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Posts posted by blackpixxel

  1. Ops, I uploaded it for testing to PWS as beta, but now Armaholic changed their version to this test-version.

    So I cannot recommend to switch to the 1.4 version, as it is not finished.


    Yep, the SMAW appears two times in the action menu, the upper one is the SMAW in rocket-mode and the lower one is the spotting-rifle, which needs the correct magazine to be able to shoot.

    Sadly I cannot change the names that are shown in the action menu. But once you know that the spotting rifle is the lower one, it should not be a problem.

    Another problems are the ACE3-compatibility. At the moment ACE takes the backblast and ear-ringing values from the primary rocket muzzle of the SMAW, which is why the spotting rifle has backblast and causes your ear to ring without earplugs. I wrote a ticket, and hopefully it will change in the future.

    But the SMAW still needs some work, so you should stay with the current stable version on playWithSix.

  2. Hi,

    I have a launcher with two muzzles, and when I switch to the second muzzle and fire it, I get the following error:

    No entry 'bin\config.bin.'.

    After the error, I can use it with no problem, it shoots as expected.

    I have no idea what it wrong, so I hope that some of you can answer this.

    Here is the part of the weapon cfg for the launcher. I think the problem is somewhere in the spotting rifle part, because it only appears when shooting it (it is the second muzzle))

