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About midnightman13

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  1. im going to be setting a island life server up i know how to do scripts and all but what i dont get is how to run the server off a server computer meaning arma 2 oa is not going to be on it just the server is going to be running off it if someone can explain to me what i need to do to set it up like these that would help alot.
  2. I'm going to be setting up a island life server on a server tower I'm going to build can some one help me or tell me what I need to get started with one
  3. midnightman13

    island life state save coding (Need Help}

    thanks and also i was just testing the server on my computer and it did not run at all do you think you can help me with that to i'm going to be hosting it from a server tower....what files do i need to host it from there like have all the things in game like the car shop and the banks and all because that did not seam to work for me on my own computer.
  4. I need some one who know's a lot about coding to tell me or give me a link to a state save i can use for the island life server i'm going to host i have tride finding one or getting a clean one from and old server i us to play on but i had no luck the admins would not respond if some one can help me code one or tell me how i can get one that would be great.