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Everything posted by CaptainAzimuth

  1. CaptainAzimuth

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    But what if said long rifle is able to be disassembled and backacked, via. IRL counterpart?
  2. CaptainAzimuth

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Eating mags confirmed. Every-time i pick up a gun, it eats the mags, sometimes leaves only a single mag in the weapon, other times no mags period.
  3. CaptainAzimuth

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    It's what should have been. XD Archipelago with nothing useful for transportation from dock to dock. But hey, even with the lack of Boats that are actually more useful, i have to congratulate Bohemia Interactive for reaching their final goal of Apex, sort of on time. By sort of i mean moving the release date from the end of June, to July 11th, which by numerical means, is actually in the Third Quarter of this year, so...
  4. CaptainAzimuth

    What Makes a Good Arma Campaign?

    The right environment. When it's raining, fog, i can hear the rain hitting the trees and bushes next to me, it feels extremely immersive. That's what makes a good Arma campaign.
  5. CaptainAzimuth

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Direct Chat in Dev Branch is broken.
  6. CaptainAzimuth

    Rappelling from Structures WIP

    You don't suppose that erm... Head flying off was a little bit... much? XD
  7. CaptainAzimuth

    Rappelling from Structures WIP

    epic. It's become apparent to me that there are actually a large number of times i've explored Tanoa that having Repel ropes would have been ideal. Will this become compatible with Exile in the future? They already have rope in the game, and i think they may already be using your advanced tow system with the ropes as well. Perhaps it would be cool to combine the mod as one rope technology mod? Just curious. This is really epic stuff.
  8. CaptainAzimuth

    Vehicle in Vehicle Transport Feedback

    There's not Arma 3 vehicle to reproduce this, but i know what the problem is. If there's an object in a vehicles model, and there's also a player in one of the vehicles seats, and that player looks at the object, it doesn't render if it's in the the model's range. I believe it's sort of the same exact issue with shell casing a while ago where you fired your weapon and they didn't appear in first person. This is sort of the same issue, except for vehicles. If you want to reproduce this issue, place a Speedboat down, then place a small ammo crate on the back of it. Get in the driver set and look back at the crate.
  9. CaptainAzimuth

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    MK VI Patrol Boat for NATO Pacific http://preview.turbosquid.com/Preview/2014/12/17__13_15_44/MkVIPatrolBoat00.jpg56625ed4-c791-4d63-9e1d-6d1ddee99653Original.jpg https://www.shephardmedia.com/media/images/article/64a75d42.jpg https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-WXX4aHmZU_A/VzsZog021mI/AAAAAAABRvc/ImsKuxx2ZxYQ5INor8C6oAphugK74BL3QCLcB/s1600/13217259_10154210717259324_4810871660761835443_o.jpg http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/f5165edfa19bcf273643df7b3770f5690bca06dd/r=x404&c=534x401/http/cdn.tegna-tv.com/-mm-/7b37d7ec826a4b5c43a0dac5da642452e7ab97da/c=196-0-3260-2304/local/-/media/2016/04/13/DefenseNews/DefenseNews/635961576452990879-IMG-2960.JPG Standard with 30mm mount at from,12.7mm at rear Variant with Titan AA/AT on rear mount. Raptor Patrol Boat for CSAT Pacific http://static.progressivemediagroup.com/uploads/imagelibrary/nri/naval/projects/Raptor%20Project%2003160/project03160.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B0PJZ5bCYAIEA4l.jpg https://i0.wp.com/pellaship.ru/images/schemas/raptor-med.png http://files.balancer.ru/forums/attaches/2013/12/28-3325706-20131223-085203.jpg http://pellaship.ru/images/gallery/raptor/raptor_02.jpg Standard with 20/30mm mount. Variant with Titan AT/AA on mount. Small logistics craft for both factions and Tanoan police force, capable of loading 2 light cars onto, and shipping over water. Added Possibility to load crates into boats and planes capable of loading as well. Thoughts?
  10. CaptainAzimuth

    Vehicle in Vehicle Transport Feedback

    It's said to be planned, but it requires work they say, meaning they may have to create a whole new variant of the Huron/Taru to accommodate this feature. For example removing all seats from the model, and making sure there's no longer an option to open ramp.
  11. CaptainAzimuth

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

    Small/Medium assortment of ships that would have great purpose/uses (logistically and militarily) in the Tanoan Region and to far east. http://www.israel-actualites.tv/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/super_dvora_mk.3_-_obr.3_465.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-EghQi_nDzsk/VmqREFfTaDI/AAAAAAAAC-8/o3iMA6mdPlw/s1600/7th_Project_03160_Raptor_Russian_Navy_Black_Sea_Fleet.jpg http://www.24horasnews.com.br/files/imagens_noticias/marinha-realiza-mega-operacao-em-ruis-de-mato-grosso-para-combater-trafico-de-drogas.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/15/US_Navy_Coastal_Riverine_Group_1_Coastal_Command_Boat_off_San_Diego_2013.JPG http://il5.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/600106/thumb/1.jpg?i10c=img.resize(height:160) http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-2q5ZtdXufIU/VOmoPiKv5zI/AAAAAAAA7Us/JezNpJjOUhY/s1600/Sea%2BSpear.jpg http://www.specmar.com/media/1388/hull4212wd2.jpg http://www.munsonboats.com/images/slides/supersized/44_main.jpg
  12. CaptainAzimuth

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    What's the protocol on requests for RHS?
  13. CaptainAzimuth

    How much would you recommend the Apex Expansion?

