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Everything posted by CaptainAzimuth

  1. CaptainAzimuth

    The AAF Tank is freaking amazing!

    I'm not gonna lie. The beauty of this brought tears to my eyes. Also, yes, this is based off the Yak-130/131, which is a Fighter Trainer sooo... Buzzard = Dead. Though, then it comes down to pilots senses, over Factions Equipment, and this usually goes for all vehicles and equipment, even down to infirintry. ---------- Post added at 22:32 ---------- Previous post was at 22:28 ---------- On another note, Chortles, i REALLY hope they don't add the hex camo in it's standard color at least. I hope that goes along the lines of low visibility grey, or hell, keep it the way it is. XD
  2. CaptainAzimuth

    The AAF Tank is freaking amazing!

    This is by no means unfair. The Leopard 2 is the Best tank to date, so that's not surprising. Second, the AAF, personally, my Favorite, do have downsides, one being the Buzzard, which isn't going to fair well in Air to Air combat with equally skilled pilots, against say, Opfor's, or what Blufor's Air assets have to offer. Besides that, I still like the AAF a lot. CSAT, is my second pick.
  3. CaptainAzimuth

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

    Battlefield Singleplayer is a bit less arcade like, more dramatic, with realism thrown in on a few occasions. But the way you can buddy system to get over walls (usually cus scene like sequence), is something that I would like to see in Arma. course in Arma, your wearing alot more gear than Battlefield, so it would take longer to accomplish getting over walls. Another idea, or more of a wish, Two seater Fixed wing. Would be nice if every faction, or maybe just the main Blufor and Opfor had a two seater version of their aircraft. They had it in Arma 2, but only one plane accomplished this, but it did it well.
  4. CaptainAzimuth

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I would post a caption of Battlefield 3 when they saw the paratroopers over Caspian... But wholy F***ing S***...
  5. CaptainAzimuth

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Bring back the ability to place street lights, lamps, and base lights in the Editor.
  6. CaptainAzimuth

    Fixed Wing Flight Model (dev branch)

    Yes... Yes i am... But to be honest, when i'd like to see out of a decent flight model, is that even though you pull up your aircraft, if you stall at a certain speed, there would still be slight stall maneuverability, which depends on the engines, thrust, and which way they are facing.
  7. CaptainAzimuth

    VOIP/VON issues in Arma3

    BI should make good use of that one item that goes beside the GPS. The Radio should be used for chats. Maybe something simple, say the channels are accessed by the Radio, and when someone talks over a certain frequency, it should be coming through the radio that's in your inventory, since the Radio is an actual object in game. Might as well use something with that. However, Direct chat should stay a positional thing. This way, no one has to get a mod just to use the coms properly.
  8. CaptainAzimuth

    [WIP] IkaR F-16

    Are you going to making just one skin or model of the F-16? For example, is that the only F-16 your working on, or will you be doing possible two seat, or different types, such as the F-16 Block. Exampe
  9. Someone that understands my pain. I'm not the only one! Awaiting patiently for this master piece for ear candy.
  10. CaptainAzimuth

    [wip] f-35b

    I don't mean to barge in, but this is not an F-35B Model. This is an X-35 model. As compared to the actual F-35B model. Might want to check your data, this is the model form Arma 2, which BI named the F-35, to compensate for it being put into service in Armaverse. (X stands for Experimental, or undergoing testing)
  11. CaptainAzimuth

    New year, New Goals... Over sleeping?

    Was that not already announced? I haven't heard anything about it yet either... wonder what it could be... ---------- Post added at 17:59 ---------- Previous post was at 17:57 ---------- Some of these are really good things i would expect to see too. I find that not every server available shows up in the server list. Terrain improvements would be interesting as well. ---------- Post added at 18:04 ---------- Previous post was at 17:59 ---------- It was a.. special eggnog. But besides that, this would be great. Improvement in FPS overall would be best expected.
  12. CaptainAzimuth

    For people who live or go to Lemnos

    Only some things are kept to proportion, but it's a fact that Altis was rendered half the nearly half the size of actual Lemnos.
  13. CaptainAzimuth

    New year, New Goals... Over sleeping?

