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Everything posted by CaptainAzimuth

  1. CaptainAzimuth

    Vehicle handling (dev branch)

    The jet-ski is still very very basic and horrible to control. Doesn't feel like a jet-ski, and i'm been on one before, they jump when going super fast, but when they're going a moderate speed, they are actually a bit smooth, in turning as well, except of course when you whip it. They're actually quite slow in game as well. Honestly should be the fastest water vehicle in the game, but currently the RHIB is, clocking in at 96-95. I know for a fact Jetski's can go up to 128km/h.
  2. CaptainAzimuth

    Targeting improvements

    This is good. Changing how aircraft work also requires a change in ground units due to the fact not doing so would make balance a serious issue. With Tab-Locking, both AA and CAS can equally challenge each other on a first see first kill basis. But take away one's ability to do so breaks the other, so i'm glad that the possibility of both being looked at is being taken into consideration.
  3. CaptainAzimuth

    Vehicle in Vehicle Transport Feedback

    Any progress made on making the Huron, Taru, and Mohawk VVT compatible?
  4. CaptainAzimuth

    DNC Leaks

    That's bloody terrifying... Though, there's actually a very long paper trail of "murders", i mean, robberies, to people who opposed the current running nomination for the Democratic Party, at least according to Last Week Tonight's DNC episode. Apparently, people going against Hillary come to a less than favorable demise. Could this be another added to that same list? Also, you don't have to vote for either, there are still the Liberal and Independent candidates, but of course main stream media won't include their names or existence unless they cough up a decent amount of capital for it.
  5. CaptainAzimuth

    F-15 Eagle Series Standalone

    Oh my god that F-15SE looks SOOOOOOO good! XD
  6. CaptainAzimuth

    Will you keep buying ArmA games?

    I'd keep buying the game. Most of ours prayers have been answered over the years, things like FFV, Sling Load, Advanced Flight model, Weapon Resting/Bipods, better Fatigue, amazing graphics, water reflections, fog, weather features. So maybe the next Arma will have that sweet optimization we've all been hoping for. The Engine has great potential, so does Bohemia. I think some very interesting things can be done with the next Arma, and i sure would put my money on it. If they could just answer a few more of our prayers... We might help cultivate one of the best genre's of gaming, in my opinion. I can find every other game to play, but will always find a way back to Arma.
  7. CaptainAzimuth

    Infantry vs Vehicles - What do you prefer?

    Arma needs a balance of both vehicles and infantry. Problem is, that vehicles can only get so much features before they're impossible to function with AI, which BI depend on for pretty much every aspect of their game, otherwise it probably won't even see the light of day in the Armaverse. However, with AI out of the equation... Vehicles are awesome. Though the handling on them could be improved to make them even more skill oriented, they're something that need to work alongside infantry. Tanks for example can EASILY be killed by infantry, despite the tank having advances systems like Thermals and NV sights. An infantryman can easily get up close and put you out of commission... for ever. Same with APC's. Your effectiveness in these vehicles will only last for so long. As for light strike vehicles and such, MRAPS, cars, those are pretty much like infantry, just on wheels. They can easily be dealt with, and effect gameplay in very minimal and specific ways. Aircraft are different however, where as they're fast, agile, and can change the tide of a game, depending on the skill of the operator of course. With new logistics features like Sling loading, and Vehicle in Vehicle transportation, i think it's safe to say that you can now make things super challenging by having heavier vehicles moved to places in almost silly amounts of time. Get from allied forces to behind enemy liens with a couple of AMV-7 Marshall's and the enemies gonna have a bad day. Though, again, those vehicles will be useful for only so long. Naval units... don't even get me started. But hypothetically, assuming we had them, they could bear just as much strategic value as helicopters, in an event you don't have helicopters. They can also play the role of Heavily armed attack units like Tank's and APC's, but in a limited space, of course, being in water, but close to shore. They could also fill the logistical role for vehicle transport and infantry transport. in short. All things work like gears, together. infantry and vehicles together, make a great gameplay experience in the Arma series. A short backs story, before i even got Arma, i saw some gameplay of Arma 2, seeing it was at the time branded a "simulator" i was intrigued at how you could have tanks, jets, and infantry all in the same space. In my mind, then, it was MASSIVE. Knowing nothing about the game, only seeing footage of Frogfoot's gun running vehicles, and attack heli's shooting at infantry, i even thought it was better than DCS. Of course now years of playing both Arma 2 and Arma 3, i understand things a little better now, though i'd still be pleased to find a game in the future that as vehicles and infantry in an environment like DCS. But for now, Arma fills that niche for me with the combined arms thing, despite how selective the mechanics content are.
  8. CaptainAzimuth

