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Everything posted by blackpixxel

  1. blackpixxel

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Hi, BIS is currently working on some new features regarding the weapon handling, especially at fast rotations. I would like to share my idea how this problem could be solved. In Arma you can controll three parts of your body independend from each other. You have the legs, the upper body with the weapon and the head. We could simply use these three different parts to make the weapon handling better and to make lighter weapons more attractive for CQB. So here are my steps for a horizontal rotation: #1 - The real player moves his mouse fast to the left or right #2 - The head and the view of the soldier should move 1:1 with the same speed as the mouse in the correct direction. Of course this rotation is limited by the maximum angle of the head. #3 - At the same time, the legs of the body start to rotate 1:1 with the mouse, but this time with a limited maximum speed. This speed should be dependend on your inventory load or weight and also the fatigue level. #4 - At the same time, the upper body with the weapon starts to rotate 1:1 with the mouse, but at a lower maximum speed. This speed should be dependend on the weight of the weapon+attachments or the weapon inertia. So, what are the results? With this system the maximum rotation speed of the camera itself is not limited until you turn about 120°. This would be not as restricting as other solutions. But you have to consider that you legs are rotating a bit slower. That means that you cant make a full 360° rotation in a splitsecond. The speed for a full rotation is now dependend on the inventory weight of the character and also his fatigue. This would give players with a lighter gear and a good stamina management a great advantage in close quarter battles. They can also change their direction faster while running. And as third, the upper body with the weapon itself also has a limited rotation speed that is dependend on weapon parameters. This would make small weapons much more attractive for close quarter combats than heavier ones. In the end, your character can make a 120° rotation of his head with no limitation. But the weapon and the legs will always be slower. The player will have to wait a few splitseconds until his sights are on the target again. The weight of his gear and the size of the weapon would be much more important to be effective in CQB. I hope that BIS will implement a system similar to this. Let me know what you think.
  2. This would be the BEST feature I could imagine... Like the default Arma radio sounds that you hear in the vehicles sometimes. There is also some shooting and it sounds very authentic.
  3. blackpixxel

    Arma 3 Helicopters DLC Discussion (dev branch)

    You have to practice everything in Arma, so this would not be an exception or something special. Also the current easy-flightmodel needs some little training. And btw, the TOH-flightmodel makes your helicopter more agile, so you also profit from using it. And since when is it less fun to get better at something?
  4. blackpixxel

    Arma 3 Helicopters DLC Discussion (dev branch)

    But it becomes your second nature. You just have to practise some time in the editor and then you will now when and how you have to react to some of the helicopter behaviour.
  5. blackpixxel

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Recoil Bugs Both Bugs are still in the game: #1: There is no recoil after a fast rotation. Only the first shot will kick the weapon, while the following shots will hit the same spot. After some time the recoil starts working again. #2: Different recoil animations for some rifles in different firemodes. Totally unrealistic. In addition to that the fullauto recoil looks unrealistic and shakes the soldiers upper body about 15 cm to the back. I really hope that BI fix those really anoying bugs soon.
  6. The game could also need an animation for zeroing the rifle. So that your hand moves to the scope and that the weapon shakes a bit during that animation. Good work so far!
  7. blackpixxel

    Discussion Arma 3 first-person perspective

    Isn't this unrealistic? There is no 'hipfire' in Battlefield or Arma. You always have your weapon ready at your shoulder. When you aim you simply look through your right eye to the weapon that is already there. So it is perfect in Arma and unrealistic in other shooter games (BF and CoD where you move the weapon to the eye).
  8. blackpixxel

    ChinookPack - Mod Release

    Looks good! Can you also walk inside while the heli is flying? It would be totally awesome. You could lay down at the ramp with an M249 and supress some enemys while you are taking off. (Or launch some Javelins or AA Missiles if your backblas-area is free :D )
  9. Hi, The current bodyarmor-system on the devbranch allows you take maybe 7 hits from a 5.56 rifle. Then you just have to use an FAK and you are fine again. You can run into several bullets without any risk. On the other hand, there is no reason for someone to use one of the smaller 5.56 assault rifles, because it takes so long to kill an emeny, especially at longer ranges. Would it be so hard to implement an ACE-like bleeding system? It doesnt make much sense to try to simulate a realistic body armor if you can survive so many hits, while you would still die on a real battlefield because your wounds are heavily bleeding. The DEV's would just have to give the FAK's a bandage-like functionallity and that you may need more than one if you are heavily bleeding. In my opinion this would make the firefights much more authentic, because it would very important to catch as less bullets as possible. In addition to that, the programing efforts would be surprisingly low. It would simply require a blood-number that would lower itself slower or faster if you were hit, depending on the amount of bullets and on the caliber. If there is not much blood left, you may get unconscious and wake up, but after a certain treshold the player should die. All in all, I really don't know why the DEV's didn't make an ACE-like wounding system, because it just needs some little items and some days of programing, but it would give the game some of the much needed authenticity. And the Arma 2 community were I play is just waiting for some ACE-functions in Arma 3.
  10. blackpixxel

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    What I noticed is a strange reciol behaviour (devbuild from yesterday): When you start a mission and shoot with your primary weapon the recoil is totaly weird. Every third shot has a larger kick than the two other one. But if you shoot with your secondary (po7 or acp-c2) first, the recoil is fine. On top of that the other bug disapeared, where you had no recoil after fast rotations.
  11. blackpixxel

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Is there anything new about the weapon inertia? Is it already there or just prepared to come soon?
  12. blackpixxel

    3D Scopes - This can't be right

    Because the 3D-scopes with zoom work like all the other 3D-scopes too. And the holographic and reddot-variants also move independent of the screen center.
  13. blackpixxel

    Improve the Medical System - Bleeding Out?

