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Everything posted by disco.modder

  1. disco.modder

    SMA (Specialist Military Arms) mod

    Looking forward to using the F90 in-game! Cheers m8. :)
  2. disco.modder

    Ivory Aircraft - Mikoyan MiG-29

    Thanks for giving the OPFOR some love, and the BLUFOR some more things to destroy. :D
  3. Shotgun with ASDG Rails = Awesomeness! Thanks m8.
  4. disco.modder

    FHQ M4 for Arma 3 (Prerelease)

    + 1. That would be a great release to do, very suiting to A3's timeline. Thanks for the update m8. :)
  5. disco.modder

    EricJ Release thread

    I think he was just joking around with that. It happens to me too when I just swap heaps of weapons on the same ammoboxes and its discarded onto the ground. It seems like a problem with the game engine. Nevertheless 'modern art' indeed. :D
  6. disco.modder

    RH Pistol pack

    Not necessarily realistic but I thought it'd be cool to add such a representation of the gun into the game. source: http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Alpha_Protocol
  7. disco.modder

    I gots to know, top mods

    Maybe posting such questions in the correct place might help next time. Heres my trick: on Armaholic, sort the mods out by their number of hits in an increasing manner. These are the mods you're missing out on.
  8. disco.modder

    China - PLA Infantry (Alpha)

    500 different camo's!? Just about release a whole new mod filled with camos. :D Look forward to the update m8.
  9. disco.modder

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Best way to find out is to try them all together and use a process of elimination to determine which ones cause a crash. The general rule of thumb is that if it does not modify the same thing/object/parameter/entry, it should work with each other.
  10. disco.modder

    N-B U.S.M.C Project

    I sense Hueys coming... :D
  11. disco.modder

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Take a look at this: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=199429872#185014 I found it to be very helpful in getting an ACE-like experience.
  12. disco.modder

    Forever alone in Sweden

    Ok now this is a new way to open up release threads... Downloading the update. :D
  13. Why not you try give it a go yourself and come back with an optional config for us all to enjoy?
  14. disco.modder

    WIP - Arma 3 MTVR Realism Mod

    Im looking forward to the armed variants. I thought A2 missed out on them.
  15. disco.modder

    [REQ] Visible laser sight

    Addons/mods request go into this thread, and theres a reason for that. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148719-ARMA-3-Addon-Request-Thread
  16. disco.modder

    Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah

    Im sure its this: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20034
  17. disco.modder

    Gimme the Keys Already

    I quite enjoyed reading the thread. Not really too keen on the campaign atm so Ill stay neutral on this one, but I guess vehicles of the future have facial and fingerprints recognition to unlock it? Thanks for the giggles anyhow. :D
  18. Apart from the tactical vests, are there any? I remember seeing one on a recent pic of A3 vests somewhere but couldnt find it in-game. edit: on this page, 2nd picture from the top that shows 3 vests, the one to the extreme left is the one Im interested in.
  19. disco.modder

    A storm is coming (Arma 3 Zeus DLC)

    BI's take on MCC sandbox? Interesting nonetheless, I especially find the lightning both useful and amusing. :D
  20. disco.modder

    L85A2 Release

    The level of detail is just stunning. Greak work Kiory, look forward to the release. :)
  21. disco.modder

    ArmA 2 C-130J and MV-22 Redux

    ^ yes please! The armed mv22's were awesome back in A2.
  22. disco.modder

    Ivory Aircraft - Mikoyan MiG-29

    Gnat released a Kuznetsov carrier for Arma 2. Perhaps get in contact with him to port it over as the OPFOR's carrier?
  23. disco.modder

    Strategic/operational ARMA ?

    The image you tried linking above needs to be uploaded to an image hosting site like imageshack then linked to forums, as we do not have access to your computers drives. Re: idea, would it be something like a Risk game you're trying to put Arma into? I find that an interesting idea, but me personally Id still like to have elements of FPS/TPS and birds-eye-view RTS-style present. When a player goes to war and invade a territory, we can play out the battle from our units perspective. The Wargame series and RUSE comes to mind, except those games dont have FPS/TPS views and unit interaction with objects and the environment is limited compared to Arma - its just point and click to move/order. It would basically be a hybrid of strategical turn-based, RTS and FPS/TPS.
  24. disco.modder

    MK18 Mod 1

    Ran a few weapon mods together and did a bit of a review. As pointed by the arrow: I thought the way he grips the foregrip looks weird. It seems like his hand is dislodged of the socket and bought down a bit to grip the piece, if you get what I mean. Anyways maybe a variant with the foregrip closer to the mag? Perhaps even variants without the foregrip, but the player hand on the magazine like below? http://static.progressivemediagroup.com/uploads/imagelibrary/Colt_M4_Carbine_Army.jpg (147 kB)
  25. disco.modder

    [WIP] USAF Air Asset MOD

    Great to see how this mod is progressing m8. Am particularly interested in seeing whats in the works for the ground aspects of the USAF. Perhaps even a PJ unit along with their Pavehawks - Of course Im talking about the Pedro choppers and they're crew from the series: Inside Combat Rescue. :p