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Everything posted by Macser

  1. Macser

    OFP Addon request thread

    Have you tried asking modemmaik directly? If anyone's likely to have it, it's him.
  2. Macser

    Free Games

    An old classic. I'll be grabbing that...
  3. Macser

    Animating In OFP

    Yeah. What the Prof said, is what I was getting at. A blending value between states. The nebulous part about it all, is how the values interact. You can change some values and see no noticeable effect. But something like interpolationspeed seems to be a global value for a state. Changing that will have a very definite effect. But not always a good one. If it's too long you get a strong feeling of inertia, and foot shuffling. Perhaps the blend values interact with Interpolationspeed as a kind of fine tuning. Class interpolations may cover interpolations globally where no explicit values have been entered. But I can't speak with any certainty about it. About the weapon. I don't know what to tell you. That's not the trajectory I see when firing. The rounds drop as usual at range. It behaves identically to the default for me.
  4. Macser

    Animating In OFP

    Comparing it to the default, there's no visible difference for me. Are you using any custom animations? They will affect aiming. For both the player and the AI. I don't see any correlation between the value in class interpolations and the values in the states themselves. I'm not saying you're wrong. It just doesn't seem consistent to me. What makes you come to that conclusion?
  5. We all make generalisations from time to time. As Gunter said, the irritating little toads you encountered are representative of themselves, not a whole community. I've never played random games online with people i don't know. That doesn't always mean joining a clan, or knowing people on a personal level though. Many of them I'd have interacted with here on various levels. I think it's the anonymity that breeds that kind of idiotic behaviour. It may seem like that's a hassle, just to have a quick game. But in the long run, it's worth it to avoid the monkeys and have an enjoyable experience once in a while.
  6. Macser

    Animating In OFP

    There's very little documentation available on what certain entries actually do. Or if their even configurable by a modder. You could probably spend as much time experimenting and researching as you could modding. I don't honestly know why they have their own entries in class interpolations. Or even why they're necessary. I don't think the developers could give you much more information on it either. From what I've read it seems to create links between different states that use interpolateTo, interpolateFrom etc. Exactly how..I couldn't tell ye. I believe that 0.5 represents blending time between states. I just don't know what the real world value of that number is. I''m guessing there's a relationship between it and interpolationspeed= XX; Interpolationspeed has a direct impact when changed. It can slow down or speed up the blending between states. It's possible that 0.5 interacts with the interpolationspeed value. Perhaps acting like fine control. But like I said, there's almost no good information on that. Cfgmoves is a very confusing and barely understood aspect of a config. Be careful with interpolationspeed though. Too much, or too little and your characters can end up doing a shuffle dance, instead of switching, or stopping. Moving those two memory points will change the position of the bullets leaving the weapon. I don't understand why it's not working in your case.
  7. Macser

    Animating In OFP

    If I'm to be honest, I've seen no appreciable difference between something like WW4, for example, and vanilla frame rates. Which doesn't surprise me, as their essentially the same with some tweaks. You might see a small difference with mine and vanilla. But at this point I'm letting myself have some fun. It gets a bit boring being cagey all the time. Try moving the "pilot" memory point for your characters. I can't promise it'll behave if you move it too far out of position. But there's no harm experimenting. I don't know of any config based method to get it done. The only entry affecting camera position is for position in third person.
  8. Macser

    Animating In OFP

    I use Blender. Start to finish. No OFPanim at all. I've done hundreds of self-made animations so far. And the workflow is relatively simple once you get a little experience. Generally it's far more intuitive than OFPanim, which I used for years. It was good for it's time. But it doesn't have the kind of flexibility Blender offers. The main advantages are : The inclusion of IK. The control over animation via curves. Allowing you to smooth out any glitchy behaviour, or cleanly take out unnecessary key frames. The ability to create a library of sequences within a single Blend file. The ability to also test and modify weighting on a character, in real-time, within the same blend file. If you choose to. Alwarren's arma toolbox makes the export possible with some minor tweaks to an animation. And there's also an rtm import script out there, which works very well. I'm currently using it to convert A2 animations for OFP. All you need is an armature that matches the bone structure contained in the rtms you're importing. I know there are a few people still animating for OFP . They may be using Max or Maya. But I can't compare the process as I haven't used either program in a very long time. Blender doesn't appeal to a lot of people, particularly if they're used to the big names. And the UI seems to bother many people too. There's many reasons for that. But if you concentrate on the areas that interest you and research them, you'll get what you need. If you have any questions I can help with, feel free to ask.
  9. Most folks on Patreon seem to be making less than 200 dollars a month on a regular basis. Often, less. And there's many professional artists counted among them. People with years of experience and education. It seems to be the same rationale as with youtube. The people making decent money are good marketers. Regardless of the content. They usually have videos that are accessible to all, with extras and more focussed videos for those who want to shell out some cash. That gives potential patrons something to make a decision with at least. You're already in a niche market. It may be premature to expect money at this early stage. And I only noticed this thread by accident. I doubt many people are even aware of what you're doing outside of your mod. And like Pufu said. You're dealing with communities that have an unusually emotional response to someone who wants to make money out of a hobby. So you'll have to accept that exists, and deal with it sensibly. There's no point in losing it with the first person that expresses a negative opinion. Because there's likely to be many more. If you don't agree, then state your reasons and leave it at that. I wouldn't advise engaging in to and fro arguments. In much the same way you wouldn't do it at a "regular" job. But I do wish you luck with your endeavour.
  10. Naturally, if a new engine is on the horizon, resources should be devoted to that. But still. Some of the same problems have been around for well over a decade. New features have been added, and some previous problems were solved over the years. But many were carried into new iterations of the engine.I don't see anything unreasonable in mentioning it. Even at this late stage.
  11. Macser

    How do I put files into my posts?