    	class Launcher;
    class Launcher_Base_F: Launcher
    	class WeaponSlotsInfo;
    class tf47_smaw: Launcher_Base_F
    	author = "[TaskForce 47] BlackPixxel";
    	_generalMacro = "tf47_smaw";
    	scope = 2;
    	displayName = "MK6 Mod 0 SMAW";
    	model = "tf47_launchers\smaw\smaw.p3d";
    	picture = "\tf47_launchers\smaw\UI\smaw_black_x_CA.paa";
    	handAnim[] ={"OFP2_ManSkeleton","tf47_launchers\smaw\anim\handanim_smaw.rtm"};
    	class GunParticles 
    		class effect1
    			positionName = "muzzlepos";
    			directionName = "muzzleend";
    			effectName =   "RifleAssaultCloud";
    	optics = 1;
    	opticsdisableperipherialvision = 0.67;
    	opticsflare = 0;
    	opticsid = 0;
    	opticsppeffects[] = {};
    	opticszoominit = 0.75;
    	opticszoommin = 0.34;
    	opticszoommax = 1.1;
    	weaponInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing";
    	distanceZoomMin = 250;
    	distanceZoomMax = 250;
    	discreteDistance[] = {250,250,250,250,250,250,250,250,250,250};
    	discreteDistanceCameraPoint[] = {"eye","eye","eye","eye","eye","eye","eye","eye","eye"};
    	discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0;
    	cameraDir = "look";
    	recoil = "tf47_smaw_recoil";
    	reloadAction = "ReloadRPG";
    	magazines[] = {"tf47_smaw_HEAA","tf47_smaw_HEDP"};
    	modelOptics = "-";
    	modes[] = {"Single"};
    	class Single: Mode_SemiAuto
    		recoil = "recoil_single_law";
    		sounds[] = {"StandardSound"};
    		class BaseSoundModeType
    			weaponSoundEffect = "DefaultRifle";
    		class StandardSound: BaseSoundModeType
    			begin1[] = {"tf47_launchers\smaw\sound\smaw_s1.wav",db18,1,900};
    			soundBegin[] = {"begin1",1};
    		aiRateOfFire = 7.0;
    		aiRateOfFireDistance = 600;
    		minRange = 10;
    		minRangeProbab = 0.8;
    		midRange = 400;
    		midRangeProbab = 0.8;
    		maxRange = 900;
    		maxRangeProbab = 0.5;
    	muzzles[] = {"this","TF47_smaw_SR"};
    	drySound[] = {"\a3\sounds_f\weapons\GM6Lynx\GM6_lynx_dry.wss",0.4466836,1,20};
    	reloadMagazineSound[] = {"tf47_launchers\smaw\sound\reload.wss",1.0,1,10};
    	aiRateOfFire = 7.0;
    	aiRateOfFireDistance = 600;
    	minRange = 10;
    	minRangeProbab = 0.8;
    	midRange = 400;
    	midRangeProbab = 0.8;
    	maxRange = 900;
    	maxRangeProbab = 0.5;
    	canLock = 0;
    	weaponLockDelay = 3.0;
    	lockAcquire = 0;
    	inertia = 0.45;
    	class WeaponSlotsInfo: WeaponSlotsInfo
    		allowedslots[] = {901};
    		mass = 200;
    		class CowsSlot {
    			access = 1;
    			compatibleitems[] = {"tf47_optic_smaw","tf47_optic_smaw_1","tf47_optic_smaw_2","tf47_optic_smaw_3","tf47_optic_smaw_4","tf47_optic_smaw_5","tf47_optic_smaw_6","tf47_optic_smaw_7","tf47_optic_smaw_8","tf47_optic_smaw_9","tf47_optic_smaw_10","optic_Holosight"};
    			displayname = "Optics Slot";
    			linkproxy = "\A3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\TOP";
    			scope = 2;
    		class PointerSlot: PointerSlot {};
    	descriptionShort = "83mm Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon";
    	class Library
    		libTextDesc = "Shoulder-launched rocket weapon with the primary function of being a portable assault weapon (e.g. bunker buster) and a secondary anti-armor rocket launcher.";
    	class tf47_smaw_SR: Launcher_Base_F
    		model = "tf47_launchers\smaw\smaw.p3d";
    		magazines[] = {"tf47_smaw_SR"};
    		magazinereloadtime = 3.75;
    		reloadtime = 0.2;
    		recoil = "tf47_smaw_recoil";
    		modelOptics = "-";
    		displayName = "SMAW Spotting Rifle";
    		displayNameShort = "SMAW Spotting Rifle";
    		descriptionShort = "SMAW Spotting Rifle";
    		useActionTitle = "SMAW Spotting Rifle";
    		optics = 1;
    		opticsdisableperipherialvision = 0.67;
    		opticsflare = 0;
    		opticsid = 0;
    		opticsppeffects[] = {};
    		opticszoominit = 0.75;
    		opticszoommin = 0.34;
    		opticszoommax = 1.1;
    		weaponInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing";
    		distanceZoomMin = 250;
    		distanceZoomMax = 250;
    		discreteDistance[] = {250,250,250,250,250,250,250,250,250,250};
    		discreteDistanceCameraPoint[] = {"eye","eye","eye","eye","eye","eye","eye","eye","eye"};
    		discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0;
    		cameraDir = "look";
    		modes[] = {"Single"};
    		reloadAction = "tf47_smaw_sr";
    		reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\a3\sounds_f\weapons\GM6Lynx\GM6_lynx_reload1.wss",1.0,1,10};
    		drySound[] = {"\a3\sounds_f\weapons\GM6Lynx\GM6_lynx_dry.wss",0.4466836,1,20};
    		class Single: Mode_SemiAuto
    			sounds[] = {"StandardSound"};
    			class BaseSoundModeType
    				weaponSoundEffect = "DefaultRifle";
    			class StandardSound: BaseSoundModeType
    				begin1[] = {"tf47_launchers\smaw\sound\smaw_spotting_s1.wss",db18,1,900};
    				soundBegin[] = {"begin1",1};
    			recoil = "recoil_single_law";
    			aiRateOfFire = 7.0;
    			aiRateOfFireDistance = 600;
    			minRange = 10;
    			minRangeProbab = 0.8;
    			midRange = 400;
    			midRangeProbab = 0.8;
    			maxRange = 900;
    			maxRangeProbab = 0.5;

    Thank you for your help!

    EDIT: Problem solved, it was something in the ammocfg.

  3. Now it could work.

    I hosted the Support Stratis Mission for testing. With 1.3.6 & AGM, the mission didn't load and was stuck in the loading screen, as you told me. With the new 1.3.7 it was loading correctly. Same with TPW. Although I don't know this mod, I didn't notice any difference with 1.3.6. With 1.3.7 it suddenly showed a hint after the mission loaded with the working modules, and some additional HUD-info.

    So it looks like it is working now, but I cannot promise it.

