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Everything posted by GDent

  1. In arma 2 with ACE, players could attach IR strobes and chemlights to themselves for ID purposes. I was wondering if there's a way to do this in Arma 3, ideally as a small mod if that's possible. that would really help with some missions
  2. I've disabled showing the scoreboard that shows how many kills you have, deaths, etc. during the game, but is there a way to show it at the end of a mission? I'm not too fond of the statistics that show just 2x riflemen, 3x grenadier etc, I'd rather see the actual scoreboard. Is it possible? Thank you
  3. It looks like my server is suddenly not showing up in the server list, but I can connect to it via direct IP. Should I change the steam port? The reporting IP hasn't changed according to TADST, I'm running the latest server. I had to delete the config file after I started having problems but now it works, just not showing up in the server browser. Any ideas? EDIT: Solved it, it had to do with filtering the name of the server. oops
  4. Okay cool, I probably should have looked lol. Thank you
  5. Forgive me, but I heard some people say this mod (not the USA end) is almost ready for release, is that right? Not asking for a release date, but just wondering if this is getting close since I heard that rumor. Awesome work so far
  6. You know what would be great? Zombie units that work with ALiVE. Slow zombies, fast zombies, maybe even mutant zombies. They could be hostile to everyone, even civilians. Imagine generating a civilian and zombie presence all over the map and seeing random zombie attacks. It would be so cool. I don't want DayZ or anything like that. I just want to make my own missions with zombies in them.
  7. I'll try all these things, thank you. However I did ask this because it seems to take much less time to load the same mission in the editor preview than it does on the server, but I'm sure this will help a lot.
  8. Hey guys, I've asked this a few times and never received a reply. Sorry if it's been answered already. I was wondering if there's a way to fix the long loading time for ALiVE missions on a dedicated server. It doesn't load like that in mission preview in single player, but in my dedicated server it takes up to 5 minutes to load a simple mission with ALiVE. It's a very long wait when other missions are nearly instant. If there are any ideas or maybe there's word of this being remedied in the next version, that would be great.
  9. I'm sorry, I haven't even tried the limitations yet I'm sure I'll run into problems when I do, but otherwise my server config is in my last post, just change all the true and false to 1 and 0. Mess with the damage settings a bit if it's too much or to little Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk
  10. Wow, I didn't know it was that important. I thought only some variables needed to be changed to 1 or 0, not all of them. Thank you, all the settings are perfect. This is a huge breakthrough for me
  11. hey guys, I ran into a new problem. it's really the last thing before this mod is pretty much perfect for me I finally got true death to work, but now units won't bleed out. It says Blood left: 100% and doesn't go down when passed out. no idea why this is happening, but here's my server config: I tried changing X39_MedSys_var_Bleeding_BloodLossPerTickModificator but it didn't seem to do anything I tried it with X39_MedSys_var_KillUnitWhenMaxDamageReached = 0; and it still does it, so I guess it's not that I thought I saw a post about this earlier but I couldn't find it. sorry if this has already been answered, but I can't seem to find it also X39, I like your ideas for XmedSys2, and develop it privately if you want to. will love to play with anything new
  12. Hey, I'm having similar problems with my missions taking very long to load on a dedicated server. When I test them on my own machine using the mission preview, it doesn't take nearly that long to load. But when I test a mission on Altis with just one location, it takes a very long time to load (about 5-8 minutes). In this mission I have a town with a TAOR marker and an MCP + CQB module in place for it. Then I have an MP module for a different location. the MCP and MP modules are synced to OPCOM, along with a logistics and garbage collection module. Everything works great and we're all willing to deal with the delay, just wondering why there's a difference between mission preview and dedicated servers.
  13. I want XMedSys to act just like ACE did, or as closely as possible. For example, I haven't been able to make it so that players will actually die when hit too many times. I've tried setting X39_MedSys_var_KillUnitWhenMaxDamageReached to true, but it doesn't do anything. I might try setting it to 1 instead, but I don't know when I'll be able to test that. Explosions are also not damaging enough. I can stand on top of a grenade and it won't kill me. I was wondering if any settings would help that. If any of these can be remedied, I'd love to see an example config. So to be clear: - True death when hit too many times (currently I can unload a whole mag into a player and he won't die) - Explosions damage more (they don't even knock people out immediately right now) - Maybe some more realistic examples, like better bleedout times. I know how to change these, but I'm curious to see what works for others. Thank you.
