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Everything posted by CaptainAzimuth

  1. CaptainAzimuth

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    Fair enough. Though its funny how well it works. Maybe invent a Deck LOD on the future? =P
  2. CaptainAzimuth

    Jet DLC?

    In terms of flight physics, even the F-15 today had the ability to knife edge without losing falling. The reason for this is automated flight systems countering. Forgot what they call it, but anyhow, the most advanced planes, while it may not feel right, shouldn't really bank unless set up to by the pilot, which brings me to think they should add an auto rudder toggle feature to act as this ability.
  3. CaptainAzimuth

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    Well I think it would be cool. I'm all for good sized vanilla missile box, so having the dynamic loadout added to then Fenhuang and its missiles compatible with all CSAT vehicles would be warmly welcome.
  4. CaptainAzimuth

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    No no, moving ships around with objects and vehicles on them is possible. You just need a roadway LOD, and both the ship and vehicles on them have to use physics. This makes it smoother and seamless. However what I mean is otherwise something like an Aircraft carrier isn't as practical as smaller patrol boats in terms of the scope of Arma 3, and usability... However, if you want to have fun, go find the guys that use "attachto" to nice big things around like the Static submarine. Attach the Carrier to a slow boat and move it, and you will prove my be able to land on it fine, but walking on it won't work. Only vehicles and objects can stay on deck.
  5. CaptainAzimuth

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    Well, the PLA CSAT are more advanced than the regulars. So it could be a mini radar or something, or some kind of sensor you can't see. Don't forget these guys field full screen thermal helmets, thermal suits, underbarrel .50 cals.
  6. CaptainAzimuth

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    Arma 3's engine handles ships perfectly, this includes ships with vehicles on top. I'm already proved this. However, it's not going to handle a bloody air craft carrier moving full speed, in a multiplayer scenario with full crew and people running about. If you were here since Alpha, you know the ONLY way to get man class walking on deck was stupidly heavily scripted to the point of logical impracticality. Also, this isnt the time for naval assets. This is a Jets DLC. Oh, and fun fact, keep in mind just because a carrier is added, doesnt mean we get more boats. The US Air Force owns and operates more ships than the US Navy.
  7. CaptainAzimuth

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    It looks on because it was meant to. It's the PLA CSAT alternative to the scalpel, basically, and the missile should be capable of both locking and pointed guidance.
  8. CaptainAzimuth

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    Pretty sure it is a join effort. Started out as a mod, but then ended up getting the official BI touch up.
  9. CaptainAzimuth

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    I wonder if the Hemtt can haul around that C-RAM.
  10. CaptainAzimuth

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    Called it.
  11. CaptainAzimuth

    Walking on moving decks

    You can walk on the MkvSoc as long as it's stationary.
  12. CaptainAzimuth

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    The 20mm Gun Pod is in need of a MAD retexture. It looks awfully awkward on everything with the massive shadow on the top side.
  13. CaptainAzimuth

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    Aircraft* except for the XH-9 series.
  14. In that event, when why too was your countermeasures not equally OP? Or had you run out. =P
  15. Well I've come to the conclusion it's Anti Personel after hitting Tanks with it, and then getting roasted by 120mm HE because it didn't do jack. Lol
  16. CaptainAzimuth

    Walking on moving decks

    Full Logistics demonstration. Basic example of physics doing it's awesome thing. Even Ariel vehicle transport. Vehicle transport with boats. Advanced vehicle transport with boats. (Excuse the DnB)
  17. CaptainAzimuth

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    Was going to say aim-9 but wasn't sure.
  18. CaptainAzimuth

    Walking on moving decks

    No. Those barely classify as patrol boats, those are more like fast attack craft. I'm talking about REAL patrol boats. The ones 2-4 times the size of the Speedboat we have. I reckon you haven't seen my videos using the ASDG MkvSoc as a demonstration. There isn't even a deck to walk around on the Vanilla boats. Though in the demonstrations, I've proved that the specific size, logistics, and combat capability of naval assets can be well designed by BIS, and work seamlessly with all the other assets.
  19. Isn't that what the AP rounds can be used for? They are anti personal rounds anyhow.
  20. CaptainAzimuth

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    The something-22 works fine on the smaller helicopters. It's the one that kinda looks like a sparrow, isn't too big for the small birds either.
  21. CaptainAzimuth

    Walking on moving decks

    Why is it when someone mentions Naval combat, everyone tries to find the best way to prove aircraft carrier strike groups and submarines have a place in Arma? I didn't want to comment much more on this, I believe I've said my fair share in the past, however look at War Thunder for example. In contrast to World of Warships, it focuses on patrol boats. There's a big reason for that, and the reason is quite similar to why they would also fit well in Arma. Not to mention, if your talking about walking on decks, the best use for this would be logistics, as far as ships go.
  22. CaptainAzimuth

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    There are alreadysmaller rockets like the Shrekers and Dave's which fit well on the small birds. The ASRAAM also looks fine on the smaller birds but the other AA missiles like funny as heck due to their size. Of course that probably won't be a thing for long. The Scalpels also fit nicely on the smaller birds. However, the Hellcat has a locking problem. Cannot lock targets with any of rounds capable of locking. It simply asks the copilot to do so, but no lock is ever obtainable. Also, does the Pawnee and Hellcat not have a HUD update yet? Seems they don't have CCIP's for corresponding munitions. Edit: ASRAAM on the Pawnee won't lock. In fact, you can't even switch to the weapon at all.
  23. CaptainAzimuth

    Walking on moving decks

    Hence where you can check my posts about naval assets that brings light to what CAN be of use to an infantry based combined Arms title. But I'm afraid it's far too late for that boys, that boat has long sailed. (Pun not intended. XD)
  24. CaptainAzimuth

    Jets - Hitpoints

    Chances are if someone firing a minimum in your direction, your running for your life without a second thought. XD
  25. CaptainAzimuth

    DAGR laser lock question on Dev Branch

    Well I'm not saying it isn't anymore, I just haven't tried that in a long time. Give it a shot. I believe one of the jet has a TGP with laser (keybind 4) that you can mount a DAGR pod on. Try locking it then moving the laser around after firing.