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Everything posted by Xalteva

  1. Xalteva

    Israel General

    Only,if vilas and Variable give their comments on the children on the beach killed by Israeli army ! because that was the event that turned me on. @vilas Hiding rockets and artillery pieces in civilian houses ? :D this is funny since i don't think that ISraeli army has gone that deep into Gaza to find out,they lost 25 soldiers on the outskirts,let alone going inside ! @MistyRonin Vilas is just using the old good tactic of "the ennemy of my ennemy is my friend" ! he claims religion is the worst thing that happened to the world,but still defends jews and their 5000 years old story right from the holy book against muslims ! OMG, the guy even after watching muslims in myanmar being savagely treated by buddhists commented and said that it was because Talibans destroyed a buddha statue in Afghanistan :O
  2. Xalteva

    Israel General

    Yeah ! they also hide in Hospitals ? and what about the children on the beach last week ? who got bombarded by a military boat ... this "Hamas hiding behind civs" excuse is irrelevant ... Gaza is a small area less than 360km² ! besides the fact that those civilians support Hamas , Israel just wants them to pay the price for that. If Palestine had its army i could have accepted this reasoning ! but they are unarmed people basically ! few years ago,they were just throwing stones at Israeli soldiers ... they moved then to suicidary guys ! and now to rockets and more tactical operations ,they do what they can to resist and that's it ! They can actually go live in Dubai ! their king has engaged lately some secret discussions with Israeli governement about solutions to annihilate Hamas,and this was reported on an Israeli TV channel ;) http://drrichswier.com/2014/07/20/united-arab-emirates-secretly-offers-funding-israels-operation-protective-edge-defeat-hamas/ Otherwise,they have more than needed to build an artificial island since they're receiving the lion's part of USA's aids (knowing that they are a relatively rich country),in other words ,they are getting American's hardwork money to make more clonies and kill palestinian children ;)
  3. Xalteva

    Israel General

    Not to mention that your president has shown full support to the Gaza bombarding ! and that he wears a kippa in the dinner of the CRIF (similar event to APAIC in USA),or your prime minister claiming that he is linked to Israel through his wife (wtf ?!) , while France claims itself as a secular country ,the same reason they used to prohibit veiled women in public organisms ! this is also low level propaganda ? And why the pro palestinian manifestation was prevented by police during last week ? your country is supposed to be DA COUNTRY OF FREEDOM ... France,has recently sent its military forces to Mali to protect civilians against terrorism ... how kind <3 <3 ! maybe that was the price for leaning to Tel Aviv ! your president has no idea how to take France out of its economic crisis ;)
  4. Xalteva

    Israel General

    History is good ,it helps you not forgetting ... and Israel's current terrorism is overshadowing what's left of its legitimity ! 547 civilian kills in just two weeks ...
  5. Xalteva

    Israel General

    Woah ! one at once ... And i won't bother answering Vilas and his false propaganda as he hasn't posted any valid proofs for that ! and please avoid me videos from CBN news which are extremly biased and lead by christian extremists ... and for the last time (it's becoming boring with vilas),i have never denied the existence of extremism in islam world,but stated that it' also existent in other religions/ideologies ! (obvious stuff) Jewish racists are very active in France ,i posted a video of them during a manifestation in Paris attacking pro-palestinians : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Defense_League There are many videos about it on YT,but they're mainly french ! that's why i don't bother posting them. @Variable Even though i was referring to the era that predates the arabo-palestinian conflict ,i can't deny husseini's radicalism ... but don't forget about the context ! everyone was looking for allies,Nazis used Husseini for sure but british also used jews and killed many arabs as well according to the same link you posted ! @Dwarden In other words,they were well suited to Israel's interests ... Hamas has never claimed those executions,but recognized arresting traitors collaborating with the ennemy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_Hamas_political_violence_in_Gaza Can we start detailing Israel's palmares i mentioned earlier now ? it won't be constructive,but it looks like you like this way ;)
  6. Xalteva

