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About blaze1093

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  1. blaze1093

    Inventory bug?

    I started up normal 'ArmA 2,' not Operation Arrowhead, and I get the same behavior there as well. So random and irritating.
  2. blaze1093

    Inventory bug?

    Has anyone figured this out? I haven't. I disabled all mods. I can't disable "expansion" or "beta"... perhaps those are the culprits?
  3. I'll have to search out the problem the hard way, thanks for the reply. And that picture is old. That's when I was even newer at ArmA 2 modding than I am now. :)
  4. So yeah, I can choose the 1st item no problem. It takes up one space. I choose a second item, and it chooses those two random spaces. That wouldn't bother me so much if it wasn't for the fact that if I choose a 3rd item, it replaces the 2nd item in both slots. The other inventory slots will NOT fill out. Also, apparently I can't carry more than 1 mag for my sniper rifles. I have a ton of mods installed. http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k526/blaze1093/Untitled-1.png (173 kB)
  5. Thank you very much for your responses. 99% of my problem was the fact that I wasn't launching with the 'beta' .exe... found out it existed by accident. :P Putting the files in the proper subfolders fixed everything else. All mods up and running! I can't wait to die immediately.
  6. Thanks for the reply. I've tried CBA_CO as well, with different but similar results. Here are some pictures of my order and the error message I get initially when attempting to start all mods: http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k526/blaze1093/Untitled1.png (714 kB) http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k526/blaze1093/Untitled3.png (656 kB)
  7. I have Combined Operations updated to the latest build. I have the beta patch, cba_A3, but even that has problems. After that, with ACE all the way down there are problems with every mod that causes the game to not launch. Literally, every single mod has a problem that prevents it from launching. I'm very new to the game and am attempting this for the first time, but every turn for information on the internet is a dead end.