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Everything posted by GDent

  1. I'll look around; this problem with AI is really hurting my community, since for some reason Arma 3 is too new and shiny for us to move back to Arma 2. We're small enough for it to work, but the AI is killing it. Thanks for the information.
  2. I don't know if this has been mentioned, so forgive me if it has. I believe the point of paid addons isn't to make normal mods such as re-textures and weapon packs for-pay, but rather for third-party companies to create products for what is now the Arma platform. This is the same as the DCS World platform; DCS Huey was created by a third-party company. It's not exactly a mod, but you purchase and download it for DCS World. If some third-party company decided to create highly realistic tanks and treated Arma 3 as their platform, you'd buy it and download it in the same way. Paid addons isn't for ACE and ACRE, it's for separate products that would make sense for some companies to create for Arma 3. You would be buying a high-fidelity product.
  3. I can already modify these settings server-wide through Zeu's serverskill. It's still really difficult, but I'll try reducing the values even further. Are these the settings you use? Do they seem to work very well?
  4. Yes, but sadly this disables all map markers, including friendly ones. I remember having only the enemy map markers disabled before. I'll just have to find a way to have it like that again. Otherwise, there's no problem with using a script to disable friendly callouts. We all make our own missions.
  5. I've just started running an Arma 3 server using TADST and it seems to be missing one or two features that Arma 2 had. In Arma 2 and 3, when your character or a friendly spots an enemy, the enemy appears on the map and you can magically spot him and see where he's moving. In Arma 2 we were easily able to turn this off via TA2DST, but I don't see the option in the new TADST. I can turn off all map markers, but I want to be able to see where friendly forces are, just not where the avatars have magically spotted the enemies before the actual players have. I also want to turn off all AI/avatar speech, or at least mute it. We've turned down the Radio option individually, but sometimes we still hear people calling out enemies off-radio and it gets really annoying. I don't want to hear my character say "He's down" or "Scratch one;" I want to figure it out for myself. I think I had at least one other question, but I can't remember right now. I'll add another post if I can remember.
  6. Some elaboration would be appreciated. What setting do I change in .arma3profile? I hope it works; it's a little bit different when using TADST on the server. As far as the chat sentences go, I think that can only be disabled clientside, unless there's a way to disable radio subtitles in the server config. The enemy markers on the map seem fine for singleplayer since they abstract your teammates calling out enemies, but it gets annoying and hurts the experience when you can see them during multiplayer matches. Same for player's avatars calling out enemies being killed. You're supposed to be able to see that for yourself, and the semi-AI during co-op ruins that. Thanks a lot
  7. punkatux, I don't appreciate you loading your second question. My group and I share a set of preferences about this. We don't like enemies appearing on the map unless we mark them ourselves, and we don't like our AI characters automatically calling out enemies before we can even see them. These options may be present in the options menu in-game, but I'd like to disable them server-wide or at least within our missions. enableSentences = false; looks like good step toward that. Thanks silens.
  8. Is there a specific script/command for enabling friendly markers on the map? I've never seen the option. Does the speech addon only disable BluFor speech? Hearing enemies calling commands kind of adds to the game, but BluFor doing it is really annoying. I'll look into the mods anyway, thanks a lot.
  9. I'm curious about this. The answer seems obvious, but why exactly would this be the case? Is it just because Arma 2 has been out for longer and is established better? Is it because people are angry or hesitant about Arma 3's futuristic setting? If this has already been answered, I'd like to at least be pointed toward where that answer was made. Thanks.