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Everything posted by RushHour

  1. RushHour

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    Saw this just when i woke up. I honestly thought they had lost the ball completely. ...until i checked what date it was. lol
  2. So as a keyboard and mouse user i turned off Left Turn - mouse left and Right turn - mouse right in the Plane Movement settings to have a much better feel for the airplanes. However when i jumped in the helicopter i realized i can´t turn the chopper anymore using the mouse. I then check the settings and even though you have separate sections for Helicopter and Airplane they are locked together. If you remove Left Turn - Mouse left in Plane Movement it gets deleted in Helicopter Movement. It´s two different aircraft that flies in completely different ways and you even gave both their own section for controls. And yet the controls are locked together.
  3. Hopefully this won´t be classified as speculation as this is more of a list of things we want to see in the Marksman DLC and not what we think will be in the DLC. Also it gives BI a list to look at to make sure they don´t forget Bipods once again :681: 3D Scopes Bipods Wind affecting bullet trajectories Higher fidelity on zeroing hand held ballistic calculator and a horus reticle windage adjustment Marksman = Long Range = Long range textures. No insta switch between main and backup sights. More Ghillie suit variations (improve camo on long range) Expanded attachment system Weapon resting (rest on objects or your teammate for example) Weapon handling limitations (can'to insta 360 with a lmg, big weapons are clunky etc.) Really indepth sway/sight misalignment that is effected by breathing/fatigue/stress/focus/movement/weapon/all teh tings/etc. A bigger variety in optics bullet trail gradual magnification scope Implement MagazineCoef for all weapons What else do we see as fundamental to a Marksman DLC in terms of features?
  4. RushHour

    The new ARMA 3 DLC system - debate

    I´d make a bet and assume you probably even know what the developers taste like. **Image removed**
  5. RushHour

    Female character models

    Doesn´t speak too well about the rest of the unit. Equal knowledge and men will win everytime because.....well...physics.
  6. RushHour

    How do I get my free DLC?

    Which means he already paid for it when Arma was released. Nothing is free in this world. NOTHING.
  7. RushHour

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    Things you never expected to read about an Arma game #1:
  8. RushHour

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    However way you look at it, Zeus and Kart DLC undoubtedly took time unless they made a third party deal with it. Instead of a 3D editor, we get Zeus Instead of an April Fools joke, it´s real and they charge for it. But no need to worry, when you are alone in the niche, you can afford to not give a f because there´s no competition. They could release a serious DLC next week about My Little Pony and nobody would do sh*t. Unfortunately this is the ugly truth.
  9. RushHour

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    So what if it´s the Czech, American or British? Makes no difference at all. They all run around in Benz S-klass for money that people thought went to charity. It´s not even just Red Cross, ALL major Charities have "well fed" people at the top taking money from charity to provide for themselves, by any means necessary. The way companies use charities today is nothing but to increase sales because people think they also pay for a good cause. They are handing out wolf tickets for everyone, my advice is to not buy.
  10. RushHour

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    Oh cut the bullsh*t about "charity". It´s a farce and the sooner you realize that the better the world will be. "However, The Daily Telegraph can disclose that Sir Nick Young, the chief executive of the British Red Cross, saw his pay jump by 12 per cent to £184,000 since 2010, despite a one per cent fall in the charity’s donations and a three per cent fall in revenues." The Prime Minister in 2013 earned £142,500. And that´s just the CEO from one office. - Thank you BIS for putting money into Nick´s pocket, i´m sure he´ll LOVE THAT. It´s a nice PR trick though for ignorant people.
  11. RushHour

    DLC content management & the server browser

    I can testify on the server browser at least. Not sure what happened there but ever since the last update it rolls a dice if it´s gonna show any servers, then rolls another dice to determine if you get in or not. Often i have to restart the whole game to properly refresh the server browser as it just locks up and won´t show anything.
  12. Think i found the one you are talking about. Not sure i understood much from that. http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-float-to-string-position-to-string/
  13. Making a thread instead, Haven´t tried 0.001 increments but yes, as you said 0.01 works. But now i´ve discovered another problem. It´s that even though you line them up near perfectly you can´t run aircraft on it, somehow the aircraft jumps straight up into the air when going over an edge. Do i need to make it even more lined up or is there some other problem here? http://i.imgur.com/0FIsmwO.jpg (210 kB)
  14. RushHour

    Third person mode & realism

    How are they forcing their opinion on you or anyone else? "3rd person is arcadish, and should never have been in the game except maybe for passengers - and then limited to a non-moving view so that you can't scan around the vehicle." Seems like an opinion to me. "I'd be so happy if BIS removed 3rd person completely and was only available as a mod." Again, seems like an opinion to me.
  15. Yea me too, some other ones are so smooth i had trouble finding the edge but still when i run it over with any form of aircraft it´s like there´s invisible edges anyways. Cars and stuff like that works beautifully but the small tires on aircraft just makes the physics go wonky. I´ll try and fiddle with it some more otherwise i´m gonna have to make one solid piece in 3DS or something.
  16. RushHour

    Third person mode & realism

    Must be hard in real life then without 3rd person for you. Maybe you have no pants on right now? Have you checked? ALT is a wonderful thing, use it.
  17. RushHour