  14. Hey guys, one small thing It's taking much longer to load a mission with alive in a dedicated server compared to how long it takes on my own machine. Can this be remedied somehow? Otherwise everything's working great Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk
  15. no sorry, I did actually have it set to true but it never did anything. it just won't work. any ideas would be appreciated.
  16. Cool, thanks for info. I did place some civilians and saw them driving around a little bit, so that might work for now. I can't wait to see what you guys do with Insurgency, since it seems it'll bring in even more cool features. I was going to ask some more questions, but I think I'll explore this mod a bit more and maybe figure it all out for myself if possible. So much fun
  17. I'm looking at the wiki and I still can't understand how to allow for true death. I found this variable (X39_MedSys_var_KillUnitWhenMaxDamageReached) in the wiki now and apparently it's an internal variable, meaning I shouldn't touch it, right? I also saw X39 say that the mod still allows a fake kill, so I tried the following: X39_MedSys_var_Head_HeadShotFakeKilling = false; but players are still not dying no matter how many times I shoot them. They just spasm on the ground while passed out, then they die of bleedout. I have not touched X39_MedSys_var_maxDamage or X39_MedSys_var_Generic_DamageBeforeDead because I'm not sure how I should manipulate the variables to allow true death. I've been messing with these configs for a while and I can't figure out what's going on. I'd appreciate any help.
  18. Hey guys, I asked this question a few pages back, but nobody answered so I thought I'd ask again I was wondering if the civilian placement modules can be made to set more civilians in an area. When I set the placement level to 'Extreme,' it only places about 20 civilians even in a very large town, making it difficult to even encounter them. Before the civilian modules were introduced, I was using the CQB module and the density was very good I was also wondering if there's civilian traffic between towns. I'd like to have missions where that sort of ambience is occurring, but I don't know if there's a way to manipulate traffic. Thank you
  19. Astrell, do you know how to make it so players actually die when too much damage is taken? I don't mean fake kill or something, I mean an actual death like with vanilla wounding. I haven't been able to get this working, they just pass out and then die from bleedout, but this isn't good enough for my group. Here's my config, running the latest versions:
  20. I don't know, but it takes some changing of the configuration to get it right. And you don't actually die when hit enough times, and now grenades aren't killing or even knocking out at point blank range, so I'm looking for input from someone who knows how to manipulate the serverconfig so that we can replicate ACE better.
  21. remove the limitations module and set only the base xmed module also I'm having a problem X39_MedSys_var_KillUnitWhenMaxDamageReached = true; isn't working at all. my serverconfig is very minimal, here: X39_MedSys_var_Pain_MorphineHealValue = 6; //Double X39_MedSys_var_BloodPackValue = 3000; //Double X39_MedSys_var_KillUnitWhenMaxDamageReached = true; //notworking these settings with the default enabled are working very well so far, except people just don't die, they pass out. any ideas why the variable isn't working? I do realize you said it would still allow a fake kill, but then do I just set X39_MedSys_var_Head_HeadShotFakeKilling to false? EDIT: Also grenades and RPGs leave people standing and only say "lightly hurt", would anyone know how to change this? I'm just trying to replicate ACE wounding as closely as possible. healing is perfect, but things like unconsciousness, damage, and death aren't really working as nicely as they could be, but I'm thinking I can just change some variables or that I missed something. I tried some, but made it a lot worse lol
  22. GDent

    ARP2 Objects Pack

    that's great, but how did you find the objects I was mentioning? I can't find the drugs, server racks, newspapers, just certain objects seem to be missing.
  23. GDent

    ARP2 Objects Pack

    yeah, the whole reason why I got this mod was for the drugs, server racks, computer stuff, and things like large crates of MREs and water bottles. I couldn't find the different key cards or key pads either I like what I see so far, but these things seem to be missing. also, when I run the mod by itself without anything else, the objects go to Empty/Objects, but I don't see any extras. with mods (probably A3MP or CAF is affecting this), the items change to Empty/Targets. but either way I can't find the objects I want, so any advice would be appreciated
  24. GDent

    ARP2 Objects Pack

    I found them, but I don't see certain items I've seen screenshots for, like the drugs and server racks, newspapers, and maybe some other things. they're not in Empty/Training, but in Targets. the drugs were pretty important to me since I want to make police missions and things like that
  25. GDent

    ARP2 Objects Pack

    is it just me, or is the mod broken as of the latest update to the game? I can't find any of the items in the editor. they're under Empty > Objects, right? I can't see them anywhere