    No man's sky. Huge procedurally generated universe

    True, i agree. I too think that it's a good game in terms of potential, but NOT good enough to be 60 bucks off the bat, even if they plan, or already had planned updates to add in cut features, or even new ones to give it that kick it had in the trailers. I personally like it, and of course since i got my copy for my birthday (lol), i'll be following their progress as closely as i do Arma's.
  9. CaptainAzimuth

    No man's sky. Huge procedurally generated universe

    That may be true in regards to, of course, it's less attractive if the scale is indeed just repetitive in nature, it's still an amazing feat. So what does it take for future technology to implement a little more variety within the procedural generation? As far as i've experienced, most planets are different enough. But to be unique in each individual planet? That's going to take some kind of technological progress i don't even know of. Nonetheless, it's still just the foundation, and i think Hello Games worked on this foundation the most, and that's what they're most proud of, and now that it's solid, and in place, they can build on that, don't you think?
  10. CaptainAzimuth

    Targeting improvements

    Yes. So sorry for going off topic for a bit, but it does need an adjustment, as it's currently too much.
  11. CaptainAzimuth

    No man's sky. Huge procedurally generated universe

    Oh look, no posts since last year. Welp, i've actually become quite entertained by this game, despite the fact it's super grindy. Though i think the majority of gamers wanted it to be Multiplayer and were quite displeased to find it didn't have the slightest hint og Multiplayer aside from the ability to upload information you've found in the vastness of this Universe, in the Eulicid Galexy. I've seen a staggering amount of hatred then pushed towards the game, and even the developers with even a large number of people claiming they were to pursue even legal suits against them. However, after reading various statements vi. the dev's, it's come to my attention, that all of this is truly unfair, or perhaps blatently over looked. Now of course the Dev's had stated bizarre claims for their game over the years, such as "every molecule" being proceduraly generated, which is obviously impossible... But there are a massive number of things they got right. Economies throughout different Solar System's, Economies on planet's, and even Economic influence in individual interloper's and travelers trading systems. There's a Galactic market price for which all items go by price, which vary through out the Universe which you can play to make large amount of Units, the in game currency. Planets, the Moons, and a large number of points of interest, while possible being very repetitive, are indeed proceduraly generated. No company, or developer has achieved such a massive feat, ever, and this is what shines. The foundation is there, and while some say it lacks many things, what the game does lack, are only what professionals would call "Extras", or other additions to the game that aren't key, or crucial components for the game to function. What Hello Games has done, is what almost every other indie team has failed to do for years now, at least in the "survival" Genre of games, which is a strong, solid foundation, with solid core mechanics. There's things that have truly blown my mind. For example, the ability to dig up the ground. Yes, you can use the Plasma Grenade to essentially dig away at the surface of the planet. ANY planet, and moon, that is also proceduraly generated. But it doesn't stop there. Doing so on an extreme planet with harmful atmosphere's allows you to seek refuge from harsh weather conditions. THIS, is amazing. So if you don't have enough supplies, and you're ship is out of commission, you could survive and find the supplies you need in caves. You can even dig out trenches if you wanted. What's next for No Man's Sky? Now that all the dust from extreme criticism has settled, i think it's safe to say that Hello Games are aiming for much bigger things, now that their foundation is down, solid, and massive. They've recently rolled out the much anticipated Patch 1, which was likely held back to gain full feedback from both PS4 and PC players, with even hints from Reddit that XBox may also get a release in the future. With those out of the way, the developers have even opened up a bit more on the more popular suggestions about No Man's Sky. On Gamespot, they've shared a bit of insight into the future of No Man's Sky. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/no-mans-sky-pc-patch-out-now-ps4-coming-soon/1100-6442779/ There you can find most of the answers you seek about the game as of late, along with some much anticipated info regarding the satuts of things like Multiplayer, and new features, and a few statements i find are probably going to be controversial. Murray has talked about adding new content like "the ability to build bases and own giant space freighters." He has also teased that major-sounding new features could come in the future. "If you hoped for things like pvp multiplayer or city building, piloting freighters, or building civilizations… that isn't what NMS is," he said. "Over time it might become some of those things through updates." So the future is bright for No Man's Sky. What do you guys think, and how could this shape the future for the Space and Survival Genre's? have you enjoyed the game so far? What are you major concerns, or wishes?
  12. CaptainAzimuth