    Israel General

    *Please don't read what is above if you care for your intellectual safety * vilas,where do you find these informations ? :D in your fantasy book ? ... i suggest you go read a bit of Bertrand Russell (probably the most respectable atheist of all times) books if you want to improve your argumentation against religion ! with your current arguments ,you will be cut into pieces in any serious debate :D But i think you are a pseudo atheist,an islamophobic to be accurate ... unless you were thinking all this time that religion=islam ! If you claim that jews were persecuted by arab muslims in any moment of history,you will have to show some proofs ! and good luck with that ;) And crusaders enslaving arabs ... that was a joke i guess ! Saladeen sent them back to Europ crying :D
  7. Xalteva

    Israel General

    So what's your point exactly ?
  8. Xalteva

    Israel General

    Huge respect to this doctor : http://www.middleeastmonitor.com/articles/middle-east/12920-letter-from-gaza-by-a-norwegian-doctor @Dwarden You should understand that palestinians in Gaza are fully supporting Hamas ! and who are hamas anyway ? people who lost their families due to Israel's terrorism ,it's not some organization that came from Jupiter and started ruling people in the name of Allah ... they won the elections democratically too ! And what do you expect ? ofcourse they want their children not to forget who is the ennemy so they can fight for the cause,israelians are doing the same ! it's not some normal situation we have here ! jews all around the world can't stop reminding everyone of the Shoah but still no one is complaining and many countries are paying for that till now ... you think that american indigens raised their children to love the conqueror who exterminated savagely millions of them ? Yeah,jews were there before the WW2,and it's not a good argument to be used ,if you insist on defending Israel because since they were living in peace within a muslim majority ... (until zionists asked france help against england) ! I have a huge difficulty finding any logical reason to defend the state of Israel ! and i don't know how you guys ignore the actual facts ... the only legitimity Israel has is their holy book ! how would have been the world's reaction if ,for example, muslims had some promised land ?
  9. Xalteva

    Israel General

    Yesterday , Al Qassam captured an Israeli soldier ! Palestinians celebrated it ...
  10. Xalteva

    Israel General

    That explains why masses of palestinians went out in the streets to celebrate the capturing of that soldier !
  11. Xalteva

    Israel General

  12. Xalteva

    Israel General

    Al qassam claimed yesterday that they have captured an Israelian soldier today ... sad for his family,but i hope this helps having some serious negociations with the children-killers Israeli governement ! http://edition.cnn.com/2014/07/20/world/meast/mideast-crisis/index.html
  13. Xalteva

    The 18 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever

    Really amazing ! the chronovisor is interesting :D
  14. Xalteva

    Israel General

    LDJ is a pro Israeli organization in france ... that even many jews don't support :) What i hate is your governement that is brainwashing your people and dragging them into destruction ... this is what you want for your children ?
  15. Xalteva

    Israel General

    I don't know what i am supposed to see in this image ? LDJ are quite agressive and like provocation,i have found many videos on youtube of gatherings in which they raise Israel flags and make some very violent speeches ;) France is whole lot of stories to be told, and it needs a whole thread just for it ...
  16. Xalteva

    Israel General

    I will wait for a version from someone who saw what exactly happened from his home's windows ! a lot of media have shown their lack of reliability during this crisis ;)
  17. Xalteva

    Israel General

    @ProfTournesol I've posted a video few days ago showing the deformation of the facts done by one of your country's tv channel ! the LDJ (la ligue de défense des juifs) partisans are known to be quite violent in France,and they started intimidating pro palestinians through twitter first and then in the streets of Paris after they hid inside a synagogue ! pro palestinian were pacifically protesting in la bastille place ;) Here is the video again for those who understand french ! in few words,the tv channel says that pro palestinians tried to attack a synagogue while in fact it was completely different ! be careful with what you're seeing on TV these days :D The guys holding chairs in their hands are LDJ members! saying !
  18. Xalteva