    Download Version 1.3.7

    Dropbox (59 MB): https://www.dropbox.com/s/vu5m40jlii7e7ul/%40tf47_launchers.rar?dl=0

    This modification requires CBA to work: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?178224-CBA-Community-Base-Addons-ARMA-3

  4. Arghh, no update without new errors..

    Thank you all for the reports. I have no idea what could cause this, but maybe it is this new part of the config:

    class CfgFunctions
    class tf47_launchers_Config
    	class tf47_launchers_init
    		class tf47_launchers_INIT_Function
    			file = "\tf47_launchers\m3maaws\scripts\tf47_disposable.sqf";
    			postinit = 1;

    Is it possible that this somehow conflicts with other mods?

    I haven't changed anything else CBA related.

    EDIT: Problem is found, fix will be released later.

    A temporary solution for those who have problems is to run the older version of the mod on the server while the clients can use the newer one.

  5. Hi,

    here is a smaller update which should solve most of the issues.

    -AT4 should always work now

    -airburst of HE and flare is fixed

    -new recoil (there was none after the last Arma 3 patch)

    -backblast configured for ACE 3

    -adjusted shouldered AT4 position

    I also added a classname for a M3 with already attached scoped (e.g. for vehicle loadouts), and 4 NATO-units with AT4's & M3.

    It looks like RHS has changed the way how their armor-system works, which made the launchers nearly completely ineffective. This should be solved now, which means that the optional RHS-patch is also updated.

    Download Version 1.3.6

    Dropbox (59 MB): https://www.dropbox.com/s/vu5m40jlii7e7ul/%40tf47_launchers.rar?dl=0

    This modification requires CBA to work: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?178224-CBA-Community-Base-Addons-ARMA-3

    RHS Compatibility Patch 1.2


    Have fun!

  6. Hi,

    I want to give an AT launcher recoil (e.g. recoil = "recoil_nlaw"; ), but if I set the recoil to an own one or even a vanilla one it gives me an error, while the recoil works fine:


    Is there any way to solve this? I could not find any information for this.

    Thank you for your help!

    Edit: Even if I dont set the recoil in the config, so that it uses the one from launcherbase, I will get this error:

    Size: '...\recoil_default\' not an array

    Problem solved. You NEED a 'Single: Mode_SemiAuto' class with some stuff in there. Then it works.

  7. I think the AT4 reload issue should be gone when ACE 3 gets released, they already had a perfect disposable-script for ACE 2.

    I also found the reason for the airburst-bug now (hopefully). It was an ATL/ASL issue. It worked on the close to sealevel airport at stratis where I always tested it, but the higher the terrain the closer the airburst would happen.

    A stupid error of me, I will fix that soon.

  8. Hi,

    I noticed that not only the AFM helos, but basically every vehicle in the game has an input delay of at least 100ms.

    This makes the controlls very unresponsive, and flying with AFM enabled is very hard, because the delay gets increased to about 500ms (at least for me).

    Another interresting fact is that this delay seems to be scaling with the simulation time. If you use 'setacctime 0.1' , the delay gets increased by factor 10. This shows that this delay is not a hardware problem, but something with the game.

    But John_Spartan and Souls FA-18 does not have any delay at all. The controlls are super-responsive. That means that this problem is fixable.

    Here is an ugly video I made to show it:

    I am curious if other people have the same issue. If yes, it is time to fix it, because it really makes driving at high speed harder than it should, and aiming with an AH-9 is not that easy with 100ms delay.

  9. Would be awesome to have the Real Armor Mod as part of ACE3 as well. And of course the crew damage from ACE2. At the moment you have to fire multiple HEAT rockets at a tank until it is disabled to make him combat-ineffective. And AT-rockets weigh alot. In ACE2 a HEAT rocket would correctly kill the crew, so that a tank was mostly no threat anymore after it was hit by a HEAT rocket.

  10. How should wind influence the performance? It worked in ACE, it works in AGM, Advanced Ballistics, ...

    Of course, the wind is the same at every part of the map and not influenced by buildings, hills and so on. But it changes the direction and the strength, and it makes shooting a lot more interesting. This would require BIS to finally implement a realistic sniper scope zeroing as well.

    And I am sure that even the Altis Life boys will adapt to it very quickly, it is not so hard to understand that you have to aim to the left if the wind is comming from the left.