    Targeting improvements

    Yes and no? I mean for VR, yes, of course all automated movements of player view in the cockpit should then be disabled if a VR is in use, as real world input would replace that. So you can tilt your head in VR to compensate for that. I mean, it's not that big of a deal having the slight tilt, just a suggestion i thought would be nice based on experience in DCS, basically how pulling tight turns doesn't necessarily knock the view around the cockpit as violently as it does in Arma 3. Yes and no. Depending on the pilot really, if you bank maybe 10-15 degree's, say for example you were scanning a hill for something while in a slight orbital turn, you'd then want to tilt your head/upper torso so that you're not just leaning over 10-15 degrees. You used to be able to simulate this in a very clunky way when you could access VR level freedom without having VR via. holding Crtl+Q or E. This would make your character lean in the cockpit, but was horrible to have as a control because if you did it accidentally, you would be in a terrible situation. (i've done it, not fun) But anyhow, it's not THAT crucial of a feature. Just a suggestion. Though, the level of view being thrown about the cockpit does indeed need to be vastly less traumatic.
  13. CaptainAzimuth

    Targeting improvements

    Alright, well i've just experienced the new Targeting pod first hand in actual combat... My impressions are... bad. What i mean by this is that using the Camera lock is extremely buggy, even with the ability to move the cross-hair with the Numpad. Basically, the fact that the motion of the Aircraft (direction at speed in which the aircraft is traveling) effects the camera, is extremely clunky, and it's a HUGE problem. Add that in with the fact you have to be aware of both AA, and that view distance is limited, causing you to have to constantly leave the camera spin around for another pass, and try to find the spot again, is a straight pain in the arse. That Cam-Lock system really does need a hard polish, as it's sort of hit and miss at this point. Secondly, not sure what it is that was changed, but when pressing the button to search and lock vehicles, it stops the game. In other words, lag spike as you press it. So i'm flying and i see something i radar i want to investigate, i look in the general direction, and press the lock key. The game stops for .3-1.0 seconds, and then either nothing will pop up, or a box will select the vehicle, if i was accurate. What i'm saying is when locking targets, the game spikes, and freezes for a short time, which is the most annoying thing in the world. This never happened in Arma 2. This didn't even happen in Arma 3 awhile ago. Not sure why it's happening now, but it's game breaking.
  14. CaptainAzimuth

    Targeting improvements

    One other major thing i have an issue with is the scale at which the head of a pilot moves in Fixed Wing Aircraft when pulling turns. at anywhere above 300 speed, the way the head moves left, right, up and down of the center is very disorienting. It should be less swaying like that, but should have tilt as well, for example, when you bank left or right, your head tilts to compensate with the horizon just slightly, and it makes it feel less like your going to throw up. This would improve flying in first person so you can manage everything else without getting sick of the jerky swaying motions. Also, in regards to APC locking air targets, i don't think it's necessarily a censor thing, or am i wrong? Because i've recently seen Korean APC's behold a freakishly accurate capability to shoot down aerial drones, but the APC itself isn't even designed to do so, however, if need be, it can do just that, probably a bit too well. I understand it's balance, but i mean missions could just exclude medium armor... then again, if you place AI in APC's and fly around them, they still have pin point accuracy anyway, so this "balance" only applies to Multiplayer (PVP Only) regardless.
  15. CaptainAzimuth


