I must be doing something rather stupid, as I still cannot seem to get it to work. I'm on dev branch, not sure if that should matter.
I'm able to get it to work where a trigger will change the contents in singleplayer, but I run into issues in Multiplayer it would seem.
The way my MP mode is currently set up, all triggers fire server side only. So to change the vas_pre_weapons, I tried to have it changed on the server when the trigger fired and then broadcast it using publicVariable "vas_pre_weapons". That seemed to not work out at all.
Next I tried having the clients watch a variable: watcher addPublicVariableEventHandler {vas_pre_weapons = vas_pre_weapons + [(_this select 1)];}, and I tried again using the server's triggers to cause watcher to change to a rifle name (i.e. "arifle_Khaybar_C_F").
I'm sure you're a busy person, so I really appreciate the help. At a glance, does there seem to be something obvious I'm doing wrong?