    Ukraine General

    Ok you asked a very good question ! why would a civilian plane fly over a dangerous area ... don't you think that they didn't think about this before ? http://www.businessinsider.com/malaysia-flight-17-took-different-route-2014-7
  19. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Well,yes but using vicious means ;) But honestly,wherever there is oil or some fancy resource,there are extremist groups (Mali,Lybia,Nigeria,Iraq,Sudan) ... come on we're not that stupid ! even African extremists were updated to the latest standards by adding the Islamic touch :D : BOKO HARAM ! African countries had always civil wars while international companies were stealing their fancy metals ... these religious/civil wars conflicts are what we're wanted to see ! but no one knows what's happening in the background ;) ! Kurdistan has already taken many oil fields in Iraq and is discussing with Turkish governement about future collaboration, ISIS has taken some too ... a magician always tries to focus your attention on one hand while he is doing his tricks with the other !
  20. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Yeah, i saw those HD movies and their high quality reports ,and also their puppet imam recorded in a mosque with 360° cameras all around ,wearing his black suit and his 9000$ rolex watch ... i am not muslim,so if i wear a black suit and start killing people in the streets with a sword and saying allhu akbar ,i will be a muslim ?? and what locals are you talking about ? you are taking tribes for ISIS ! because, they have maybe some nice propaganda ,but on the ground tribes alliance is holding a bigger territory ! And no,you are wrong about your grandma ! because people in general want to keep religion something private ... political forces want to control religion and religious people ! it was the case with the church that raised christianity as a false flag to dominate people and protect monarchy so they can profit from it ... if you have done your researches and stopped watching movies,you would have known that the same thing is happening in muslim countries ! the religious field is highly controlled and ministries are created just for that particular reason ! there is no place for any other ideologies let alone extremism,they follow the "religion" of the state the religion that glorifies the ruler and protects him and gives him all powers ... for example in saudi arabia,you don't have the right to be anything other than wahabi not even spread ideas of other islamic branches ! it's about control , extremists are created by political powers and are given resources to achieve their goals ! @ProfTournesol It would be so indulgent to think otherwise (at least for me) ! wahhabites represent only 2 - 3 % of muslims ... and according to my researches! conflicts between Shia and sunna were very rare before the 21st century !
  21. Xalteva

    Israel General

    You basically don't know what you're saying and are just throwing general words ... do you have at least have an idea on what is sharia,jihad or caliphate ? don't worry, i did the research for you ! but may i ask you for proofs from any religious book legitimizing what you are claiming above ? since you simply can't/don't understand the idea that extremists exist in any religion/ideology ! you are for example from a country with high percentage of racists/extremists ,and there was a huge debate about it during the EURO cup that was held in your country, but still,does it make of Poland a racist country ?! I used racism in its general meaning,religion-phobia ... islamophobia,antisemitism! i don't know ! but discriminating people because of their religion ... i am sorry ,but i don't want to see a new Hitler again ! Back to topic (since you're always offtopic),the palestino-israeli conflict is certainly not about a pork sandwich ... it's about a governement using the religious extremists his people to steal palestinians legitimate territories by destroying their houses and sending them to refugees camps while the whole world is witnessing it in silence their slaughter,no wonder they try to resist with whatever mean they've got ...
  22. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Those guys are most likely a mix of released criminals and PMCs like Blackwater (can explain the huge number of western guys in it) paid by saudi arabia and uae to destroy the Iraqi revolution ! you gonna ask me why ? saudi arabia and uae don't want people seeing successful revolutions in the area,that will put them and their thrones in danger and make them lose allies too,that's why they inject those terrorist organizations in each rebellion to turn them into civil wars ! those guys even supported the coup in Egypt and helped removing a democratically voted president and governement ... Egypt is now becoming a second north korea ! The mess in the middle east is far from being religious ! religion is just a false flag with a lot of interests behind ;) ,if ISIS was a real threat,they would have destroyed it a long time ago ... think about it !
  23. Xalteva

    Israel General

    vilas,you are just a racist using desinformation to spread your hatred-generating ideas ,and i start having an idea on your political ideology ... i don't know why you are still on these forums ! I am sure that if an asteroid was to hit earth ,you will still blame religion ...
  24. Xalteva

    Israel General

    Why would you trust a governement who came after a coup against the will of its people and that is leading a huge media war against hamas ?
  25. Xalteva

    Ukraine General

    Like the debris were just put by someone ... no impact spots ! looks like the plane got compeletely destroyed in the air before hitting the ground...