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Everything posted by six_ten

  1. six_ten

    WRP File error

    I have the same error when rebuilding my terrain (and have never encountered it before with this terrain or this model). "ERROR: there is no config.bin/cpp found for \a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_f.p3d It's addon name cannot be determined"
  2. federick1234, I read this thread the other day then just now saw this video and the guy points out exactly this max elevation 4000 entry -- check this out it may help you https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=owFePP8DH14&list=PLUiViqS-dLHq0o7IM7_5u6tCMy-F3CVW6#t=426
  3. Very cool features -- how customizable is this system, like can we put custom addons, uniforms, gear, vehicles etc in the selections>?
  4. scotg if you want to understand how these work and make your own, be sure to check out the Samples_F in your ARMA tools dir. Specifically there's a Test_Tank and Test_Car that you can completely open, tear apart, modify, and learn from. It includes the configs, model.cfg, the models themselves, etc.
  5. six_ten

    [WIP] Black Powder mod

    I'm sure I'm missing something simple here but I can't see what.. Currently when a ship is sunk I have a killed EH that creates a bunch of bales and barrels full of gear, ammo, etc. (in future I'd like for these to be filled by getting a percentage of what the player had in the ship's inventory (so there's an advantage in capturing rather than sinking the enemy) but for now they're pre-filled.) These bales and barrels float around above the wreck and I want to make it so other players can sail up near the wreckage and collect the booty. I still haven't figured out how to get the cargo on board (I'd like to haul it up and attach it to the deck I think then the player can open the bale or barrel and put the stuff in his ship's hold. Not sure. Anyone have any ideas?
  6. six_ten

    Model is front heavy

    For the benefit of the guy who a year from now has this same problem and finds this thread, how did the visual LOD cause the problem, and how did you solve it?
  7. six_ten

    [WIP] Black Powder mod

    It did work, but I don't know why. Its weird, I do have custom inheritance on the tents and on the field fortifications, but they worked okay. I'll have to do more testing to find out.
  8. six_ten

    [WIP] Black Powder mod

    (fully working) tents config -- i can disassemble, carry, and reerect any of the tents or build them from parts. Starting to think it would be nice to have them able to function as respawn points. In large set piece battles the camps could then function as a secondary target -- if your team can capture the enemy camp you stop his reinforcements in that area... no idea how respawn works, and this is just something that's been turning over in my mind. Really won't know how any of this works til I get it into a MP game and see how people use it as opposed to how I've been thinking about it. I need a real crafting system instead of this method... Edit -- I've made versions of the Wall and Wedge tents that can function as infantry respawn points.
  9. six_ten

    [WIP] Black Powder mod

    i can disassemble the cannons and pick up theri parts, but the original cannon doesnt disappear like it should, and i cant assemble anything with the parts edit: fixing now...
  10. six_ten

    Model is front heavy

    In Geom LOD is the mass distributed evenly?
  11. What's the problem with these commands (I'm trying to use them in my mod)?
  12. six_ten

    Import Stratis Into Terrain Builder

    Did you miss the part in his posts where he asked "What is the easiest way to add the islands And where is the directory?" and "... I don't won't to redo all the config" He ain't ready for what you describe. But he is interested in modifying terrain, so if he takes the basic simple steps to learn how to get a basic island in game, he can eventually.
  13. six_ten

    [WIP] Black Powder mod

    Working on getting anchors to be cool...
  14. six_ten

    Import Stratis Into Terrain Builder

    He's under no obligation to say anything in "a nicer way." He was right. You don't know the first thing so we're trying to help you learn that first thing. We know "that not everyone is pro at terrain building" and in fact offered you some good advice on how to learn it based on experience. Make a tiny practice map and get it working; you'll get lots of help if you do that, and you'll gain the knowledge to later on build whatever you can imagine.
  15. six_ten

    Import Stratis Into Terrain Builder

    If you're looking for the "easiest way" to do anything terrain related, terrain modeling probably isn't for you. If you haven't already found the directory on your own, then you definitely aren't ready for it and you won't get much help here since you haven't taken that initiative. Start by making a very small map, maybe just 4 km square, all ocean with a little island in the middle of it. Figure out how to get that running. That will give you a manageable project on which to learn.
  16. Been working this morning for several hours, fixing stuff, previewing in editor, repeat... The update downloaded, I restarted, got back to fixing and previewing and now my character animations are screwed up. What other things have changed and how do we fix them?
  17. six_ten

    Categories in editor

    I'll read the configuration information, thank you for that link. As for icons, I want at least the option to use my icons properly sized and always showing, not bounding boxes as they are now. I understand why you prefer boxes, but for myself the extra work is worth the precision resulting when building my maps. If its an option then you all can just use bboxes and I'll use icons. For boats, place one in the map view. Edit -- in the modding link you posted, I see (in the sample config) " vehicleClass = "MySubcategory"; // Class from CfgVehicleClasses. Depreciated, should not be used anymore." Does that mean only for the editor or in general? Should I just create an Eden config containing my vehicle classes (but called editorSubcategory instead) so they'll be listed separately? Or can I just modify my addons to include an "editorSubcategory = " line in each cfgVehicles and it will automatically be grouped correctly? Also, can I make an MyEdenAddon.pbo and just keep it with my mod in A3 or does it require its own mod? (It would be nice to include it in my mod since others could use Eden the same way when using the mod).
  18. six_ten

    Categories in editor

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Eden_Editor:_Modding hmm
  19. The mod itself is a great idea; using Tripwire's content isn't. You're on the right track with recruiting people to record original content, go with that.
  20. six_ten

    Request for Arma 3 Samples

    Thanks! -- If you want a model to use as the base I'll give you one of my sails or a different sized flag model -- and meanwhile, can you guys just tell us how to do it to help us until you get a sample made?
  21. six_ten

    Eden Feature Requests

    you can remap the controls to use WASD. I never use WASD so I had the same problem you did. Up top, change controls -- but for some reason they disabled arrow keys! fix that please I want arrows for movement. By the way I love the new editor. -- I want to use arrow keys to navigate -- I never use WASD and arrows are better for me. I tried remapping to use them but it ignores that. -- map behavior -- when I double click while adding a layer I dont want to fly to lower left corner of map, I want to stay where I am in map view. -- I'd prefer icons to bounding boxes for placing buildings (I'm using the editor to pre-locate buildings for a terrain I'm building) -- Make Terrain Builder work like Eden
  22. If it's just going to be a stationary object, build a cube and put a roadway and a path on it. It doesn't need to be a ship if it won't be sailing.
  23. I'm going to try to modify this for my mod, which won't use any of the normal A3 items so I'll be removing them and adding my own. Is it possible to add the ability to sell items to the shop then other players can buy them from it?