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Everything posted by 7rust

  1. Hello guys, Im using the respawnTemplate MenuPosition (also known as Zeus respawn window). But the menu shows me a huge amount of position from units I placed on the map. Is there any way to prevent using the positions of units as respawn position? I was thinking about BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition, but I dont have any ID of the positions. Regards 7rust
  2. It seems that TFAR is currently not supporting A3's Respawntemplate: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/File:A3_respawnSelectPosition.jpg If players die and wait until they can respawn at the selected position they can talk and hear all other players :X
  3. Thanks for your replies, I have to correct myself. I was wrong, the respawn positions shown in the template are created by markers called respawn_west_1, respawn_west_2, _3, _4 ...ect. the dublicated markers are a result of merching the mission file several times. I will add a note to the wiki-page that the respawn template uses all markers starting with respawn_west.
  4. 7rust

    spawn or execvm?

    Alright, thanks guys!
  5. 7rust

    spawn or execvm?

    Small question: How many spawn-threads can be opened in Arma 3? Is there any number or any maximum? I guess its depending on servers hardware is it?
  6. You could use the faction colors by using colorOPFOR, colorBLUFOR ect. instead of generating the specific color using a rgb code (in: QS_fnc_iconColor) :) Thanks for your work :)
  7. 7rust


    Hi Flummi, to get a better simulation about the german Bundeswehr you should add some damaged and not working planes and helicopters. As well some expensive UAVs without pilots. Ahhh and dont forgett the best, a detailed unit of Ursula von der Leyen would be awesome! For those people who dont understand, some jokes about our german politics and our multi talented defence minister: http://www.economist.com/news/europe/21621876-germany-able-give-its-allies-more-military-help-chinks-armour Thanks for your awesome work! Regards
  8. Great work! :) Would be great if there would be any additional parameters like what units yo u want to show: ["player","ai","allsides"]
  9. I cant follow you, whats a Common Composition Base?
  10. Hello Com, I added a bunch of custom mods to my Zeus mission, all of this content is working and I can play the mission in singleplayer without any problems and as Zeus I can place every custom object I want. When I play the mission on my linux A3 server nothing of the custom content is available to Zeus. Whats the reason for that? I guess my setup is correctly (otherwise the objects wouldnt be available in singleplayer), I have placed the Gamemaster module and set it to "Addons present in the mission", synced one unit/object of every mod with the module ect. Where is the problem? Thanks for your time, best regards!
  11. 7rust

    Ukraine General

    Hey guys, I dont want to interrupt the discussion but I want to ask a question. Since the beginn of the conflicts in the Ukraine I never inform myself about what happening there, it was confusing who is fighting against who and for what reason. Is here someone who could explain and sum up the fractions and the reason for this "war" in general. This would be very helpful for me and also for other people and make it easier to follow and understand the events happening there. kind regards!
  12. No answer yet, any ideas how to solve? :x
  13. 7rust

    What's a good IDE for Arma?

    Well, this Armadev plugin for Eclipse looks interessting! :eek:
  14. Small update, after reworking my description.ext I was able to output my GUI to the users screen using: 1 cutRsc["LIGHT_IED_DIALOG","PLAIN"]; But I am unable to find my display (via idd) to change some content of the Text :X disableSerialization; _disp = findDisplay 123; //outputs "no display" so it cant find the display idd which I have defined in my dialog. _test = _disp displayCtrl 1000; _test ctrlSetText "kjdsfkjdsf"; DES EXT: class rscTitles { class MY_MAIN_CLASS { idd = 123; movingEnable = false; enableSimulation = true; duration = 2; fadeIn = 0; fadeOut = 0; //class RscText; class Controls { class MY_CLASS_NAME: RscText { idc = 1000; text = ""; x = 0.171875 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.612 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.177188 * safezoneW; h = 0.028 * safezoneH; }; [......]
  15. Hello guys! In the world of Arma-scripting some parts looks terrible complex and some parts just easy. Designing GUIs seems to be one of the more terrible parts, I currently dont know where to start. At the moment I am using the description.ext to design my interface. At the beginning I just want output permanently(!) some text and some variables on the users screen. My current description.ext is containg this: EDIT: Removed my old and wrong description.ext. Just two basic lines, one above the other. How do I call this GUI in my sqf right now? It seems that there are different ways to tell the GUI to draw itself. cutRsc["ExampleTitle","PLAIN"]; //draw the GUI just for some seconds and fades out or something like: _ChildControl = (findDisplay 72014) displayCtrl 22; //does not work :X Whats the better one and where is the difference and how does it work? I guess the command to change the texts of the GUI is depening on what kind of function I use to draw my GUI. Please note, that I am new to arma-scripting and that are my first tries. Best regards Luca
  16. 7rust

    What's a good IDE for Arma?

    Notepad++ together with the SQF plugin is great combination. Adds syntax-hightlighting: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680
  17. 7rust

    Zeus Feature Request Thread

    My latest submissions/ideas I added to the feedback-tracker: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=19637 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=19625 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=19608
  18. Thanks guys! The guide helped me alot, but there is one thing I dont not understand. Where is the difference between cutRsc and this displayCtrl-stuff? If I understand it correctly, cutRsc is to splash a dialog and the display commands to create something like a display where the gui is drawed on? Now I have createn an interface (with the A3 gui-editor) exported it and included it into the description.ext (now with correct idds, idcs and durration). But how to splash the GUI and how do I splash and remove it from the screen and how to I change the text of a certain class? Thanks for your time! best regards
  19. Save all your markers in a array and fetch the array with a forEach; _markers = []; //array with all markers _marker = 0; //Adding a new marker _marker = createMarker[...]; _markers = _markers + [_marker]; //adding your marker to the markers array if(count _markers > -1)then { { deleteMarker _x; _markers = _markers - [_x]; }forEach _markers; };
  20. 7rust

    Warfare BE: ACE Edition

    Hello guys, I just have a small problem and I dont know how to solve it. So when I am started the Mission on Takistan I cant start playing: If I go back to lobby and join again the game I am outside the map, far away from the HQ. When I kill myself I respawn and the same position outside of the map. Here a all expansion-packages I'm using: http://7rust-Dev.bplaced.de/IMG/W3/aoa_expa.png (1163 kB) And my startup-parameters: -cpuCount=4 -noPause -skipIntro -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion I also updated to the latest beta patch and I am staring ArmA 2 OA with steam...I tried so many things before this post but I wont works :( Please help, best regards!