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Everything posted by alky_lee

  1. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    The gunships don't always get destroyed, it depends on the enemies in the area and what weapons they have. You can definitely use the folded tripods and mortars. I made good use of them in my last mission.(AAR Report) I always make a point of collecting mortars.
  2. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I play with bcombat, but last time I got severe FPS drop so I dropped it for the last mission along with Speed of Sound Pure and my FPS returned to normal 30-40 FPS. I haven't played since yesterday's ARMA update. I still have to work out which mod is responsible, or whether it is because I was flying around in the gunship.
  3. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    The gunship isn't cached, but the sound of helicopters from TPW MODS sometimes stop abruptly, but not all the time. I think it is something to with changes to the sound engine from BIS. The range for the radio messages is 1500m.
  4. alky_lee

    Speed Of Sound Pure

    Big Pickle gave his reasons in this post. It's only temporary while he tweaks the mod.
  5. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Expecting ARMA to be updated today, I decided to finish my latest mission last night. It shouldn't be too difficult I thought. I had a circle half over the sea. I would travel incognito,, speak to a few locals, find the body and take it back to the boat. However every way I went I just came across enemies all the tie. It turned into my most epic Pilgrimage session yet. It's worthy of an AAR maybe later. At least I got to see the outro. I didn't see the Stomper. I heard on the radio that it was being engaged in Frini. I don't know who won that battle, I didn't go there to find out.
  6. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I'm not complaining. It saves a heck of a lot of time when you have a lot of bodies to get through. If it happens again I'll just kill another enemy for him. He had a Marid to play with anyway, and managed to take out another mortar team for me. Selling from the bodies is very useful, as you can do it and move on quickly if you need to.
  7. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    It could be that they are from vehicles, as I hit the armed vehicles with mortars first and the crews dismounted. However there was no problem with the vehicle crew at the stronghold. The only trouble with selling from the bodies is, it is too quick and easy. When I released the captive, I had already sold the nearest enemy's vest and kit. Luckily there were another dozen bodies just outside.
  8. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I checked in my mission and went onto a road and the option wasn't there. I moved a bit further down the road and it was there and every other time I checked afterwards. Rydygier, still not getting the sell from bodies option from some of the enemies at roadchecks, otherwise working well. Looks like Arma is going to be updated tomorrow.
  9. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Gave the new 1.88 a try this morning. The intro is really good, no problem selling from the bodies or getting into inventories. The radio messages are even better than they were, especially when the gunship is returning to base or when you get the message that they've lost contact with the roadblock you've just cleared. I really do need to pay more attention. I spotted a strider and dismounted troops and engaged them. I didn't realise they were all dead. What I should have been looking at was the squad of CSAT off to one side who had killed them all. I am looking forward to trying a full mission after the Arma update which is imminent some time this week probably. I think this mission just keeps getting better and better, and this is a major improvement that works really well. ---------- Post added at 14:46 ---------- Previous post was at 14:40 ---------- Although you get the call giving the co-ordinates of possible stronghold locations, if you take an airfield where a gunship is based, there is an officer who has the location of the other airfield and the two strongholds. You can soon see which airfield the gunship is at by seeing which direction it first comes from or which direction it is heading in when it leaves. If you don't see the gunship, just pay a visit to the airfields as you go round.
  10. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    It is safe to use the TPW air module. You will still see the gunship. It depends where the gunship is based , how close you are to it's base and what you have set the length of air patrols at. I set it at long which is 8km. With that setting, neighbouring airfields are within the range so a gunship can lend support from a neighbouring airfield when you are attacking the other after you have destroyed/disabled it's gunship. EDIT: You also have to be spotted by the enemy who call it out in support, otherwise it will remain at it's base.
  11. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    How many enemies you come across is entirely random, although in some towns they may be positioned inside buildings (garrisoned) so you will only find them if you go looking. There are two strongholds and two airfields that are heavily defended plus a number of roadchecks that also have static defences. I turn on Ambient Combat (Limited) on low setting which normally results in more enemy contact and also gets CSAT and the AAF fighting each other. Even then I still get an occasional mission where I get very little enemy presence. With the current beta version, once you get the radio codes, you get the radio messages, so you know the enemy are around even if you don;t see them.
  12. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    It would be good if there was a message when you've cleared a garrisoned town to say that they have lost contact with their units there or that they were sending more units to investigate. It would really add to the immersion.
  13. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    The only mod I have that would spawn aerial assets is TPW MODS. It may be that aircraft are being spawned without much fuel and are running out. The AAF have engaged and killed them in this case. There were two pairs of pilots, but they are not from the gunship as that is still flying. The other gunship is either at Abdera or on the east side of Altis.
  14. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Trying out the new beta, I've come across one or two things. Strangely, just after the start, I kept coming across dead CSAT pilots. It was strange but good, because their weapons were Sting SMGs which provided extra ammo for our SMGs which we were stuck with as we didn't find any weapons in the loot in town. It did make it easier to get a vest, binoculars and some decent scopes. I checked out a couple of stronghold locations and an airfield and all I came away with were a couple of MX rifles and some mags. I have crossed half way across Altis and still no AT. Every AT soldier I have seen has been stood next to an armoured vehicle. I've had eyes on the gunship at the Airport, but nothing I can do about it. I am finding that I am only getting the option to sell from the bodies that provide intel. There is no option with ordinary bodies. Also body markers are being applied to civilians too. The radio codes and messages are really cool. Useful to know that the gunship hasn't seen you. I've had a look for some boats, but haven't found any yet. One would be useful, as I need to go across to the eastern part of Altis to find the body which is probably somewhere south of Pyrgos, although I don't have any circle intel yet. Loving it so far. Just need some AT to tackle the airport.
  15. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I have now put up video of my , but further than that, it would not appear that the gunship is included in the Bigger Trunks mod. I lost an AT missile that should have been in the gunship, but which I later found lying in the field where I had it parked.
  16. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I took a little time off and when I came back I had a great time taking the and found enemies waiting in the tower for me at . I was on my way to the last airfield when the gunship came to meet me. As I had just taken an AA launcher from a dead enemy shortly before, I shot the gunship down. Although disabled, the pilots managed to land it without it exploding. Once the pilots were taken care of, all I had to do was repair it. Unfortunately when it was shot down, it lost all it's fuel, so I was now the proud owner of a shiny heap of junk. Inspecting it only provided enough fuel to get it to a road.I eventually found a fuel truck and refuelled it, but that then exposed my lack of piloting skills. I didn't know that I had to tell the gunner which ammo to use, so he engaged an AA tank with 30mm rounds instead of an AT missile. It was no surprise when we lost that fight. I couldn't use it to search for the body as I had too many chapels to check and needed some intel from a dead team leader to reduce the numbers for me. I did go back to the hideout to get the gunship to collect the body and take it back to the boat though. I'm glad I continued the mission, it was great entertainment.
  17. I think the civs spawn inside the houses so you have to wait for them to come out before you see them. If everything spawned all at once then it leads to spikes in resource demand and the game lags. Also if there are a lot of things all happening in the mission/other mods at the same time, scripts may run slowly and take longer to execute. It happens sometimes with missions where the AI is cached and re-spawned as you enter an area. The town may be quiet when you get there, but if you spend time there it will be like a graveyard when you leave, when TPW CARS knock down and kill the TPW CIVS. The roads are littered with hit and run victims.
  18. That is normal. There is a delay that you can set before any civs spawn and then they spawn one by one to save on resources and avoid lag.
  19. alky_lee