    The module-idea is great. If you want to have the improved medical system you just drag a module on your mission. Another idea would be an option in the difficulty settings, similar to the TKOH-Flighmodel that you can enable and disable. The problem at the moment is the body armour system. Bullets arent really lethal anymore, you can catch five of them and still run arround with no drawbacks. As a result of that firefights in A3 feel very weird in comparision to A2. You have to hit the AI so often into their body to get them to the ground. This can be very hard with the huge recoil. But at the same time the AI does not have any recoil problems (because they ARE aimbots ;) ). So they will shoot you down very quick and easy. In my opinion the firefights feel 'unfinished'. It needs some tweeks and features (like bleeding-out= to reach their full potential. Let's see if BI will surprise us in the future!
  14. Hi, I am afraid that there will only be the Marksmen and Helicopter DLC as larger additions next to the Expansion. I think the DLC-concept is great to support the developement of longtime games like Arma 3 which will be played for many years. (The DEVs still need money after everyone bought the game). Do you think that this is all? I hope to see more DLCs with the same concept as the other two: making certain gameplay-aspects more authentic and deep (improved shooting mechanics, new flight model) So I would really like to see at least a Jet DLC, Ships&Submarines and a Tank-DLC which makes the tanks more realistic. Each should of course include new vehicles and more stuff.
  15. blackpixxel

    Improve the Medical System - Bleeding Out?

    Nice post Sanguinius! This would not be hard to implement. Just add a few variables, scripts and it is do... STOP!! WAIT!!! What is about the poor kids at Altis-Life and Wasteland? What is if there is no medic? Arma 3 is not a serious game anymore. It is a completely balanced nearly arcade game. Every side has the same vehicles with different models (but same weapon models), there is nothing unique, and many realistic features are gone. Bohemia should think about their target group. Altis-Life OR authentic military gameplay.
  16. blackpixxel

    Female character models

    Women as soldiers in Arma 3 is the one topic, but what about female civilians?? They were not able to carry weapons in Arma 2. But they made the scenarios believable. Why does Bohemia Interactive not the same for Arma 3. I am not sure why, but it makes the impression of lazyness. It is the same with bipods, better tank interieur, a working medic system and so on. There was such a potential in Arma 3, but now there aren't many new features, but some good features of Arma 2 are gone... The expansion pack may solve this issue, on the Devblog BI said that the expansion will bring new civilian assets.
  17. Hi, I need a function that repacks all magazines of a certain type in the inventory of a soldier. In the end he should only have full magazines and magazine for the rest of the bullets. Is there an easy way to do this? I have no idea about scripting, so I would be really happy if you can help me. Have a nice day! BlackPixxel
  18. blackpixxel

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    By the way, what is wrong with the MX rifle recoil? When you fire in singleshot mode it has a different recoil than in automode. And the singleshot-recoil looks much more authentic. The Katiba only has one type of recoil that is similar to the MX singleshot recoil. Are there any updates planned?
  19. blackpixxel

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    I can't wait, nothing is better than more features!!
  20. blackpixxel

    The new ARMA 3 DLC system - debate

    I would really prefer a hybrid out of both DLC systems. That means: If you are not using the vehicle or if you just ride in back, it will keep the high quality look. And only if you have an important role that would be restricted with the new system the quality gets worse. But much worse than in Arma2's DLC system, for example by disabling the highest LOD's and massivly reducing the sound quality. And on the bottom right corner where usually the DEV branch text is could be a small message that this is DLC content. This would combine the advantages of both systems: The content looks great if you dont use it and does not confuse new players (A3 DLC system). But at the same time you are able to use DLC content, so it would not split the community and allow mission makers to use DLC content (A2 DLC system). This would be perfect in my opinion.
  21. blackpixxel

    Arma3 Videos

    A short video that shows our new little troop carriers in action:
  22. blackpixxel

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Awesome: http://www.bistudio.com/english/company/developers-blog/465-roadmap-14-15-dlc-strategy-blog
  23. Does the Engine calculate the whole AI Behaviour to every single frame? This would be too much. The human reaction time is larger than 1/30 or even 1/60s. It would be perfect for the pathfinding if the AI would only calculate their new ways about 4 times a second. And for the frames where it does not calculate a new way it just moves in the same direction as in the frames before. It would also be possible to lower this refresh time for AI that is far away from the player.
  24. This means: BI should divide every speed in the game by four, and always speed the game up. And if the increased framerate you mentioned is related to a lowered AI complexity - I would always prefer a smooth game experience than the current instant headshot AI..
  25. blackpixxel

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Will it finally make sense to not use a sniper rifle in Close Quarter Combat? Will we get a nice inertia-effect? Would be totally awesome!