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    It isn´t unfortunately. 10cm steps is still quite massive when you try do precision-stuff. If you know a way to line these two up perfectly i´m all ears. Morphing one into the other is out of the question as it will only move the problem from these two, to the next one i´m putting down. http://i.imgur.com/cTDGTKz.jpg (120 kB) Edit: and for those wondering, i´m hellbent on making an airport on the water in Kavala.
  18. RushHour

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    Agreed. 3D editor, more accurate 2D models (some are insanely wack), higher accuracy in height, the ability to pivot objects and the ability to set two objects at the same height regardless of what´s under them. (take two piers for example and try to line them up in shallow water. even if you have identical height on both they won´t line up if the ocean floor is uneven. On top of that the accuracy in which you choose the height is not sufficient either)
  19. It all boils down to the RPG element when it comes to Life servers. Some people like PVP, some like only against A.I. and some like PVP with roleplay. It can be quite fun if you have never tried it, especially when you meet someone who´s really good at acting and plays some deranged cop or whatever. It´s certainly one of the most fascinating human experiments on the planet. I also think that hardcore simmers should be thankful they exist because there´s probably 10 lifers/wastelanders on every milsim dude. There would most likely be quite a significant economic impact if they all left.
  20. RushHour

    the houses and ruins are the mp problem ...

    Well done figuring this out JgBtl292!
  21. RushHour

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    No i´m not, and it was already stopped before you showed up.
  22. RushHour

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    That´s funny, i was just about to say the exact same thing about you! Good luck with the application mate.
  23. RushHour

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    Not even close to other games sorry. PR 101 More people, more money. That´s why sales exist not only in the Arma universe. They want you to buy their game, hence some leniency on the price. No different then other businesses. So they can continue putting out broken games like they have done for many years. Modders are the guys who patch up the game to what should have been included, it´s really a golden ticket for a game company when you think about it. Well first of all, any future updates is an abstract thing as you don´t know how many DLC´s or Expansion packs will be made. But in terms getting something for pre-ordering and thereby supporting the game, Thief gave you a DLC for pre-ordering, Assetto Corsa gave you a free Car/Track pack if you supported them by pre-ordering. Basically what happened was you bought Arma 3 for 49.99, a supporter edition that you paid extra for. Meaning you already paid some for any upcoming DLC. It´s not completely free candy as you might think. You could say you got the DLC for much less because you bought it long before it was even conceived. I disagree, I´ve never experienced a game with this much broken or half finished content. But that´s just my experience. Because the game was half finished at release. Just like the games before that. Only problem is Arma 4 possibly even Arma 4 will be out then so i have no interest in Arma 3 by that stage. I never said that, i do however have the product they sell on my computer. In my opinion it clearly is. But keep banging the drum, they might hire you some day. And in Arma only half the suit would be finished and with half the animations. Or maybe you should stop writing walls of text hoping one day to get hired by Arma as a yes-man banging a big drum outside their office? Maybe you should ignore my posts if they go against your indoctrination of the Arma way of doing halfassed things? You can respond if you want but we both know that it will end up in walls of text from yourself to the point where the thread gets locked. I see your point, and disagree with it. As i´m sure you do the same to me. ---------- Post added at 16:38 ---------- Previous post was at 16:31 ---------- Yea like giving away half a million euros in a game competition. I´m not sure but i think with that kind of money, half a million euros you could probably support a few new developers salaries for some time. 500.000 EUR Say a salary per year per developer is 50.000 Euro, that´s 10 years of salary for one developer they could have hired with that money. Not anything against the people in the competition, i´m sure they love the chance to win that much money, it is what it is but if you need to sell DLC´s to justify continue working on the game then handing out half a million euro to a competition makes little sense. (but hey, Zeus made no sense either so i guess it´s normal) Some good old fashioned QUALITY CONTROL would be nice. 1. Does it work as intended? 2. Is something missing? 3. Is there any apparent glitches? A10 would not have been released when it did if they did any of the above checks for example because it would fail under Question 1. Instead it went through Dev, people reported, still went through to final game, then after a while it got fixed.
  24. RushHour

    Third person mode & realism

    Yea dead serious. If a bullet wizzes past my head and i don´t hear the gun shooting the bullet then no because all you hear is the shot going past your head but if you hear the gun itself, with a good set of headphones you should be able to locate exactly what direction it´s coming from regardless of your own position (or angle if you will). And not just "oh it came from north or west" but "it definitely came from north-east". Sometimes even more accurate then that. But for me the fire mode sound and reload have no 3D positioning whatsoever, it´s just a sound played in my headphones. I think it´s just a generic circle where if both of you are inside it, the sound will play. i think your problem is setting related, possibly soundcard related. Play around with it a bit and see what you can find.
  25. RushHour

    Third person mode & realism

    Agreed, I don´t have super great headphones but Beats by Dre Studio is more then enough up for the task to locate where shots or sounds are coming from with incredible precision. Some sound models are also broken which means you can hear someone reload or change firing more up to 200m away from you but that´s another discussion. I also don´t use any sound mod, straight vanilla for me. And if you can´t locate in what direction sound is coming from then you need to either do something with your settings or buy better headphones.