    Speed Of Sound Pure

    I downloaded the hotfix the other day and gave it a good workout and the mod is awesome. I loved it. I was using a suppressed MXSW and with the increased volumes of the hotfix it sounds pretty good. Obviously, with any suppressed weapon, you will still get the noise of the moving parts, which with some rifles can be quite noisy. I don't think the new sounds provide this as good as the old sound. In both cases it needs to be a bit more mechanical, but it will vary from weapon to weapon, depending on it's system of working parts. The sound would basically be the same as when a weapon gets cocked except in a blow back weapon where the working parts are held back and only released when the trigger is pressed. I had a saved game from before I installed the hotfix and it resumed without any problem. If you had JSRS enabled when you saved the game, you need to have it enabled when you resume the game otherwise you get told that you can't play the mission because you have deleted files.
  20. alky_lee

    [RELEASE] Wearing Enemy Uniforms

    During the Alpha you could put on any uniform you liked, even take it off a dead body. This functionality was removed later and there were problems with naked characters in missions around the start of 2014. I remember a mission in Medal of Honour where you wore a German Uniform and could pass through checkpoints by showing your papers, but you couldn't draw a weapon or enter restricted areas or you would be treated as the enemy you were. It was an interesting change to shooting everything you see. Back to the topic, there are mods that can be used to unlock uniforms or make you incognito in the recommended addons of the Pilgrimage mission.
  21. If you are not the team leader, you cannot enter a vehicle unless you are ordered to. To get round this there are several commands that can be used in the player's init or in a trigger, such as Assignasdriver or Moveincargo
  22. If it is just one or two objects you could use the invisible helipad method Place an invisible helipad, found under Objects (Signs) In the init of the Helipad: hangar = "Land_Hangar_F" createVehicle position this; deleteVehicle this; hangar setVectorup [0,0,1]; If you have several objects you want to place you could use something like CJTF101 Editor which makes all objects in Arma 3 available in the editor and doesn't make any dependencies for your mission.
  23. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I can't do that! I have my reputation to think of you know. On an intel led operation, good intel from the locals can save a lot of time so I can go after strongholds instead of checking churches. I was only trying out the BIS launcher to start the mission with a silly amount of mods, landed near the north west airfield which was abandoned but found an armed off road there. Went to Abdera to check for loot, but there was an intense battle for about 20 mins in the direction of Galati. I didn't find much loot, but there were some bodies on the road about 400m outside town. As I was working my way along I found an abandoned Gorgon with the engine running but half it's tyres shot out. The crew were either dead or long gone, so I thought it might be a bit better than a SMG and I took it. The AAF had already destroyed the armour, some static weapons and a lot of infantry from the stronghold so all I had to do was take out a squad and a half of infantry and a few stragglers and the stronghold was mine. The two problems were that I had nowhere enough money to hire the captive, and I had to find the officer for the intel. I wasn't really intending to start another mission, but having started it and finding and taking a stronghold at the start, I now want to carry on the mission. But it will have to wait until after all this family stuff at Christmas etc. Maybe next week.
  24. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I could have just blasted both the civilian and the enemy with loads of bullets but instead I aimed for the part I could see - his left leg. Luckily it worked out well although the civilian seemed very shocked and needed some clean underwear ... pmsl :-)
  25. alky_lee

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I take it that this isn't scripted behaviour? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_o6s-KoTrk