    Sites like Filedropper, mediafire or many others. You upload a file to the site, it gives you a link you can share with others. The downside for free hosting( without any sign-up/registration) is usually the length of time the file is kept active. It varies from one site to another. Some sites will keep the file active as long as they're being accessed regularly. I think most of them have a set time limit, of roughly 30 days. After which the link goes down. If you just want to post an image, go with something like Imgur. It's well known and simple to use. Click on the "new post" button on that linked page.
  12. Macser

    Advanced AI Mod - WIP

    People might have assumed you were joking around. It wouldn't be the first time it's happened on the boards.
  13. For me it's more of an oversight than a bug. I'm genuinely surprised to hear that it made it into the flagship title though.
  14. Use view geometry lods to Occlude sunlight As was pointed out to me recently, by hitman1987, the view geometry lods will occlude sunlight passing through a hull. I'd never used it before now. And I notice a lot of modders have done the same over the years. The lack of good documentation probably didn't help. There have been some mentions of it here on the boards. But nothing too specific from what I've read. It will also occlude other p3ds. This isn't much of an issue for the cargo sections of vehicles. But for an aircraft view pilot I found you get the best results by keeping the view geo mesh inside the boundary of the view lod. That way P3ds don't disappear as they pass in front of the view geo. keep them simple. You don't have to use simple cubes of course. But don't waste time trying to get it perfect either. It looks like an effect around the lights up front. But that's the sun poking through. And without the view geo it's visible at any point in the cockpit. I haven't really tested it out to a high degree. If you make the mesh slightly too big you will see P3ds disappear completely as they reach the edge of the view geo. So it prevents them from being rendered. I don't know whether that affects frame rate negatively, or positively. It's reasonable to assume it's a positive thing. But then I'm not a programmer.
  15. Excellent. And it looks to be a lot more organised than it was previously.
  16. Now that's devotion... And quite a line-up of features. Glad to see there's still life in the game .
  17. Hey. Never spotted your reply until now. I have all the necessary tools and resources to get the job done. It's not only possible, it's not very hard. You just need two rigs. One of which your OFP models are bound to. The other to import the A2 anims. It's possible you would get some slow down with a lot of units on screen. But that's likely anyway where you have a large number of AI on a map. I've considered scaling the animations down. But I've enough to do just getting them ready without an extra step. It's mostly about time and motivation.
  18. I don't understand. You think Morthon was pulling a belated April fools?
  19. Macser

    Missing texture

    Yeah. What ever the status of the texture, the mesh normals are inverted. Consider using use Alwarren's Arma toolbox.
  20. I can understand if you're concerned about it being stolen or edited without permission. But this is a public record of it at least. If you PM just me, with a link to the blend file it increases the chances of solving the issue. That's entirely up to you of course. I won't badger you about it. But the option is there for you.
  21. I've seen that occasionally too. Not much these days. But it was almost always user error on my part. Still, I can't remember the exact circumstances. Have you checked "arma object properties" for all objects to be exported? Do you have multiple objects on the same layer? Although those shouldn't really cause a traceback error. If you like I could have a look at the blend file. Just PM me a link.
  22. I thought you might've meant commands. And that if you had found some that were useful in OFP, you might list them. But I see you were talking about config values. Although I have a lot to do myself, if you have something specific in mind, I might be able to help out. Contact me by PM if you like. No point in bringing the thread too far off topic. It's up to you whether or not you want to share information.But I'm sure anybody still playing or modding the game would be interested in any new or little known aspects of it. I assume that's the main reason Rozek started this thread.
  23. It's important to back up any claim with some evidence. Exactly which "values" ( Commands?) are you talking about?
  24. I do use GOG myself. And had A3 been available through that service I'd own a copy. But from what I understand it's not a simple case of creating a game and just throwing it to distributors. I assume on a technical level there has to be a modified version tailored to each one. I can't claim to know what the cost of that is, either in monetary terms or hours spent of course. I'm just guessing they decided to take the easier route and have one distribution service and one version of the game. Less to keep track of and maintain probably. Still. I don't think that's going to affect the community that exists around it.As I mentioned before, I believe that's in the hands of the people playing/modding the game. Oddly enough, most of the people I've helped out over the past few years have been using A3. And that wasn't through steam. It's not the only way to connect with folks. I think discord has gotten pretty popular outside these boards. Obviously I see things from a modding pespective, more so than a player's. But I don't think that makes what I'm saying any less valid. Deano's still creating things that are as frightening as they are interesting.
  25. Macser

    Red dot in night vision problem

    Glad to see you got something going. It looks very nice. Welcome to the world of work-arounds.