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Everything posted by LucidPotato

  1. LucidPotato

    JSRS3: DragonFyre - LITE

    Tested in editor without mods. It's just A3. Sorry to cause the ruckass.
  2. LucidPotato

    JSRS3: DragonFyre - LITE

    I've noticed when using a steerable parachute sounds seem to echo multiple times. Not sure if this is a bug with the mod or maybe its just a game problem. If you want to reproduce just parachute from about 500 meters and have some people shooting on the ground.
  3. LucidPotato

    Zeus Discussion (dev branch)

    Does anybody know how to raise/lower objects/units in Zeus?
  4. LucidPotato

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    I've looked at the changes in R3 and tested them. They all look great. I'm just curious if you can make the duration of the heli downwash longer since it seems to only last about 3 or 4 seconds. Thanks for everything dude.
  5. LucidPotato

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    There most likely isn't going to be another ArmA. But there will be a Project Reality 2 :D
  6. LucidPotato

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    Don't mind my last post. It was a problem on my side....
  7. LucidPotato

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    I'm not sure if I'm the only person having this problem but.. I'm using 7.1 surround and when I am walking, jogging, running, etc. I'm only hearing the footsteps in my right ear. Also some other FX aren't exactly being played by location. Even from far away. I don't get this issue when I have JSRS disabled. My headset: Logitech G930 (Wireless).
  8. LucidPotato

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Maybe somebody could make a thread or something on live updating/debugging while creating mods? Maybe they could implement something like that when they start updating the dev branch again? It would make things a million times easier for everybody, and less stressful.
  9. LucidPotato

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Please please please add explosion and light effect. For me personally it is bringing down immersion while using the heli. In the real world there is an explosion and there are smoke trails/tracers on missles and cannon.
  10. LucidPotato

    Blastcore A3

    Very anticipated.
  11. LucidPotato

    Blastcore A3

  12. LucidPotato

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    LordJarhead you can just use the Dev Branch to get the new stuff now so you don't have to wait until December 11th to get the sounds done. Probably the most efficient option right now so you have plenty of time to do the sounds.
  13. LucidPotato

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    28-11-2013 EXE rev. 112828 Size: ~439 MB Added: Wy-55 Hellcat (armed and unarmed) Added FV-720 Mora Added MBT-52 Kuma Added: LRPS optics Added: IR Grenades Added: Black variants of MX rifles Here's the original post: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149636-Development-Branch-Changelog/page18 it was on: 28-11-2013
  14. LucidPotato

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    ^^ Love it. This mod is a MUST HAVE for people who like immersion and want the most realistic experience they can get out of ArmA 3. And I'm also wondering... LJ are you going to make the sounds for the vehicles that were just added in the dev branch or are you going to save that for a later version of JSRS?
  15. LucidPotato

    Blastcore A3

    I works but there are a lot of graphical bugs and wrong particle effects.
  16. LucidPotato

    Blastcore A3

    Will it be here before christmas?
  17. LucidPotato

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    This thread shouldn't even continue. Now it's just come to ranting on about how BI hasn't done shit about performance. We all know that people are getting shit performance. This problem will most likely never be solved since: first of all: the engine is a fucked up 12 year old piece of shit that doesn't take advantage of modern computers. Second: of all BI doesn't give a shit about us or their game since this is very likely the end of the Arma series. BI was just trying to get a game out to us. Obviously quality and content doesn't matter to them anymore.
  18. LucidPotato

    Blastcore A3

    Are there gong to be different variations of the same explosions? (For example: JSRS has multiple sound files for the same weapon. Just small tweaks and what not for each sound) Will each explosion have multiple variations of particle effects? Is there a lot of tweaking left to do for blastcore?
  19. LucidPotato

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Let's face it. Nothing is going to be done about this issue. The only way they can make this game a bit more playable is by optimizing other things that don't depend of the engine. Arma 3 uses a 12 year old engine and wasn't designed for multi-core use. The only way BI would be able to fix this issue would be by rewriting the engine completely. Can't wait until the day the dev branch changelog says: ADDED: Multi-core capabilities.
  20. LucidPotato

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    That whistling noise you are hearing is the engine. It's in the JSRS 2.0 Alpha too. It's basically the sound of the engine going at turbo speed. (holding down the shift key).
  21. LucidPotato

    Blastcore A3

    This thread hasn't had a reply in a while. I was just curious where OpticalSnare was so far in the development process, and how much more needed to be done. This is probably my most anticipated mod for Arma 3.
  22. LucidPotato

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    What ever it takes for a stable version. Please keep us posted on the current state of this mod. I'm really curious
  23. LucidPotato

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    If your i7 is a quad core processor, set the -cpuCount=# to 8. Most cpus nowadays are capable of handling two threads per core. I have the same processor as you.
  24. LucidPotato

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    All of this bullshit just pisses me off. You can have a rig with the recommended specs off of the arma3 website, but you still won't get close to 60 fps because of this bullshit rendering flaw that they apparently "can't fix".
  25. I have always been in love with this mod and I always will be. JSRS Sound Mod has already been released in it's Alpha form, but I haven't heard anything from OpticalSnare related to release dates or anything similar. I have tried porting WarFX Blastcore from Arma 2, but there were many bugs, glitches, etc. I have always been a fan of mods that bring such realism and immersion to a game, like this mod does. Am I missing something or is WarFX never coming back?:confused: