, video not rendering fully and scripts taking time to execute, loss of animations and sound. As it also happened after disabling mods, I know they are not to blame. The long mission slowdown in Pilgrimage has always occurred for me, even before I installed L_ES. It's still pretty much the same with this mod installed, and I haven't experienced it in the last two missions I did.
  18. I have tried to reproduce, but in testing it would not appear to be either mod, so it must be something to do with my set up or Arma itself. I actually had the two mods working well together with no apparent lags and put a quick together.:D
  19. It's just that on p1 of this forum it says in the features ES doesn't change any actual gunsounds, it just ADDS more elements and can therefore be used with any "real" soundmod such as JSRS, SoS.. I like this mod and I like the new SoS, so I just want them to get on and play nicely together, but it looks like I may have to choose, unless the overlapping bits can be disabled one way or another.
  20. I tried using this with Speed of Sound Pure this morning and it was very laggy and only worked sometimes for me. I think that the new Speed of Sound mod is trying to do some of the same things as this mod, and the erratic behaviour was because of that.
  21. alky_lee

    Helicopter Golf Xray

    I have produced a special mission just for Christmas. As midnight approaches on Christmas Eve you fly a chopper from church to church spreading christmas cheer. There are two choppers to choose from, the Littlebird or the M900. Just land on the helipad and go into the church to find the next destination. Available only until Jan 6 Steam dropbox Helicopter Golf Xray v1.0 Armaholic
  22. This shows Outlawled's Mag Repack mod in action and what can go wrong.
  23. In real life a rifleman would carry his magazines and a belt of ammo for the LMG. If running short of ammo the LMG belt could be de-linked and that would take time. However taking rounds out of a magazine is very quick by comparison as the spring in the magazine will be extended and exert less pressure when there's only 3 or 4 rounds in it. It's harder to take rounds out of a full magazine. IRL you learn to load magazines quickly, the same as stripping and re-assembling a weapon. The mag repacking mod by Outlawled has been updated and works well. It's a good representation of real life. It presents you with a selection of partly loaded magazines and you have to select which magazine you take the rounds from and which magazine you put them into. You have to find somewhere out of the way to use it as it is not instant and I have died when using it when an enemy crept up on me. IRL life though you would hold onto your empty magazines as ammunition does not normally come ready loaded in magazines, and care of your magazines is just as important as cleaning your weapon. You would have to pack your own magazines before going out on patrol.
  24. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I can't help it, this mission sometimes takes you by surprise just how immersive it can be, with or without mods. I did try to capture a Strider at the start. Killed the dismounts, killed the driver. Next thing another AI climbs in, chucks out the driver's body and drives off in it. I wasn't expecting that either. lol EDIT: This is how serious I take it, a 19 hour long mission in one video. Enjoy, I did.