    Well fantastic, looks like i switched day and month again, maybe i got kicked up on too much eggnog. XP ---------- Post added at 20:46 ---------- Previous post was at 20:44 ---------- Noticing someone moving around 100 m away with a bit of cover, or no cover isn't too hard. But AI improvement would be fanatical, as well as textures for Altis without loss of frames. I find Stratis has tremendously more detail than Altis at the current state.
  14. CaptainAzimuth

    How can I drop a single pair of flares and not 12 of them?

    It's a two part system. Theres a good reason to multiple flare modes. Here take a look.
  15. CaptainAzimuth

    How can I drop a single pair of flares and not 12 of them?

    War is not fair, regardless or not, if you can dump one flare in real life, you should be able to do it in game. It's not about balancing, and it was possible in A2. "For now", ain't gonna cut it, as it's already a game feature, and it's been assigned (8 months ago), and is simply an easy fix that someone hasn't touched on yet. Its simply up to patience now. >.>
  16. Or maybe an option, therefore preventing everyone from walking the same way?
  17. CaptainAzimuth

    Fixed Wing Flight Model (dev branch)

    Intentional as they have the same baseline design. Video = Yak-130, Render Version = Yak-131 One seater variant, which should have better Thrust to weight ratio than it's trainer 2 seat cousin, yes your right. Though, purpose of the video, is to visualize how fixed wing jet planes move through the air through turns, and different maneuvers. HOWEVER, i just realized, not only is the Yak-130 a trainor... Its a fighter trainer as well. If BIS gets the physx right with this one, it could make for some good progress in the fix wing genre. Better example--- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lij3LOX7hsQ
  18. CaptainAzimuth

    Soldier protection (dev branch)

    BIS, would it be possible, to add a chance of getting knocked unconcious when shot by 6.5 or larger on impact with a players helmet? For example, one out of say... 7 or 9 people who survive a headshot (10-20% chance) while wearing a helmet, instantly get knocked into the unconcious animation that we only see when someone gets run over, but doesn't die. This would be interesting.
  19. CaptainAzimuth

    How can I drop a single pair of flares and not 12 of them?

    Yeah, really awaiting this be fixed, already went on feedback tracker, and the status was assigned... 8 months ago. <.<
  20. CaptainAzimuth

    Dynamic Volume for Voice Channels

    Ok, Subscribed. I thought of this too. I love this idea. It's not a mod, and is a GREAT, no, FANTASTIC way of dealing with VON, in which i usually have muted. I cant stand having to find some players and mute them, but that's in a different situation. This is great. BIS, take note.
  21. One world. Levolution. Ahaha, awesome work, this is great stuff.
  22. To be honest, this shouldn't be that hard. When Arma 3 Alpha was first released, you would randomly switch between these two walking modes, therefore, BI might have the script somewhere.
  23. CaptainAzimuth

    Non-enterable Buildings

    Yeah, i noticed that factory like complex too, only one door on it is openable, and its a small side room... Kinda pointless. That building is really cool looking, and should be enterable later on. BI take note.
  24. CaptainAzimuth

    See, I told you the modding community will be active

    If that were the case, than why, in 2035, does all of the US NATO, and British, use MX's, instead of a ton of variety in different futuristic, modified, tactically kitted out fire arms like they do in real life? ACR's, and .338 instead of 7.62 and 5.56... But again, more content is destined to arrive, patience is the real key when it comes to Arma. Recycled things, however... in terms of recycled items, the only problem i have with this, is the models still looking as if it belongs in a lower gen game. Other than that, personally, it would have taken time, but i think they could have made an even better looking Hellcat (wildcat port) model from scratch, and a better looking Buzzard (L-159 ALCA) model.
  25. CaptainAzimuth

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    You must not be doing something right if GL Flares aren't lighting up an area. Works flawlessly for me. Sparks from the minigun and other high caliber ammo would be cool though, but it's new years break. Try not to put too much pressure on em.