    To be fair, Bohemia stated many times, before each and every DLC, that they don't want to say, or promise anything, due to the fact that they may not be able to deliver. Keep in mind Bohemia Interactive is still a relativity small company.
  16. CaptainAzimuth

    Possibility of a new render for Arma 3?

    For Arma 3? Probably not. There are some things BI said they had for Apex but couldn't come through with, but we'll probably never know what they were. Aside from that, Enfusion is a different beast, and I constantly cringe knowing that the new Engine doesn't look, or perform as good as the one Arma 3 runs on. Don't even get me started on thing like physics. In short, time will tell. Until then... At least there's No Man's Sky. XD
  17. CaptainAzimuth

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    LOL, not gonna lie. experienced this yesterday with an AA tank that was literal 10 feet infront of me. Fired one directly mid mass, and it flew over, i quickly reloaded and aimed lower only to have it go over it AGAIN, followed by 37mm to my face.
  18. CaptainAzimuth

    Targeting improvements

    Is it me or what Auto lock for APC's removed against Air contacts? Or is there something i'm missing.
  19. I remember staying up, from morning to morning (don't judge me) with me squad playing Arma 3 on the weekend. We would play Stratis/Altis Wasteland for literally 6 hours or more. This would include never getting kicked, never loosing connection, never getting incredible lag, and never receiving steam ticket check kicks, or at least, not as often. So i have a question for you guys as well. What were the peak months where Arma's performance was at an all time high? This means with absolutely little to no issues with battleye or steam? As well as what do you think has changed, and is causing a large portion of connectivity issues for various people even ranging from high end to medium end PC's? Also, how do the "Arma Gods' Punish you? (Arma gods is a thing i came up with due to the amount of issues or bugs/glitches, and general stupid events that's either cause you, or your team mates to die. Can range from bullets not killing, all the way to you breaking a vehicle when it normally wouldn't in the most inconvenient moment possible, leaving you with nothing but a bucket of salt) NOTE: This is a fun topic. Keep it clean please.
  20. CaptainAzimuth

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    There's a problem with the RPG-7. It doesn't necessarily... kill stuff. In reality, there's not much systems that can counter an RPG-7, and it's rightfully earned itself it's justified deadliness against all types of armor from all era's. My point is, having hit an Off-road, and watched it keep driving, is a bit disappointing.
  21. CaptainAzimuth

    Arma 3 - How The Arma God's punish us

    If i could love this comment. So much truth! XD
  22. CaptainAzimuth


    Still waiting on proper naval units to fill sea level/ground based logistics and up armed operations, but besides that, i don't think we can expect much more for Apex.
  23. CaptainAzimuth


    Hainan Islands? Maybe some some reaction to CSAT PLA being busted for occupying the horizon islands, which could lead to the mainland? Wouldn't mind mainland jungle setting with more interesting ridges, and stuff? Who knows.
  24. CaptainAzimuth

    Prone to crouch issue [SOLVED]

    My bad, i guess i had misunderstood. However, i've experienced an issue with both, as in the one you mentioned, and the one i mentioned. Both are issues with prone and crouch animations. So it's not really thread derailing if they both fall in the same category in similarly close fashion.
  25. CaptainAzimuth

    No jungle camo skins for NATO (Pacific) vehicles?

    I actually quite ashamed they're not even at least flat green like the LSV's. NATO has a surplus of Green Camo regardless, as most nations are located in green geography. So to not have a US green version of the NATO vehicles is a bit off, even with historical context, it's 2035. The flash-point in the Armaverse South China Sea had been a thing for quite some time, so they'd surely have enough time to paint their vehicles for the pending conflict.