    10/10 would recommend hands down. The performance on Tanoa being better than that of Altis/Stratis upon launch was enough to keep my satisfied, due to the fact, my PC isn't the best, but getting 60 FPS in the campaign was the cherry on top for me. Multiplayer, depends on the server. I play MGT exile which runs anywhere from 40-25 FPS which is good enough for me until i get a new PC in the future. It's a great expansion, even though i still think there's some things they could have done better or added in, it's a good buy. Love the feeling of the map, the gameplay style is different from Altis/Stratis, it's more my type of style because of the Geography of Tanoa.
  14. CaptainAzimuth

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    Yes, that explains it well, thanks. Looking forward to it!
  15. CaptainAzimuth

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    Confirmed. "Edit Unit" option is broken, after selecting "Edit Unit", i'm left with an empty screen that just shows 4 windows for "Browse Units, Browse Events, Play Now, and My Units". Nothing else is on the page but those 4 windows. Also, in player profile, i notice on the Unit section it has a place for the xml. However, the Unit's page doesn't have an .xml with the logo we have set. Is this feature to come in the future so as to allow Unit members to have their logo's on the patches and vehicles? Or does this feature have to be hosted by a third party.
  16. CaptainAzimuth


    Campaign is on DEV. Performance better then it was when Arma 3 first released the East Wind Campaign. Damn, perhaps you may not need a new PC after all, since i'm getting like 60 FPS anyways. For Multiplayer however, that's another story.
  17. CaptainAzimuth


    But you know i'm not going to just let it go so easily until BI acknowledge the importance. I'm not advocating what they do, or how/if they add it into the game, but if they do on their own account i'm just interested in knowing they acknowledge how they're making the game-play of their own new map less interactive when a large layer of game-play is being completely left out, despite having no better opportunity then now to do so based on level design. Sigh, it's to the point i find the statement "no plans as of yet" laughable. At least their last stated plans were to expand VIVT to existing helicopters capable of doing so, which require work. But i don't see what stops them from going further with not much besides that, and i'm positive that even Arma 3: Units isn't that much of a handful to deal with either. Anyhow though, i don't think this is a wishlist thread, i personally was bringing up valid concerns regarding Tanoa, not requesting. We all for the most part do try not to request as much, but the speculation is completely fine, however there were a couple of people who did stray a bit too far off the rails. Haha. Anyhow, i'm interested in Units, and the VIVT. We'll see.
  18. CaptainAzimuth


    Maybe with such a short campaign to bug test before release, they'll have room to add in the missing boats that an Archipelago nation, or organizations like NATO/CSAT should have when occupying such a geography. =P
  19. CaptainAzimuth

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    They all sound bad to me. Well, except the CMR, it sounds good, but it's just missing... something. Not quite sure what that thing is just yet, but the AKM sound like absolute crap, and the SPAR's all sound bad. It simply does not sound like an assault rifle chambered in 5.56, and neither does the new LIM-LMG which uses teh MK-1 EMR sound. CAR-95's still sound the best and really fitting, i pretty much only use CAR-95's now. XD
  20. CaptainAzimuth

    Apex Vehicles Feedback

    V-44 Blackfish has broken system alert warning. I can't tell you how many times i've been shot down with out a single notice. Even after taking hits, flaring, and then still getting whacked by AA in the gunship. It's game breaking when you can't effectively deploy counter measures. Also, #killthescrollmenu, #bringbackTKOHinteraction
  21. CaptainAzimuth

    Advanced Rappelling

    Excellent stuff. Can't wait to start seeing this pop up on regular servers soon.
  22. To my knowledge, if you own both DayZ and Arma 3, you should have no issues copy pasta. However, you can't make a mod of it's port, as legal issues will of course tear you to pieces. for personal use though, i'm pretty sure it's no big deal.
  23. CaptainAzimuth

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

    POST APEX IMPROVEMENTS Up Armored Speedboat with 20/30mm Cannon. Pawnee with 20mm Pom-Pom instead of rockets and mini-gun. Mohawk version similar to that of the Mi-8 with Rockets. Syndikat version of Buzzard with Rockets. Pawnee/Orca/Hellcat versions with AA/AT missiles. New medium Vessels with TOW (TITAN) missiles, and 20/30mm Cannons and a Radar for AA version. LSV's with AT/AA versions, and possibly even 20mm version. Up Armored version of the Marid for CSAT, and the Marshall for NATO. Some kind of Dynamic Unit Markings for all factions vehicle fitting of the Campaign to add more Authenticity. AKM variant with GL for Syndikat. Some kind of Vehicles for Tanoan forces, or unique gear to make them feel like a real existing force within Tanoa. Static 20mm cannon for various factions. Missing Swimming gear in Tropic for NATO, and Survival Fatigues for NATO and CRTG forces. Bring back different ammo types for the RPG-7. Logistics being expanded to ground vehicles and ships. AKA. HemTT carrying quad-bikes/SLV's in the back, or Off-road carrying Ammo/Weapon cache in back of truck.
  24. Money talks. Money can make anything happen.
  25. CaptainAzimuth

    Apex Vehicles Feedback

    Water Scooter (Jet-Ski) is performing extremely weird. It should be more like a fast Speedboat. But currently, it performs like a souped up Rescue Boat, which feels extremely weird.